[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 回ってこなかったり、仕事を与えてもらえなかったりと、孤立させる感じさえ感じてとてもストレスでした。 毎日私が担当で任されていた、テープでバックアップ...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は "ビジネス" のトピックと関連があります。 fhsanda さん [削除済みユーザ] さん transcontinents さん gabrielueda さん [削除済みユーザ] さんの 5人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 20件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 2391文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 3時間 19分 です。

kanako0097による依頼 2015/08/21 00:57:15 閲覧 2540回
残り時間: 終了





評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/21 01:40:15に投稿されました
or I wasn't given task, I was very stressed to feel isolated.

Tsukimori san suddenly told me that I no longer have to do the task to back up with tape which I was in charge of every day.

The boss talked to Tsukimori san, Kashiwadate san and Eguchi san individually in order.
Then Eguchi san said I didn't talk to 2 others, but I didn't cut in when they were talking ill of people or general topics, I also had to study for test. I went to ask questions when there was something I didn't understand about work.
評価 51
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/21 01:06:07に投稿されました
It was very stressful that they didn't give me any works so I felt like I was isolated from others.

Suddenly I was told by Mr/Ms. Tsukimori that I don't have to back up with tapes which I have been in charge of.

My boss had conversations with Mr/Ms. Tsukimori, Kashiwadate, and Eguchi individually.
Mr/Ms Eguchi said that the other two didn't talk to him but when taking something bad about me or whatever behind me, I had studying for the exam so I didn't join.
I went to ask if there was anything I needed to ask about the job.




評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/21 01:44:30に投稿されました
4 of them including Tsukimori san and Kashiwadate san planned training for Eguchi and discussed. Also for this time, Tsukimori san ignored or didn't join conversation.

I called Elmo. Ms. Yamamoto (Female)
Consultation about workplace: I was stressed that Tsukimori san didn't talk only to me. I was advised to consult with my boss and see how things go.

I stayed in toilet for long time so I was called by my boss and talked for 2 hours.
I thought that I should tell everything including the reason I was in the toilet and my feelings, because if I don't i will be misunderstood that I'm just lazy. So I told my boss that I see psychosomatic doctor and
評価 51
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/21 01:12:23に投稿されました
The boss, Tsukimori, Kashiwadate and these 4 people had meeting to talk about Eguchi's training.
This time aslo Tsukimori didn't join in the conversation or just ignored.

Called Elmo. Ms Yamamoto.
Talk about: it was stressful that they talk to Tsukimori than me.
I get an advice that just see what happens.

I was called out by the boss because I was in a washroom for long time.
I told my boss the truth that why I was there because they might think that I was just being lazy.
The truth that I go to a psychosomatic clinic.





評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/21 01:47:44に投稿されました
I cry every day in toilet because Tsukimori san is really stressing. When I began telling everything, he took it seriously and consulted with the commander. Among communication between commander and the boss, they proposed that I temporary move to other room to at least ease my feeling.

I talked to my boss. I reported about counseling and stress status.
Also, I consulted that there is nothing to do and Tsukimori san still doesn't provide any information.

The boss sent me an email telling me to come back to my original seat little by little.

The counseling doctor at psychosomatic clinic
評価 51
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/21 01:18:59に投稿されました
That Tsukimori was feeling very stressed and can't stand anymore crying in a bathroom everyday.
Since I told my boss the truth he/she took it serious for the first time and he/she will tell the commander about it.

I got one suggestion from the commander that me temporary moving to an another room to reduce my mental burden.

I talked to my boss.i talked about the result of the consoling and how bad my stress is.
Also I told him/her that I haven't received any information fromTsukimori .

I got an email from my boss that I need to go back to my original seat little by little.


通信隊の方からCCメールでデスクトップを9台返却(Turn-in)する旨聞いたが、この情報も教えてもらえなかった。最初の頃は、Turn-in する事があれば、その都度情報を教えてもらっていたのに、それがなくなった


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/21 01:51:22に投稿されました
advised to stay away from Tsukimori san for little more while to regain my sense and I should be in different seat, so I received medical report and I was relocated to different room for 2 months till November 30.

I heard from the communication staff by CC mail that desktop 9 units will be turned in, but I wasn't given this information, either. Initially I was informed of every turn in, but it stopped.

When commander asked question that the email sent from scanner didn't open,
評価 51
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/21 01:23:55に投稿されました
I got this diagnosis from my doctor that I need more time to stay away from Tsukimori to get my sensation back so decided to be in another room for 2 months until November 30th.

I heard that from the communicator by CC mail that we will return the 9 of the desktops but I didn't hear about that as well.
In the beginning, I used to get that kind of information but then nothing.

When the commander asked about the email didn't open which was sent from a scanner,



評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/21 01:54:23に投稿されました
scanner next to the printer was gone, scanner was renewed so I had trouble. Tsukimori san is in charge of buying stuff, and does not let me know such information so this gives me troubles.

The boss proposed to keep work log book to record everyone's work. When the boss told Tsukimori san about that, he replied that "it'll be done in an appropriate manner from now on." As in Tsukimori san's email, I was not informed about this at all. He is class 5 and I'm 4, so Tsukimori san should have be providing a lot of assistance to users, but other than the first day there is hardly no record.
評価 51
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/21 01:30:40に投稿されました
The printer which was next to the scanner was gone and also the canner was new so I was confused.
Buying stuff was Tsukimori's task and he/she only didn't tell me about that information which I get confused.

As the boss' s suggestion, we started write Work log book to record our tasks.
When the boss told Tsukimori about it, he/sje replied "we do with the right way from now on".
As Tsukimori's email it didn't convey anything.
He's 5 grade and me 4, Tsukimori who has more assists for the users but there was no record in the first day.




