[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 1.私がアーティストとして興味のあることは、「環境」から得るインスピレーションから作品を立ち上げること、そして、観客の五感を触発を与える「場」の提供だ。私...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は "ビジネス" "記事" "サイエンス" "フォーマル" "なるはや" "音楽" "" "文化" のトピックと関連があります。 chibbi さん ka28310 さん [削除済みユーザ] さん koqurepusher さん cognac31 さん tenshi16 さんの 6人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 16件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 1789文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 3時間 59分 です。

apiece7による依頼 2017/04/10 00:37:14 閲覧 4858回
残り時間: 終了


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/04/10 02:10:41に投稿されました
1. The thing which I am interested in as an artist is to build the work from the inspiration by getting from "circumstance", and to offer the "place" which gives audience's five senses inspiration. My works are surely to make by setting "flesh and blood" in the space. I think that a human possibility may be in "around the language rather than language itself" and "around the body rather than body itself". To express those or by deciding "distance" physically between audience and performers pull out the feelings and senses, then aim to give life to relationship of body.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/04/10 02:07:51に投稿されました
What interests me as an artist is to create a work inspired from « environment » and to provide “environment ” to stimulate all five senses of spectators. My works are always composed by having a “real human being” in spatial layout.
I think a hope for human being might be found in “around the words not in the words” and
“around body but not in body”
To make it appear or by deciding a physical distance between spectators and performer, I try to bring out emotions or feelings and highlight a relationship with body.

日常でのしがらみ(社会的役割など)をいったん横に置いて、他者の身体をじっくり見る行為を通して、自分と向き合うことのできる時間の提供。現在は、「演劇」「ダンス」「美術」各々の文脈でアーティスト活動している。ジャンルのハブになることで、既存のジャンルに新しい風を吹かせ、表現や思考の可能性の幅を広げる存 在であることを目指す。そして、「演劇」「ダンス」「美術」各々の文脈で語ることができ、同時にジャンルレ スな新しいジャンルの構築を目指す。

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/04/10 01:29:07に投稿されました
Let's just put restrictions in life( such as a social role) aside and imagine to spare time to confront yourself by observing someone's body carefully. At this moment, I work as an artist in the area such as "Play", "Dance" and "Art". Being in a center of the each field, I'm trying to show you possibilities to expand expressing myself and my thoughts by sending fresh air in the current field. Also, I can talk context in each "Play", "Dance" and "Art", and at the same time, I'm trying to build a new form of construction without having a form.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/04/10 01:31:50に投稿されました
As I put fetters of usual life (social position and so on) beside, The offer of time that can make you face to yourself through the activities that is watching other's bodies carefully. Nowadays I work as a artist at each context "acting", "dance" and "art". By becoming hub of genre, it will make new wave to present genres and I am aiming to be an existence that can widen potentials of expression and thinking. In addition, I can explain at each context "acting", "dance" and "art" and aim to create new genre as a genre-less at same time.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/04/10 01:09:16に投稿されました
Every day's ties such as a social role are put aside for a while, through seeing the others' body closely, then there is submission of time which I can face myself. Now I am acting as an artist in each context of "Play" "Dance" "Art". By becoming a hub of genre, I make the wind blow into the current genre, I am aiming that my presence is to expand the width of possibility of expression and thought. And I can tell by each context of "Play", "Dance" and "Art", at the same time I will aim to build a new genre without genre.

アーティストの実践とは作品をつくることだけでなく、作品を通してなににどういう貢献をしているのか自覚を持つことを含んでいる。それは立ち位置を自覚して、「アートとはなにか」「作品とはなにか」という問いへ答えることに繋がる「外部者」であることを求めて、「人間の本質」を追い求めていきたい。2.「都市の余白のような公園」と「Mind and body」をテーマに作品を創作したい。滞在場所近辺の公園についての歴史を調べ、各所を回るツアー型作品を創作する。

評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/04/10 01:53:24に投稿されました
Practice of the artists includes not only making their works but also having awareness of what kind of contribution they make through the works. I would like to pursue "the nature of a human being" by seeking to be the "an outside person" who is aware of his own position and is "the external" who leads to answering the question "What is art?" and "What is the work?" 2. I would like to create works based on the theme "A park like the margin of the city" and "Mind and body". I will study the history of the park near the place which I stay in and create a tour type of the work around each place.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/04/10 01:25:14に投稿されました
Artist's practice is not only creation of work and but also contains having consciousness of to what and what kind of devotion through the works. As I seek to be "Outsider" that will connect to answer " What is the art" and "What is the work" by understanding self position, I would like to search for " Essence of human". 2. I would like to create the work as a theme "The park like blank in a city" and "Mind and body". I search the history about the park around where I stay and make touristic works with traveling at each places.

人間の生活の営みが途絶えた「場」は、その「場」で 新しい物語を上書きする人々に対して、無言で何かを 教えて教えてくれる。 積み重ねられて複雑になっている「場」の歴史は、人間 の営みが途絶えた「場」に化石化している。 そこに、観客が違う物語を紡ぎ、 「場」の持つ意味の再解釈を身体を通じて探る。私はその場所特有の「匂い」と「音」、そして「ストーリー」と「メモリー」を追い求めている。自分で歩き、景色、建築、植物、歴史に思いを巡らせることで場所と密な対話ができると理解している。

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/04/10 01:17:36に投稿されました
"place" where human living are diminished will tell something to the people making new story on above at the "place" without saying. The history of "place" that become complex by piling up is becoming like fossil at "place" where human living are diminished. The audience will weave the different stories and look for reinterpretation of meaning that "place" have the through their bodies. I am seeking for endemic "cent" on the place, "sound", "story" and "memory". As I walk by myself and turn the view, architecture, plants and history over in my mind, I am sure that I could have a talk with the place.
評価 47
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/04/10 02:34:19に投稿されました
The work of life of humans has stopped, for the people that address new stories in that "place", are teaching something in silence. The history that piles up and becomes a complex of that "place" has stopped the work of humans and is becoming a fossil. The spectators follow a different story, they search through all their body on again the explanation of the waiting of that "place"'s meaning. I pursue the "scent" and the "sound", also, the "story" and "memories" of that place characteristics.
I walk on my own, I go around the thoughts of scenery, architecture, vegetation and history and understand if the place and the secret interactions.


