[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 愛するリサ元気にしてますか? 長い間があいてしまいましたが、私は元気です。 英語ができないのでなかなかメールを送ったりすることができず、 くやしいですが、...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は shimauma さん soulsensei さん setsuko-atarashi さん tearz さん huihuimelon さん [削除済みユーザ] さん steveforest さん namiotsubo さん taichi489 さんの 9人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 10件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 1192文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 0時間 18分 です。

yuka46による依頼 2020/03/18 21:27:05 閲覧 3360回
残り時間: 終了


評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2020/03/18 21:40:00に投稿されました
Dearest Lisa,

How are you?
It's been a while, but I'm doing fine.
Its' a pity that I have to have this email translated.
Otherwise, I can't email you easily as I'm not good at English.
The world is in a awful situation and I'm concerned about you every time I watch the news.
Does Corona have an impact on California as well?
I'm worried about you a lot. Are Olivia and your family doing well?
Here in Hiroshima, we haven't had any Corona-infected person yet, but the school I work for is closed as all the schools are closed now.

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2020/03/18 21:57:41に投稿されました
Dear Lisa,
How are you doing?
Long time no see, but I have been doing well.
It is not easy to send you an email as often as I want to because I don't speak English.
It is a shame but today I am having a language service and emailing you my translated message.
The world is in the middle of the chaos right now, and I never see the TV news without thinking about you.
How is the COVID-19 affecting in California?
I am very concerned. Olivia and your family, are they all okay?
Here in Hiroshima no one has been infected, but the goverment has shut down all the schools for now, so the school I work at has been closed too.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2020/03/18 21:57:55に投稿されました
How have you been, my loved Lisa?
It's been a long whole but I am fine here.
I am regretted that I can't email so often but I will ask translators about my sending this email today.
I am worried about Lisa as I saw the news everyday, because of coronavirus issue.
Is there any affection in the state of California?
I am so much worried about you and your family, too. How are Olivia and other family member ?
Here in Hiroshima, there is no people tested positive at the moment, but my working school remains close as precaution of all the schools are mandatory for closing.

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2020/03/18 23:35:32に投稿されました
My dearest Lisa, how have you been?
It's been a long time to write to you, but I am doing fine.
I would have written more e-mails if I were better at English, but I asked for translation service this time.
I see many bad world news and they make me anxious about you. Is there any influence also in California by Coronavirus? I am deeply worried about you. Are Orivia and all families doing well?
Here in Hiroshima, though there is no patient of COVID, all schools are closed and also the school where I work is.




評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2020/03/18 21:55:46に投稿されました
I'm trying to stay at home as much as possible with my children and will keep it up until the situation settles down!

It's been 2 years since my mother had a stroke.
I still remember that you tried to cheer me up at that time.

She still has higher brain dysfunction and memory disorder, but her speech disorder got well and she can have a conversation without problem.
However, while she remembers things in the past mostly, she can't remember books she read or TV programs she watched
as she is not good at short-term memory.
She feels ashamed and is worried if she can enjoy conversation with her friends, so she is not eager to go out.

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2020/03/18 22:03:11に投稿されました
Staying inside unless otherwise necessary or in urgent, I tend to stay at home with kids, but we will hang in there until the situation gets better!

It has been two years since my mother got ill.
I recall even today how much you encouraged me back then.

Still suffering from higher dysfunction and memory impairment, her speech disability has been almost gone and she can hold a normal conversation. It is just that she remembers some stuff from old times, but her short-term memory loss is still there after reading a book or watching TV not a whole lot stays in her memory. So she prefers to stay at home.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2020/03/18 22:09:03に投稿されました
To avoid non essential activity, we lately stay at home with children in house.
However I will be hanging there until the situation will be getting calm!
It's been just 2 years since my mother collapsed. I remembered well you encouraged me so much.
She has still symptoms of higher brain dysfunction and memory disorder but she can communicate with us for daily conversation without any problem as her language disorder was almost recovered. But the things long time ago was memorable but on the other hand, the memories for the recently is still having a problem so that these aren't memorised even reading the books or watching TV.
However she seems to be nervous on the daily conversation with her friend whether she could enjoy it or not. For the result of that, she spends time with rarely going out.