評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/21 01:58:22に投稿されました
Only I don't get information and I couldn't understand how Tsukimori san assisted users from this log, so I was in trouble. Regarding this matter I sent an email to the boss asking to something about Tsukimori san for always ignoring me. The boss did not reply until 17th, so I resent email asking for consultation.

I consulted with my colleague Ishikawa san at year end party that I have problem with Tsukimori san.

User Ooi san's computer stopped and I asked communication party to repair it.
After that when I tried installing PD2 software on PC returned from repair,
評価 51
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/21 05:55:39に投稿されました
Not coming in and as you can see from this log, content of assistance Tsukimoto-san gave to customers was very confusing. Regarding this matter, I am worried that Tsukimoto-san will not change attitude to avoid me so I sent e-mail to my boss. I didn't get a reply until 17th so I sent my boss e-mail again and asked to arrange a meeting.

I talked about my concern to my colleague Ishikawa-san at the year end party at my work.

A computer of our customer Oishi-san was not working so I asked the information team to fix it.
After that, PD2 software to the PC that was fixed.


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/21 02:01:28に投稿されました
only Tsukimori san knew about existence of CD disk required for installation so I was troubled. When I checked with Tsukimori san about that, I understood that PD2 can only be installed on 32bit PC and I failed installation on this PC because it was 64bit. But after that Tsukimori san visited that user by himself, initialized PC based on HD for 32bit and I installed PD2. I wasn't reported about initializing disk for PC, and when the user (Griffin san) had same problem next
評価 60
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/21 04:32:53に投稿されました
(Later, when I was going to install the PD2 software in a PC that had return from repair), I had a problem, because the only person who knew about the existence of the CD that was required for the installation was Mr. Tsukimori. When I asked him about this, he told me that PD2 could only be installed in a 32 bit-PC (and since that PC was 64 bit, the installation had failed), which I understood, but later on, Mr. Tsukimori himself went to the user, formatted the PC using an HD for 32 bit machine, and then I installed the PD2. About the disk for formatting the PC itself, I was told nothing, so when the same problem happen with the user (Mr. Griffin),



評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/21 02:04:12に投稿されました
I didn't know where and who had disk to initialize PC and I was troubled. Existence of disk was eventually a problem of Griffin san again, and when I asked, I was told about location of disk and how to do it.

I don't remember the date about this, but roughly it was in December 2014, Tsukimori san suddenly tome me that "Please don't touch Excel (for managing and correct user data), I'll do it." There was no information from Tsukimori san, and I couldn't even see the file which contained entire user data, then I won't be able to do anything
評価 60
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/21 04:22:28に投稿されました
(when the same problem happened to the user (Mr. Griffin)), I had a hard time, because I did not know who had the disk to format the PC. But when Mr. Griffin had the same problem again, I asked about the disk and he told me where to find it and how to proceed.

I do nott remember the exact date, but I believe it was about December 2014, when all of a sudden Mr. Tsukimori told me "Don't touch the Excel (to manage and fix users' data), I'll do it". Beside the fact that I get no information from Mr. Tsukimori, I'm not allowed to see even the file where all the users' data are stored , I





評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/21 02:07:28に投稿されました
and it's nothing but teasing for me.

When Yasuda san asked about edigint access, Tsukimori san created access and he didn't teach me anything because he said he'll do access (Tsukimori san), so I had huge trouble. In this case Tsukimori san was on official leave so I couldn't ask him, I tried various operation and I solved it, but he should share instead of keeping things by himself.

I asked my boss for consultation again.

Consultation for workplace: The situation of workplace is still the same, only I'm isolated and I'm stressed that Tsukimori san does not talk only to me.
評価 60
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/21 05:01:59に投稿されました
I cannot do anything, and the only thing it feels like is harassment.

When Mr. Yasuda made me a question about the edition of access, I had a huge problem to answer it, because Mr. Tsukimori had said that access was something that he (Mr. Tsukimori) had made himself, so he would do everything related to it. That day, Mr. Tsukimori was on legal holiday, so I could not ask him. After trying many things by myself, I managed to solve the problem, but it is a serious problem when someone keeps something to themselves, without sharing with the others.

Once again I request a discussion with my superior

Workplace consultant: the workplace situation is still the same, with only myself isolated, and being the only person Mr. Tsukimori did not talk to,


メールのAuto Reply Settingで、月森さんの文章設定から、私の名前が外されていた


評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/21 04:16:00に投稿されました
Because I was stuck in such a stressful situation.

In the email "auto reply setting," my name was removed from Tsukimori's sentence setting.
This can only be changed by the person themselves. My name was included in the past.
I believe leaving only myself out form a list that includes everyone else in my system/department is bullying, and if there is an actual reason for removing me I will not be satisfied until I am told why.

When there was a question regarding the commander's Blackberry from someone in communications, I I went to Tsukimori for advice since I did not know much about Blackberry's and iPhone's
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/21 02:10:25に投稿されました
My name was removed from Tsukimori san's text setting on email Auto Reply Setting.
Only he can change the setting text. Previously my name was included, too.
He's leaving me out by deleting only my name among same system workers, if there is any reason he should tell me then and I'm not convinced.

When communication party asked about commander's Blackberry by email, I didn't know about Blackberry or iPhone so I asked Tsukimori san for advice





  • Word、Excel、PowerPointなど様々なファイル形式に対応
  • 文字数の上限がなく、素早い納品
  • よりスキルの高い翻訳者が担当
