[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] TECHFUND:たしかに、年代やポジションの違う社員だからこそ生まれるプロダクトがありそうですね。 赤木:もともと東京ドームの現場仕事では年齢やポジショ...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は shirataki さん oushiu さん gowkxcbnzm4532 さんの 3人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 20件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 1878文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 0時間 26分 です。

techfundによる依頼 2024/03/30 15:08:25 閲覧 645回
残り時間: 終了


評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/30 15:26:47に投稿されました
TECHFUND:As you said, there will be a product which is produced by employees with various ages and positions.
Akagi:Originally, at the Tokyo Dome work site, we had a lot of opportunities to work with employees with various ages and positions, and we often have a project with innovative structure. This will be a strength when we proceed new business development in the future. At our company, senior employees who experienced 'bubble era' are now at the top positions.
評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/30 15:28:08に投稿されました
TECHFUND: Indeed, it seems that products born from employees of different generations and positions are quite promising.
Akagi: Originally, at Tokyo Dome, there were many opportunities to work together across age and position, often moving projects forward with innovative structures. I feel that this will become a strength as we proceed with new business development in the future. In our company, veteran employees who have experienced the bubble era are currently working at the top of the internal hierarchy.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/30 15:28:05に投稿されました
TECHFUND: It certainly seems like there are products that can only be created by employees of different ages and positions.
Akagi: Originally, when working on-site at Tokyo Dome, there were many opportunities for people to work together regardless of their age or position, and there were often cases where projects were carried out using innovative structures. I feel that this will become our strength as we move forward with new business development. At our company, veteran employees who have experienced the bubble era are currently working at the top level within the company.


山本:新規事業支援を行なっている企業が多数あるなか、TECHFUNDの「ACCEL PROGRAM for BIZ」を導入いただいた決め手があれば教えてください。

評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/30 15:28:58に投稿されました
Because we know past successes, we believe we can create ideas that strike at the core of the Reiwa era. As operators, we want to advance team building that makes good use of this knowledge and find the seeds of new businesses that are not confined by conventional frameworks.

■The strengths of TECHFUND as perceived by Tokyo Dome’s New Business Development Department
Yamamoto: Among the many companies that provide support for new businesses, what was the deciding factor in adopting TECHFUND’s ‘ACCEL PROGRAM for BIZ’?
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/30 15:28:50に投稿されました
I believe that because I know about past successes, I can create core ideas that are appropriate for the Reiwa era. As the management side, I would like to make good use of this to promote team building and find "seeds for new business" that are not bound by frameworks.

■Strengths of TECHFUND as perceived by Tokyo Dome's new business development office
Yamamoto: There are many companies providing support for new businesses, so please tell us if there was a decisive factor in your decision to use TECHFUND's ``ACCEL PROGRAM for BIZ.''


評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/30 15:29:38に投稿されました
Hamaguchi: Since we didn’t conduct a specific competition, this is purely a subjective opinion, but the decisive factor was probably that they empathized with the challenges we were facing. They broke down our vague concerns into details and translated them into concrete measures.
Yamamoto: What do you mean by vague concerns?
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/30 15:29:36に投稿されました
Hamaguchi: We didn't hold any specific competitions, so this is just a subjective opinion, but I think the biggest deciding factor was that they were very supportive of the issues we were facing. He broke down my vague concerns into details and translated them into concrete plans.
Yamamoto: What do you mean by vague worries?


評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/30 15:30:30に投稿されました
Hamaguchi: Naturally, the New Business Development Department is the main department responsible for new ventures, but we faced the challenge of not being able to promote it as a company-wide project. In addition, we had several difficult-to-articulate issues, such as ‘the ideas collected from employees not leading to new business development’ and ‘what is the definition of a new business for Tokyo Dome?’ We were truly grateful to have an environment where we could discuss all these detailed concerns and to have someone sincerely address each one of them.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/30 15:30:21に投稿されました
Hamaguchi: Naturally, our New Business Development Office is primarily in charge of new business, but there was an issue in which we were unable to promote it as a company-wide project. In addition, we were faced with a number of issues that were difficult to put into words, such as ``the ideas we actually collected from employees did not lead to new business development'' and ``what is the definition of new business for Tokyo Dome?'' I was really happy that they were able to create an environment where I could discuss all of my small concerns, and that they were able to seriously address each of my concerns one by one.


評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/30 15:31:07に投稿されました
Akagi: I think one of the charms of TECHFUND is that they always explain things based on specific examples. It’s like they have a knack for helping you imagine what’s beyond the current measures. Although we have interest and enthusiasm for the in-house acceleration program, we lack experience and know-how. They stand in our shoes and instead of speaking in abstractions, they say things like, “In this case, it would be XX,” or “If that happens, the best way to proceed would be this way,” always unfolding the discussion with concrete real-life examples.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/30 15:31:09に投稿されました
Akagi: I think one of TECHFUND's charms is that they always explain things using concrete examples. It's a way to visualize a step ahead of those measures. From the perspective of those of us who have interest and enthusiasm for in-house acceleration programs but do not have the experience or know-how, instead of thinking in abstract terms, we can say, ``In this case, yes,'' or ``In that case, this is the best way to proceed.'' '', he continued his talk, always using concrete examples.


