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An eye-tracking study conducted by Nielsen revealed an eye-movement pattern that could further support this idea that web users do indeed read in chunks: We swipe our eyes from left to right, then continue on down the page in an F-shaped pattern, skipping a lot of text in between.

We can do several things to accommodate these reading patterns. One strategy is to break up long articles into sections so that users can easily skim down the page. This applies to block reading (because blocks of text are denoted by headings) as well as the F-shaped pattern, because we’re attracted to the headings as we move down the page.




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3. Help Readers Scan Your Webpages Quickly

As indicated in the usability study by Nielsen referenced earlier, as well as the other supporting evidence that web users tend to skim content, designing and structuring your webpages with skimming in mind can improve usability (as much as 47% according to the research mentioned above).

What you can do:

Make the first two words count, because users tend to read the first few words of headings, titles and links when they’re scanning a webpage.
Front-load keywords in webpage titles, headings and links by using the passive voice as an effective writing device.
Use the inverted pyramid writing style to place important information at the top of your articles.





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Quantity or Quality? What is More Important for a Group Buying Site

When we compare between different companies, one of the most important parameter we use is their sales volume. Given the same type of business, the more one can sell, the more successful one is. And we believe that should be true for the group buying sites as well.

However, when I talked with a senior executive of a leading group buying site in China recently, he disagreed. “One of the joke we used to talk among ourselves is that if you are group selling rmb 100 for rmb 99, you can sell as much as you want,” said the executive. Sure, you are willing to make a loss on every deal, your sale volume is virtual unlimited.




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And currently, the margin for group buying sites in China is razor thin. A venture capitalist told me the gross margin group buying sites is about 40% in Japan and about 30% in the U.S. “But in China, it is only about 4%,” said the venture capitalist, “And I believe that is a bit overstated. Most of them are making losses.”

If comparing sales is problematic, what is the better indicator for a successful group buying site? “Internally, we use rate of repeated customer – how many customers buy from us again, rate of repeated merchants – how many merchants willing to do another deal with us, and so on,” said the executive. These seem to be indicators for service quality, rather than quantity.




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For a company to be sustainable, it is important to have repeated business and service quality is the key of for getting someone to deal with you again. “Many people believe customers for group buying sites have no loyalty. They don’t care about who is providing the deals. But we believe they do. If they have good experiences, they will buy from us again,” said the executive.

My own experience with group buying was lousy. I bought a discounted ticket to an amusement park, but I felt cheated, as the quality was extreme bad. That is why I never do it again, and I have been skeptical about the whole idea of group buying ever since.




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Founder Story: “Never Give Up.” Says Si Shen, Papaya Mobile

At Transmit China last week, experienced and prominent business people gave keynote speeches. Si Shen, founder of Papaya Mobile was one of them. She told of her ups and downs. Her key message was to “never give up,” an underlying factor of all successful entrepreneurs.

Si Shen grew up in Beijing and entered the prestigious Tsinghua University to complete a degree in Computer Science. She then joined Google in America to become a Product Manager for the China, Japan and Korea Search team. Later she transferred to the Mobile Division.



先週開催されたトランスミット・チャイナ(Transmit China)では、経験豊かで著名な経済人が基調演説を行なった。 パパイヤモバイル(木瓜移動)の創業者である思沈氏はそのうちの1人だ。彼女は演説の中でこれまでの紆余曲折を語った。演説の主なメッセージは「決してあきらめるな」ということで、成功している起業家すべてに通じる基本的な要素である。


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In 2007, she moved back home to work at Google’s Beijing office. After a while, she told her boss she wanted to leave to start her own company. But her boss persuaded her to stay by offering great conditions. One, she would still earn her salary in USD$ and two, she would be her own boss. Attracted by these terms, she decided to stay and built out the Google Maps team over one year.

In 2008, Si Shen eventually quit Google to found Papaya Mobile, a social mobile gaming company inspired by Japanese companies DENA and Gree. At the outset, Papaya Mobile designed games for both iPhone and Android and wanted to build a platform that allowed users to play all their games and buy virtual goods.



2008年、思氏は最終的にグーグルを退職し、日本企業のDeNAやグリーに魅せられ、ソーシャルモバイルゲーム企業のパパイヤモバイルを創業した。創業当初、 パパイヤモバイルはiPhoneやアンドロイド向け両方のゲームを開発しており、ユーザーがパパイヤモバイルの全てのゲームで遊ぶことができてバーチャルグッズを購入できるようなプラットフォームを構築したいと思っていた。

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In 2009, things were looking positive so Papaya tried to raise venture capital to accelerate growth. But a major hurdle arose, threatening the deal. Overnight all their games had mysteriously vanished from the iPhone App Store. The investor said if they didn’t get the apps back, they would not sign the term sheet. Desperate to keep the deal alive and sustain Papaya, Si Shen even emailed Steve Jobs himself to ask for his help to restore her games. In the email, she also said how much she admired Apple, so named Papaya after another fruit. After no response from Apple, she flew to their Cupertino headquarters in America to investigate how to re-activate her apps.

