[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 突然ですが、この場をお借りして公表させて頂きたい事があります。 私達夫婦は、ちょうど一年程前から妊活を始めました。 妊活を始めるにあたって、お互いの体に...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は "Facebook" のトピックと関連があります。 scintillar さん kamitoki さん sujiko さん atsuko-s さん [削除済みユーザ] さん [削除済みユーザ] さん nobuyoshi さん m-nao さんの 8人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 20件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 2261文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 1時間 28分 です。

tets-uedaによる依頼 2016/12/15 19:15:12 閲覧 3994回
残り時間: 終了



評価 55
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 19:33:30に投稿されました
It's kind of sudden but I'd like to borrow this opportunity to announce something.
We, husband and wife, started trying to get pregnant exactly a year before.
To start getting pregnant we both husband and wife got examined at the hospital to see whether there was no problem with either one of our bodies.
They found nothing wrong on my part, but they found male infertility for his.
Because his case is special and there is no cure so far, the only method to treat this was to use a drug with strong side effects on the feminine part of his body to artificially assist conception.
kamitoki- 8年弱前
sorry! "feminine part of his body" = the woman
評価 51
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 19:33:23に投稿されました
I am very sorry for sudden notice, but I would like to take this opportunity to announce one thing.
When we started trying to conceive, we took the checkups together at the hospital whether our health would have no problem.
I did not have any problem, but my husband was impotent.
His issue is very special and the treatment has not been solved yet. So, we had only way to start the treatment that use the medicine with strong side effects to female's body and assist to get pregnant artificially.


評価 60
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 20:04:53に投稿されました
My body, having a youthful womb, especially easily had side effects to the medical treatment, among them things which went hand in hand with pain which made me scream out, and because there was an excess imbalance of female hormones, my physical condition rapidly got worse and I became mentally unstable.
Because of that sort of stress, chronic diseases returned, and I fell into a situation where I had to receive dialysis treatment, spending my life in hospital.
Finally I couldn't even produce my voice, and contact with friends, relatives and acquaintances was completely cut off, I couldn't even go outside on my own, and I was cornered to one step this side of suicide.
評価 55
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 19:47:21に投稿されました
I with a body whose womb is young, was especially susceptible to the side effects of the treatment. Some of them came with pain that made me cry and scream. My female hormonal balance too was severely destroyed and so my body's condition worsened and I worry about mental health as well.
From this sort of stress I relapsed into a chronic disease so I was admitted to the hospital and I fell into a condition that I had to receive dialysis.
It became hard to call my sisters, and I absolutely refused to communicate with my friends, relatives and other people I know. It became hard to go outside alone. I was cornered one step away from suicide.


評価 60
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 20:15:03に投稿されました
He continued to support me like that, and I spent every day in great pain, blaming myself. I had so much emotional instability which I vented on him, but he didn't lose his composure even once.
He prioritized taking care of my body and spirit, always piling on endurance on top of endurance, having tenderness and affection,
What I hoped for was that he would afford me brushing away any kind of scapegoating, and if I was even able to smile a little, he would curtail me by all means.
評価 55
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 19:58:41に投稿されました
He who has continued to support me like this, blamed himself and every day passed agonizingly.
I who became so emotionally unstable, lashed out at him with this but he never once lost his composure.
Always patient, with love and tenderness, what mattered most was caring for my body and heart.
He paid whatever sacrifice to give me what I wanted. If I could smile just a little he would go through any hardship.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 19:21:43に投稿されました
He who supported me must have had hard days by blaming himself.
I was mentally unstable and tried to throw this feeling to him, but
he has never been upset.
By trying to be patient repeatedly all the time with kindness and affection,
he put priority on taking care of my body and mind.
He did what I requested no matter what kind of sacrifice he had suffered.
He also did everything by sacrificing himself to make me smile even a little.


