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It’s a Deal! FTuan Snags $60 Million in Funding, Kaixin Partnership

Chinese group buy site FTuan has confirmed, by way of its CEO, Lin Ning, that it has secured US$60 million in third-round funding. With 2,000 employees, Mr Lin states that FTuan has the cash to be sustainable for two or three years. Plus, the company has one more round of financing in the pipeline.

It has also been revealed that FTuan is powering the new Kaixin Tuan deals site that we looked at recently. It’s a partnership that sees FTuan effectively operating the Kaixin Tuan platform (pictured below), as well as being one of the many other group buy sites to coordinate some deals with Kaixin.





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The FTuan and Kaixin partnership will soon go further, into – to quote QQ Tech News – a sort of “social e-commerce” platform. Kaixin is a SNS and social gaming platform, so that plan sounds like an interesting fusion of each company’s speciality. No other details are yet available on that.

Back in July of this year, Tencent (HKG:0700) was one of the investors in FTuan’s second round of funding. It was never disclosed just how much the giant web portal injected into the group buy site. Tencent is Groupon’s official joint-venture partner in China, but it has been hedging its bets with its own QQ Tuan, as well as the FTuan investment.


F団と開心の提携はすぐに前進し、QQ Tech Newsを引用すれば、いわゆる「ソーシャル・eコマース」プラットフォームの展開に進んでいくようだ。開心はSNSであると同時にソーシャルゲームプラットフォームでもあり、それゆえにその計画は各企業の特性を融合した興味深いもののようだ。が、その他の詳細は明らかになっていない。


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Yeahka, the First Square-like Mobile Payment Solution Launched to Public

In China, no matter what you do, the competition could be always tough. And if you have to face a few competitors, the most important factor to win the market is the Speed, i.e. fast development, quick execution plus efficient marketing. QFPay is the first Square-like mobile payment solution we reported in early August, it is still in stealth mode; 99Bill’s Kuaishua is the second but there is still no sign of its official launch. Here comes the third, called Yeahka, developed by a company based in Shenzhen. The thing is, it is officially launched!




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Yeahka’s solution looks exactly like Square: the card reader is plugged into the audio jack. The card reader priced at rmb 9.8 (~$1.5) is now on sale. The application is also available for both Android and iOS. Yeahka now only supports two banks: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Construction Bank of China and on its sites it says more banks will be supported soon.

As described on Yeahka’s site, with Yeahka’s solution you can now top up your phone credits, deposit money to your Tenpay (the payment gateway operated by Tencent) account and buy credits for game cards. Users can also logon Yeahka’s site to check the transaction history.

I’d love to buy one card reader and give it a try.





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・Get to the point as quickly as possible.
・Cut out unnecessary information.
・Use easy-to-understand, shorter, common words and phrases.
・Avoid long paragraphs and sentences.
・Use time-saving and attention-grabbing writing techniques, such using numbers instead of spelling them out. Use “1,000″ as opposed to “one thousand,” which facilitates scanning and skimming.
・Test your writing style using readability formulas that gauge how easy it is to get through your prose. The Readability Test Tool allows you to plug in a URL, then gives you scores based on popular readability formulas such as the Flesch Kincaid Reading Ease.


 例えば、数字の「1,000」を文字を使って「one thousand」などと書かず、
 読みやすいかどうかを調べてみる。Readability Test ToolではURLを入力すれ
 ば、Flesch Kincaid Reading Easeなど有名なリーダビリティー算出法に基づい