評価 51
翻訳 / 英語
- 2020/03/18 21:52:06に投稿されました
She was hoping to enjoy traveling with her friends in the future, she is still 66 so I feel very sorry for her.
But now she enjoys going out for lunch and shopping with the people she can rely on and Yuzua. We will slowly get better.
Yuzua will be a high school student this April!
Nayuta will be 3rd grade too.
Also Kanoa will be 8th grade!
Kanoa has been belong to the organization called Laboparty since he was 4 years old which has homestay program.
Kanoa has been excited to go to a homestay in Canada this July.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2020/03/18 21:40:58に投稿されました
She is still 66 and I feel pity her because she cannot travel even she was looking forward to travels with her friend. But she looks she enjoy having lunch or shopping with intimate friend. I hope she takes it easy together !
Yuzua will entre the high school in April!
Nayuta will be in the 3rd grade of elementary school student in April!
Kanoa will be the 2nd grade of junior high school student in April.
Kanoa joined group associated with as homestay called labo party in the programme since the age of 4.




評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2020/03/18 22:14:58に投稿されました
We are not even sure if we can go or not because of the Coronavirus that is making everything unclear.

They are working so hard on making albums about our background and family in English in an organisation which helps us prepare for the homestay. I hope they can fly there when things get better worldwide, I will be so sorry for them if they can’t make it happen.

It has been a long story but please look forward to the English skills of my girls so that they could talk with Olivia a lot when she could ever visit us again.

If I was able to speak it even a little, I would email you more frequently, Lisa...
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2020/03/18 21:48:16に投稿されました
Kanoa is looking forward to join the homestay in North America from July but it is uncertain whether being able to join or not due to the coronavirus outbreak.
The group is good prepared for the homestay and it is working well for making a album production in English about the history of life and family. However, I do hope Kanoa will be able to go homestay without any worries when the world situation will be getting calm even in a little bit more.

I am sorry for preface is too long but if Olivia will be visiting Japan someday, please expect the English conversation skill much better for my sisters.
If I were being able to make a conversation more I will email for Lisa so often...
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2020/03/18 22:34:23に投稿されました
Kanoa looking forward to my homestay (North America), which I will be going to in July of this year,but It's unclear that we could go or couldn't because situation is unstable.

Kanoa is working on an English album to express my birth and family, with the help of an organization that prepares for my homestay,However, I feel sorry if could't go, so I hope that this situation will be a little more stable globally and that wil able to go to overseas.

It was became a long sentence,but if Olivia comes to Japan one day, please wait while expecting for her sister's English skills until Kanoa will be good English as could talk with you.
If I managed to have a little conversation, I would email Lisa too often,but nah...
taichi489- 4年以上前

taichi489- 4年以上前




評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2020/03/18 21:45:30に投稿されました
English is really difficult.
But if I meet Lisa one day, I will use Japanese to express all my love, so it’s okay.
In any case, take care of yourself. I will always pray for you in Hiroshima.

As I love nature and living organisms, I requested for a homestay in North America.
I want to see nature and living things not available in Japan and take photos of them to show off to my family.
My goals for the homestay
●Express my opinions and feelings clearly
●Research on the culture and traditions of my homestay area and deepen my understanding when I experience life in person
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2020/03/18 21:49:50に投稿されました
English is really hard.
But, I can see Lisa someday, I will speak in Japanese as well as with full of love.
Anyway, please take care of yourself and do your best. I wish your happiness from Hiroshima.

As I like nature and animals, I chose my homestay in the North America in vast nature.
When I find nature and animals not being able to see in Japan, I would like to be proud of being there to my family by taking a lot of photos.

What I aim in the homestay is
●To tell what I think and feel to my landlady
●Checking culture and tradition of the homestay place, I would like to deepen my knowledge by feeling in the place.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2020/03/18 21:34:16に投稿されました
English is really difficult indeed.
But I will be able to see Lisa someday, I will be alight to make a conversation with my eternal love along with my Japanese language. Anyway please stay healthy and I will pray for your health from away form Hiroshima.

I love the nature and creature so much I hoped a homestay in North America where the vast nature is.
The aims of homestay are:
● Tell the feeling and though of myself
● Learn the tradition and culture of destination for my homestay, and understand along with the feeling that actually I will feel.



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