評価 60
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 20:20:44に投稿されました
When he had a holiday from his work, the two of us went far away, distanced ourselves from the noise of the city, and just spending time in nature became our sole relaxation.
We discussed things many times, temporarily ceased trying to have a baby, and decided to start again from the following year.
During that period of several months off, we reflected on things calmly, and returned to our original way of thinking.
Even up to this point, we didn't try to stop ourselves from having a baby, and maybe this was related to the serious problem of declining birthrates in Japan.
評価 55
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 20:06:52に投稿されました
When he had a break from work we would go on picnics, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and it was only by spending time in the middle of nature that we could breathe a sigh of relief.
We talked about it many times and decided to take a break from conceiving and start again the following ear.
During the many months of that rest period, we became level-headed enough to think about things, and was able to return to how we were thinking before.
Even at this point we have not decided to stop trying and that maybe has to do with Japan's severe problem of the declining birthrate.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 19:30:54に投稿されました
When he had a day off, we went far away where we were away from busy city and spent in nature. It was only our respite.
We talked several times and stopped trying to be pregnant. We decided to try it again from next year.
During these several months when we were on vacation, we became to think about things calmly and can think in our own way again.
The reason why we did not stop trying to be pregnant under this kind of situation might have something to do with a serious problem where number of children is decreasing,


評価 60
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 21:16:52に投稿されました
When we get married we should have a baby, even though having a baby is natural after marriage, we feel that the pressure put on the wife when there is ill will from around about for not having children would put our hopes into disarray.
And then, speaking of infertility, due to the groundless prejudices that it's a problem from the woman's point of view, I think there would be an especially obstinate guard around my heart. From next year when we start the step up medical treatment as we planned, even considering the age of my womb and the number of eggs, conception should have been easy and the doctor gave that sort of diagnosis. However, we decided to choose a life that didn't particularly created more children.
評価 55
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 20:28:43に投稿されました
i feel that our thinking was affected by the pressure of having to have children after marriage and it's only natural to give birth and there is no ill-will surrounding couples who are married but have no children.
So, when you talk about infertility, due to the groundless prejudice that it is the fault of the woman, I think my heart has a side that became particularly stone-faced. If we start the advanced treatment as scheduled next year, even if you think of my womb's age and number of eggs, getting pregnant should have been easy, and that was what the doctors diagnosed. But instead we have decided to be those who would not make children.
kamitoki- 8年弱前
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 20:56:40に投稿されました
Because some people think that a married woman should give birth and it is too natural to do that, the pressure from other people on a married couple that do not have children have been making us crazy.
Also, an infertility is often wrongly believed to be a problem of a woman, and that made me particularly stubborn. If we would start a step-up treatment in the next year as scheduled, it would be easy to get pregnant regarding my uterus age and the number of oocytes, and our doctor also diagnosed that. But we have rather decided to choose a life without children.

『私達は子供が欲しいから結婚した訳ではない。 私達は皆が羨む普通の人生を望んでいた訳ではない。 ただ2人で一緒にいる事がとても楽しくて、心安らいで、とても幸せで、お互いを心の底から愛しているから、一緒にいたかっただけの事。 そこにもともと子供という存在は必要なかった。』

評価 60
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 21:08:32に投稿されました
"It doesn't mean that we got married because we couldn't have children. It doesn't mean that we desired a normal life which everyone could envy. However, the two of us are very happy together, and feel at ease in our hearts, and very happy, and because we love each other from the bottom of our hearts, we only wanted to be together. For that, the existence of a child wasn't necessary by nature."
Certainly, if we could be awarded a child that had our genes, we think that would be a very fortunate thing.
We eagerly look forward greatly to holding our baby in our arms, that isn't a lie.
評価 55
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 20:41:50に投稿されました
"We didn't get married because we wanted kids. We didn't want an ordinary life that others would envy. It was very fun with just the two of us, we were at peace, and very happy, we loved each other with all our hearts and only wanted to be together. It wasn't necessary from the start to have children."
Of course, if we were able to blessed with a child which carried both of our genes, I think we would have been very happy.
I was looking forward very much to be able to hold our child with these arms. That is no lie.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 21:04:27に投稿されました
"We did not marry because we wanted children. We did not hope to have a standard life that everyone envies. Just we wanted to be with each other because, when we were together, we enjoyed it, we were relaxed, and very happy, and we love each other from the bottom of our heart. Children were not necessary in the first place."
Of course it would have been very happy if we could have children who have our DNA.
It is not a lie that we have been longing for hugging our baby in the arm.



評価 60
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 20:59:43に投稿されました
However, the two of us considered our many troubles, and then became calm, and the way of life that seemed essential for us, the result which sought the way things should be for a true happiness for the two of us. From now on we opted not to particularly make children, but determined that the two of us remain married for life.
From now on, because we cannot have children, and because the two of us can jump strongly as individuals, we think we'll be happy and build up a funky life which people watching can enjoy as well.

