[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 気持ちの良い空間でした。気持ちの良い刻でした。じゃあ、気持ち悪いのはなんだろうと思うと現実世界の邪念が入ること、のようです。 観客ひとりひとりの「自分の...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は "音楽" "記事" "" "文化" "手紙" のトピックと関連があります。 karekora さん marifh さん bestseller2016 さん sujiko さん huihuimelon さん setsuko-atarashi さん fish2514 さん zuika さん 2casa さん japan31 さん pinkrose1122 さん greenpeace さん keisuke-kajiro さんの 13人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 20件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 2340文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 7時間 31分 です。

apiece7による依頼 2018/06/07 01:52:56 閲覧 4704回
残り時間: 終了




評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/06/07 03:23:08に投稿されました
It was a pleasant space. It was a pleasant moment. Then, it seems that what I feel uncomfortable is being obsessed by evil thoughts of the real world.

I thought that when the "own memory" of the each audience was documented as a public record, and it becomes ,so to speak, "everyone's memory", the culture will be formed for the first time from that time.

Was that a dream? When I traced my memory, even though I truly experienced it, I felt like it was a long time ago while spending busy daily life. The scenery I saw at that time was also absent. Is there a remnant of memory anywhere in my body?
評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/06/07 03:47:13に投稿されました
It was a comfortable space. It was a pleasant time. It seems that it is the thing that evil thoughts of the real life comes in when you wonder what is unpleasant.

I thought that a culture would start forming for the first time when "my memories" of each visitors were documented together as a public record and became "everyone's memories".

Was it a dream? When I trace the memory, I am certain that I experienced it. However, with busy everyday life, it feels like it was such a long time ago. The scenery I saw at that time is vague now. Is there any remaining of memories in my body?




評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/06/07 07:07:00に投稿されました
It is Maebashi Art and Culture Brick Storehouse, a registered tangible cultural property in Maebashi, Gunma Prefecture, built in 1923, about two and a half hours from Tokyo by train.
Through the performances, It can be experience special opportunities by hearing the sound of strong rain beating on the roof, the sound of jomo line railroad passing close by, and the faint sound of cars running on wet roads.Sometimes wooden beams make a creaking sound, and through my body I could feel this building is alive.

I felt like I am good what I am.
I was bored and slept.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/06/07 03:40:48に投稿されました
The venue is Maebashi City Art Cultural Brick Warehouse of the country registered tangible cultural asset, located in Maebashi City, Gumma Prefecture, built in 1923, about 2.5 hours by train from Tokyo.
Through the performance, the sound of the rain striking the roof, which strengthened momentum, the sound of the railroad crossing of the Jomo line of Jomo railway passing nearby, and the running noise of the car running on the wet road reached slightly and I realized a special opportunity. Occasionally, wooden beams made a creak noise and I thought that this building was alive through my body.

I felt that I could be as I was.

It was boring. I was sleeping.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/06/07 16:07:58に投稿されました
The venue is Maebashi Red Brick Center for Arts and Culture which is about two and a half hours from Tokyo by train, built in 1923, and located in Maebashi, Gunma.

Through the performance, I could realize a special opportunity that the sound of strengthened rain striking a roof, the sound of a railroad crossing of Jomo Railway near by, and the traffic noise driving on a wet road surface slightly reached. Occasionally a wooden beam may make a creaking sound, and I thought the building was alive through my body.

I felt being myself may be also ok.

I was bored, and sleeping.



評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/06/07 09:32:06に投稿されました
A performance with a system of open recruitment by the audiences. From one month earlier you will receive letters of three in total and the poem like letters will lead you to the way to get to the theatre. It is an event where there is almost no ad/detail gets shown to public in advance that someone like me who’s familiar with typical theatre performances go visit half interested half anxious.I might have been feeling angry if I was a bit younger.