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/04/10 02:46:03に投稿されました
I entrust reality that "If I go on walking, it is 'my place', in short, 'all of thought and impression are condensed, then I can meet the spot that they will become image, idea and project someday". Last year, I heard that the issue between Japan and South Korea is becoming more serious on the theater, but I thought I would like to face residence creative. I am Japanese and visit South Korea, and then I will visualize what I will feel in my five senses from the history of the "place" which is complicated by being piled. I may discover that they can exceed the issue between Japan and South Korea.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/04/10 01:08:27に投稿されました
「As I walk I will encounter with " my place ", that is to say I can meet eventually with " Whole thinking and impression are compressed and the spot that it will become image, idea and project." As last year I had heard the story that problem between Japan and Korea is becoming serious at the theater, I thought I would like to try the creation of Residence. I as Japanese visit to Korea and visualize what we feel to the five senses from the history of "place" becoming more complex by piling up. They can discover whether it is possible to overcome the problem between Japan and Korea.
評価 47
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/04/10 02:45:44に投稿されました
「If you keep walking 『My place』, in other words, 『the thoughts and impressions are condensed, that is the spot that becomes an image, idea and a project』where they come across」let's entrust this to that reality. Las year, I heard a conversation about Japan and Sout Korea relationship becoming serious but I thought they were looking out for a residence production. Myself as a Japanese visiting Korea, from the "place"'s history that's been piling up and becoming complex, I felt something from my five senses and I visualized. That is, I discover can the problems between Korea and Japan be overcome?

近年の問題意識は「なぜ『東京』に拠点を持ち暮らしているのか」。実母の故郷である東北から問いを考 えたときに、生まれた疑問。この個人的な問題を出発点に、「東京」で創作を行なってきた私が、異なる「場」で創作することを通して、自分にとって当たり前になっている立場を疑ってみることで「問い」を生み出したい。 このプロジェクトを通して、「部外者」としての保証があって土地を訪れ、また、全く違う言語で全く違う価値観に触れる。そして、土地にまつわる気づきや驚きのセンサーをより活発にしたい。

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/04/10 01:40:56に投稿されました
In recent years, awareness is that "why I live and have a base in Tokyo". When I think the question from Tohoku district of my mother's hometown, this question happened. This personal problem is the starting point, I have continued creative activities in "Tokyo", through creating in the different "place", I want to make "a question" by doubting the position which is common for me. Through this project, I have a guarantee as an "outsider" and leave the area, and then I touch quite different sense of value with quite different language. And I want to make notice about the area and sensor of surprise active.
評価 47
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/04/10 03:00:20に投稿されました
In the recent years, the awareness of issues are on 「why are they waiting and living in the location 『Tokyo』」.
A problem that was born since I thought that because my real mother's hometown was Touhoku. This personal problem's starting point was that I was making my work in「Tokyo」, making my work in a different place, for me I started doubting the position that was natural for me so I wanted to create this 「question」. For this project, there was a guarantee for 「outsiders」and visited other lands, So I got to experience a completely different language and completely different values. And the sense of notice and surprise related to that land had a twist and wanted to make it alive.


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/04/10 00:59:37に投稿されました
I've had a chance to visit many places and have worked there before. In many cases( I enjoy doing it), I travel without planning ahead. The first thing I always do is "Strolling". I would stroll unfamiliar places without purposes, seeking theme and places for my work, and I would pick things up from the ground and collect them. They can be some sort of shapes, materials, local customs, and event. Without exception, my work relates to those places that create them.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/04/10 01:01:36に投稿されました
I have opportunity to stay in several places and do activities so far. In almost came (I prefer it) I will go to travel without planning in advance. The thing that I always do first is " walking ". I will walk unknown places to seek for the place and form for the works without any idea and pick up the thing lied on road side. It is shape, material, regional habit or incidents. My work is deeply connecting with the place that I make it without any exception.


評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/04/10 04:35:47に投稿されました
I’d like to research in detail the object and build a bridge between people over linguistic and cultural barriers, between past and future, between inner scenery and external one.
This experience will not be separated from the experience of “now/here” through creative works and lives
between artists and between artist and the regional people.
Through this, I can say that to continue to create by having noticed again and again will be a contribution to the cultural diversity, so it will return to the world.
All these experiences help me who want to be always “outsider” and pursue “human nature”
評価 47
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/04/10 03:10:27に投稿されました
By investigating the subject with detail. between the people that climb over the wall of language and culture, between past and future, and between the inner scenery and the outside scenery I want to build a bridge. This experience, as a work activity or life, mutual artists or artists and the 「here・now」of the people of the region will become an experience that they won't understand. Inside of that I recognized something once again, To keep on a work contributes to a variety of cultures, it even can bring resolution to the world, right?. These experiences always seek an "outsider" and are helpful to me that I want to pursue the "essence of humans".





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