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Jack Ma Wants to Buy Yahoo, Everyone Else Not So Sure

Jack Ma is the CEO of China’s Alibaba, which Yahoo owns a stake in. But the apprentice may become the master if Ma gets his way; he has said that he’s very interested in buying Yahoo. At a speech yesterday at Stanford University, he said:

"I’m very interested in Yahoo. The Alibaba Group is very important to Yahoo, and Yahoo is very important to us."

Of course, Yahoo is not officially for sale. The company is floundering and it did just fire its CEO — over the phone — but Yahoo founder Jerry Yang reportedly said after the firing that the company is not for sale. Still, there’s plenty of speculation.



馬雲(Jack Ma)氏は中国アリババのCEOで、ヤフーはアリババの株主だ。だが、馬氏はヤフーの買収に非常に関心があると述べており、同氏が実際にその思いを貫けば、両社の立場が逆転するかもしれない。昨日サタンフォード大学で行なわれた公演の中で同氏は次のように述べている。



zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Even if Ma doesn’t get the chance to buy Yahoo wholesale, he has right-of-refusal to buy back Yahoo’s 40 percent stake in Alibaba should the company be sold to someone else. But it seems increasingly clear that Ma is looking to buy the whole enchilada himself, should the opportunity arise.

That news, of course, has led to some consternation in the United States. Privacy activists have expressed concerns that Yahoo’s data on American users might be surrendered to the Chinese government if the company were to be purchased by Alibaba.

Alibaba has rejected these assertions, saying that data from outside China would stay there, and thus would not be under the jurisdiction of Chinese authorities.





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The e-commerce aspect of MiShang ties to China’s largest online shopping platform, Taobao. That allows MiShang to earn money from click-thrus that lead to purchases on branded Taobao storefronts.

The service and app encourages users to also show what they love and what they’re wearing, allowing your MiShang fans to ‘like’ an outfit, or comment on it.

Mishang’s CEO is Jiang Fang, a former employee of Li Kai-fu’s Innovation Works who says he left the famous Chinese start-up incubator to make a light social network, inspired by the American interests/pinboard site Pinterest.




迷尚網のCEO江(Jiang Fang)氏は、以前に李開復(Li Kai-fu)氏の創新工場(Innovation Works)で働いていたが、ライト・ソーシャルネットワークを作るために有名な中国の新興インキュベーターである創新工場を辞職し、アメリカの趣味/ピンボードサイトのPinterestから刺激をえた。

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