When I walked into the theatre I heard an announcement that goes “please spend the time as you want”. I walk, stop, sit and lean somewhere just reflecting my thoughts how I want to spend the time. I stare into something, close my eyes or listen carefully, I just did what I thought I wanted to.
huihuimelon- 6年以上前
no ad/detail gets shown -> no ad/detail that gets shown
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/06/07 09:54:57に投稿されました
Public offering for performance. Since a month ago, we received three letters which are ones to bring you to the hall. It was an event without much performance flyers and information in advance, I who see normal plays went to see it with my interest and anxiety in half and half. If I were a little younger, I would have been angry.

When I entered the hall, there was an announcement told me "Please enter if you like.". Feeling how to spend the time, I kept walking, staying, sitting and leaning. I did what I liked such as gazing, dimly watching, opening my eyes and listernting.





評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/06/07 05:45:45に投稿されました
As for the letter I received one month ago,
until the day of the performance, I regarded it like something alive. Once the performance is gone, I feel it returned to just a piece of paper, almost like its soul is gone from it, so to speak.

I had visited Renga gura many times before but it was my first time to feel this space being such a comfortable space without anything extra inside, inclucing the performance itself.

I received a lot of courage.
It was enjoyable. I wish I could explain in words what I had seen.

What on earth was this? Was this dace? Was this performance?
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/06/07 05:47:35に投稿されました
As for a letter I received a month ago,
Although I felt the letter was something like a living thing until that day, I came to think like the letter was changed into a paper again after I watched the performance. It was like a soul was got out from the letter, it might be exaggerated, though.

Although I've visited Renga-Gura(Brick warehouse) many times before, I haven't realized that the Renga-Gura had such a comfortable atmosphere, when the place had no extra things including the performance itself.

It gave me a brave.
It was fun. I'm frustrated that I can't describe what I really watched, though.

How should I express it? Was it dance? Was it performance?
pinkrose1122- 6年以上前
1行目は、As for the letter it was received a month ago, でした。 すみません。


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/06/07 03:52:47に投稿されました
I have been always taking in other people's perspectives and opinions without knowing it and I think I have been feeling and thinking based on those as truth.
What I was watching. What I was seeing. What I was listening. What I was hearing. Are these really what I was doing? When I asked myself this question, I realized what I was suffering and not feeling comfortable came from the fact that I was not a true myself. What is true, real truth can be found only in myself. Those feelings, including good and bad became one of the tools to tie my own voice from inner heart to words.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/06/07 04:18:20に投稿されました
I think that I always took someone's eyes and opinions into me unconsciously and I regarded them as the truth and I was convinced that I can think and feel.
What I watch, what I see, what I listen to, what I hear, are they really mine?When asking like that, I felt painfully unacceptable so far because the feelings was not mine.
The truth, facts are only in myself. Such feeling became one of the tools to connect to the words heard from me myself in the bottom of my heart, both good and bad things.


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/06/07 04:08:14に投稿されました
While I was experiencing the performance, I thought I may not have to follow the story or the flow. I changed my position from sitting on a chair to the floor and try to watch the whole without concentrating so much, then I fell asleep in the middle of the performance. I wondered if I had missed a crucial part a little, but after the performance when I looked back there was no special core or centre and I feel maybe it was best to feel everything as a whole. I felt like I was in a forest,not just feeling one atmosphere but it was an experience which made me feel like staying comfortably in a mass, made up of large and small, everything and all sorts of things.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/06/07 04:09:40に投稿されました
While experiencing the performance, I thought "It may not be necessary to read the flow and the story", then I changed the position to see it from the chair to the floor, and when I tried to look at the whole vaguely, I couldn't help falling into a doze and end up falling asleep in the middle. At the bottom of my heart, I was felling a bit like "I might have missed the important points" , but when I look back it seems that there is nothing like a core or a nucleus, "feeling the whole" was the correct way.
It was a experience that as if being in the forest, not like feeling a single significance of something, like being in the aggregate of various things comfortably.



評価 57
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/06/07 04:40:06に投稿されました
After thinking too much the thoughts in my head was getting me nervous. I stopped thinking and tried to enjoy just feeling it. Closing your eyes, imagining, creating, traveling in the past and the future, spending the time I have now. And now I'm going to meet you - the person whom I really wanted to meet. I am excited about how we will continue down the road we are walking along.