評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/30 15:31:40に投稿されました
Hamaguchi: On the contrary, our discussions tend to be very specific (laughs). It’s like we have so many dreams piled up that we end up talking a lot about what we want to do. But they deliberately mixed abstract concepts into our concrete discussions and kept the rally going smoothly. It was this flexible approach, along with their wealth of know-how and practical experience, that made us truly appreciate the value of TECHFUND.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/30 15:31:44に投稿されました
Hamaguchi: On the contrary, our stories tend to be very specific (lol). There are so many things I want to do, so I talk about my dreams a lot. However, he responded to my concrete discussions by adding abstract ideas, and connected the rally well. I felt the value of TECHFUND in their flexible response, extensive know-how, and practical experience.


評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/30 15:32:10に投稿されました
TECHFUND: We also believe that our strength lies there, so we are very pleased that you highlighted ‘the ability to deliver the reality of new business support at a practical level from various angles’ as an attractive point. In fact, at TECHFUND, we have many entrepreneurs/internal entrepreneurs who are creating their own businesses and products as half-committed members.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/30 15:32:20に投稿されました
TECHFUND: We also believe that this is our strength, so we are very happy that you cited our ability to provide practical-level information on new business support from various angles as an attractive feature. In fact, TECHFUND has many half-committed members who are entrepreneurs/internal entrepreneurs who are creating their own businesses and products.

起業家/社内起業家のバックグラウンドを持つメンバーが集まっているTECHFUNDだからこそ、アクセラレータとしての支援側の経験に加えて、イチ起業家としてさまざまな具体的な提案を行える価値があると、お客様の声を聴きながら感じています。起業家メンバーの例として、例えば今日出席している亀井はWeb3やDAOにコミットするスタートアップFracton Venturesを立ち上げたばかりですし、井本もお酒関連の事業会社theDANNを経営しています。

評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/30 15:32:47に投稿されました
It is precisely because TECHFUND is comprised of members with backgrounds as entrepreneurs/internal entrepreneurs that we feel we can offer value in making various concrete proposals as entrepreneurs, in addition to our experience on the support side as accelerators. Listening to our customers’ voices, we sense this value. For example, among our entrepreneurial members present today, Kamei has just launched a startup, Fracton Ventures, committed to Web3 and DAOs, and Imoto runs a liquor-related business company, theDANN.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/30 15:32:54に投稿されました
Hamaguchi: On the contrary, our stories tend to be very specific (lol). There are so many things I want to do, so I talk about my dreams a lot. However, he responded to my concrete discussions by adding abstract ideas, and connected the rally well. I felt the value of TECHFUND in their flexible response, extensive know-how, and practical experience.

大西も今話題のClubhouseのようなtoC向けのトークコミュニティアプリTalkstandを作るthe BabelsのCEOをしています。一方で、VCやアクセラレータの経験のあるメンバーも多く、例えば亀井はこれまでのキャリアでMistleoteやMOVIDA JAPANなど、スタートアップへの投資/育成/支援を経験しています。起業家バックグラウンドやアクセラレータとしての多様な経験のあるメンバーがいるので、新規事業制度の悩みに具体論で打ち返せるのかなと思います。

評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/30 15:33:24に投稿されました
Onishi is also the CEO of the Babels, which creates a talk community app called Talkstand, aimed at consumers, similar to the currently popular Clubhouse. On the other hand, we have many members with experience in venture capital and as accelerators. For example, Kamei has experience in investing in, nurturing, and supporting startups, having worked with Mistletoe and MOVIDA JAPAN in his career. With members who have entrepreneurial backgrounds and diverse experiences as accelerators, I think we can respond to the concerns about new business systems with concrete discussions.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/30 15:33:30に投稿されました
Onishi is also the CEO of the Babels, which makes Talkstand, a talk community app for toC similar to the currently popular Clubhouse. On the other hand, many members have experience in VCs and accelerators, such as Kamei, who has spent his career investing in, nurturing, and supporting startups such as Mistleote and MOVIDA JAPAN. We have members who have entrepreneurial backgrounds and diverse experience as accelerators, so I think they will be able to answer specific questions about the new business system.


評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/30 15:34:05に投稿されました
■Reconsidering multiple times to establish a new project. The journey to build a relationship as business partners beyond the barriers within and outside the company
Yamamoto: What specific actions do you plan to take in the future to foster a culture of challenge and a culture that tolerates failure?
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/30 15:34:11に投稿されました
■Established a new project after repeated reconsiderations. The path to building a relationship as a business partner that transcends boundaries inside and outside the company
Yamamoto: What specific things do you plan to do in the future to foster a culture that encourages challenges and tolerates failure?



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