Without adding parentheses, the truth is, we feel we will happily live appropriately for ourselves, freely, with smiling faces.
評価 55
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 20:51:59に投稿されました
But, at the end of both of our worrying, then becoming level-headed, we pursued a happy existence for us both, similar to how we were. From hereon instead, we chose a married life forever without making children.
From hereon, exactly because we have no children, exactly because we are strongly individual persons, I think we will enjoy ourselves, and build a funky life that those watching will enjoy too.
Without pretense, just how we are, just the way we are, freely, with smiles, living an enjoyable life, I think.


評価 60
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 20:49:41に投稿されました
And then the life of the two of us just as a married couple with no children is overflowing with so much love, and we feel we'd like to verify that we have ourselves an enhancement of our happiness.
"For sure God has bestowed on us a particular mission because we are unable to have children, not a life which raises children and leaves behind offspring."
Believing this, we are really positive and have a cheerful feeling, we could miraculously choose this fortunate decision together at the same time.
For us, this understanding of this decision was from inside our gut, and we were able to accept each other with a feeling of great fortune, without any kind of hesitation.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 19:38:20に投稿されました
We will prove that life by man and a woman without child is full of love, happy and satisfied by ourselves.
"God must have given us not a life where we leave offspring and raise children but a special mission that we can achieve since we do not have a child."
By believing so, we selected a forward looking, positive and happy decision together at the same time miraculously.
This decision is the most convincing and we accepted it very happily each other without any hesitation.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 21:15:27に投稿されました
And we are going to prove how our life is full of love and enriched by ourselves although we have no child, just two of us.
' The God must have given us a special mission that could be done because of we have no child, instead the life in which we have children and grow them up'.
We believe it, we miraculously chose the happy decision at the same time and together ,in constructive, hopeful mind.
This decision was the most comprehending, convincing one for us so, we could accept it with happy feeling without any hesitation.



評価 60
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 20:38:21に投稿されました
We now have a very excited feeling, and we can't help but look forward to life from now on.
This year was a very difficult year, but the bonds between the two of us were all the more strengthened, we learned many things, and it became a great year for growth.
As things are now, we are grateful from our heart to God who bestowed this sort of chance on us.
This composition stops before the eyes of people who suffer the same sort of troubles, and we hope it alleviates the harsh feeling even a little bit.
In addition, we'd be happy if it provides a chance of having new choices and aspirations.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 19:45:32に投稿されました
We are very excited now and seriously looking forward to our life in the future.
It has been a hard 1 year this year, but has been a remarkable year where we have strengthened our bonds furthermore, learned a lot and grown.
At this moment, we deeply feel grateful to God who gave this kind of opportunity.

We wish that those who have this kind of problem find this sentence and reduce their hard feeling even a little.
We are also happy if they start to have a new selection and hope by us.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 21:07:06に投稿されました
We are excited right now and can't help enjoying in our life.
We had a bitter experience in a year. But this makes bonds of us deepen. Furthermore, we were able to learn a lot of things. It was a brilliant year to grow up.
At this time, We are grateful that god have given us this kind of opportunity.

I hope that this sentence catches sight of people who has suffered the same distress and ease hard feeling a little bit.
Furthermore, We are happy to have the oppotunity new choice and hope.


評価 60
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 20:31:05に投稿されました
And then unsure words corner and hurt people bearing the problem of infertility so much, and people around you and especially Japanese people want to know the serious reality of Japan, where many people who fall into a dilemma in their lives because of this.
So as not to be hurt by uncertain words from around me from now on, in order to protect my wife, I am deeply grateful and respect, with feelings of pride from my heart, that boldness and bravery which agreed to make a dignified proclamation of the delicate condition of my body like this.
tets-ueda- 8年弱前
scintillar- 8年弱前
評価 51
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/12/15 20:43:26に投稿されました
I would like more people especially Japanese people to know the seriou fact that there are lots people who has problems with getting pregnant suffered from such disrespectful word, and at times, it makes some people commit suicide.
I am very grateful and respect for him who agreed to announce his naive body situation to not let myself get hurt by those words and protect my wife.
Thanks to his love, we were able to spend over the tough year with smiles.





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