It was a performance that was very suitable for the atmosphere of the hall. The raindrops were effective - rain is part of the performance as well. It seemed like an ambiguous place like the spirit of the soul, hell, and heaven.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/06/07 06:42:51に投稿されました
I think for a long time, too much, and my frozen head or heart. I stopped to think, and I just had enjoyed feeling. Close my eyes, image, create and spend the time called “now” while I travel in the past or future. Then I meet myself who I really want to see. I’m so excited for the wind following the road which keep going.

That was a suitable performance for venue’s atmosphere. Rain drops could be sounds effect, and it lets the rain become part of performance. The place to where soul goes, heaven and hell, that was a fuzzy place, like a border between another world and this world.




評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/06/07 08:26:36に投稿されました
The moves of the dancer were like, these sudden intense moves that appear in the silent moves. The intensity always shows up when they leave the theatre and it reminded me of the days where I went through unexpected farewell of someone. They appear all of a sudden. And they disappear. It just reminds me of my relationship with people and at the moment my folks I haven’t seen for ages flashed back in my mind.

I got even a little bit nervous when the performers sat near me or came closer to me until the sounds popped out.

It was great. I liked when the dancers ran outside of the theatre in the last scene. Why did they run away? Was there something they got to be in a hurry for?
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/06/07 08:59:49に投稿されました
Movement of a dancer is intense one which suddenly appears in a still movement. When the intense movement appears, it is time to go out of the hall, it occurred to me a sudden parting from people. Suddenly appearing. Suddenly disappearing. I remembered my human relationship that brought good old faces.

After entering the hall, the time before the buzzer, when payers come or sit close to me, I felt a little nervous.

It was good. The last scene that a dancer ran out of the hall was good. Why he ran away? Was there any arrant to do urgently?




評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/06/07 08:41:40に投稿されました
the series of experiences from the beginning of the public invitation performance a month ago feel me like continuing to be as quiet as basso continuo to the back of one's heart. Each time they were different like a piece of poetic language in the letter, the exterior of the bridge-house, the coldness of the rain, the agreeable tones of the folk instrument, a scene of movement of dancer

I tried to feel that place and see things for the first time.
I felt as if I were looking at something I had never seen before.

I don’t like ... it can be good memory.
bestseller2016- 6年以上前
It can be good memory を it can’t be good memory に。can を否定の can’t に修正してください。申し訳ございません。
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/06/07 04:43:25に投稿されました
I have a feeling that the series of experiences from the time when the public recruitment began before one month continues to resonate quietly like a continuous bass in the bottom of my heart . What I remember is different each time, it is a fragment of a poetic word written in a letter, it is the appearance of Maebashi Brick Warehouse which appears darkly in the rain, it is the coldness of the rain, it is a comfortable timbre of ethnic instruments, it is a scene of dancers' movements ....

I tried to feel the place. I saw what I have seen for the first time.
I felt that I saw what I had never seen before.

I'm fed up. It would not be a pleasant memory.




評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/06/07 07:26:53に投稿されました
What is most vivid in my memory is a scene in the evening in dark Maebashi, walking in asphalt in the city that I am not impressed physically, and a silent space where those I saw for the first time in the white hall were sitting silently. I remember that the feeling of the air where those unknown people were nervous at unknown place was impressive.

It was as if I had been seeing the "scene" by plain space, sound, outfits and performer.

While it was performing, I was watching at one spot. I was taking a memo of the performance by verb.
I saw the dance and felt that people are living by verb. I also felt that the verb is a word and the one before word as well.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/06/07 09:23:29に投稿されました
The most vivid moment in my memories is that the dark night scenery in Maebashi, the fact that I walked on the asphalt of unknown town as my physical impression and the silent space where the strangers met each other for the first time were sitting quietly in a white venue. When I think back, it was impressive that the ambience where strangers have felt nervous in the unknown place.

It was like seeing “Scenery” due to a plane space, sounds, costumes and performers.

I have watched the stage in one place fixedly during performance. I continued to take notes their acting as verbs.
I felt that human being lives with verbs, and verb is not only just “word” but also more than “word” by watching dance.





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