Bonjour,Je suis 名前 de 会社名 du Japon et j'ai commandé des produits chez vous.Puisque cela fait déjà une semaine depuis que le versement a été effectué, je pense que vous pouvez déjà voir la somme sur votre compte. Merci de bien vouloir vérifier. Mon numéro de commande est le 6446.S'il vous manque des informations ou que vous n'avez pas reçu le paiement, merci de me recontacter.Pouvez-vous également m'informer de la date estimée de livraison?Je vous remercie par avance.
Thank you for waiting.I asked the Japanese Post.In the beginning of the year, there are more packages delivery than usualand it is possible that it takes time to arrive.The product arrived in your country on January 22nd.It is possible that it takes time to handle it at the customs.Could you wait a little bit more?The Japanese Post said they were uncertain how many more days it would take for you to receive it.Sorry for causing you trouble.If you wish to cancel, please contact me.I'll reimburse you the whole price.Below you'll find tracking information about the package.
The Japanese Post told us that assurance is not applicable for this package, not even a single yen.But, in Japan, it is easy to find a brand new hard case for around 200$ so if the price is less than 200$, it is okay for us to buy the hard case that you want for you. Could you send us a picture and the url of the case you want?We are waiting for your reply.
Since the product you've ordered needs to be first sent to me by my supplier from the USA, I have just known that the delivery date will be a bit late. What I would like to suggest you is that if you want the same model from xx I can prepare it right away. I have attached a picture so please check. The specifications are below.The guitar we offer is usually 200$ more expensive that the one you've ordered but for this time it is okay to sell it to you for the same price than the other one. Please let me know your mind.I am waiting for your reply.
There is something that I need to tell the customer. Before sending the product, on the last verification step, we noticed traces and color disparity on the head. I am attaching the picture. Product sent directly from ○○ factory and kept in our shop were no doubt brand new products but it might have received a shock and became like this. That's why I would like to offer a discount of 100$ for this and that's why I contact you. Please let me know the customer's opinion. If that's fine with him, we'll prepare to send the product quickly.I am waiting for your reply.
如今,为满足食客们越来越刁钻的口味,大部分餐饮品牌经常会推出新品。在此之前,他们会先让很多试吃员试吃,由试吃员提出意见,不断改进新品直到符合大多数人的口味,以保证在推出后受到欢迎。 台湾每年的网购商机高达数十亿,消费者接受度变高,商家也得想尽办法开发更多明星商品,现在有网购商家发出召集令,要找懂美食、爱吃甜点的试吃员,只要每天吃甜点零食,月薪就有3万以上,如果推荐的商品热销,可再加红利奖金,月入5至6万没问题。
一位美食试吃员说,他每天要吃5到10样东西。比如一个鸡蛋造型的布丁,试吃员们要先一起讨论味道,接着做笔记,考虑商品开发的可能性;试吃员有时也得远赴日本、韩国或东南亚“不停地吃”,找出下一个明星商品。 面对满桌子糖果、蛋糕、蛋卷、饼干,美食试吃员得要有精准的味蕾和不怕胖的决心。网购甜点开发部经理黄郁胜说,这份工作最重要的是对于吃或甜点,要具有一定程度的热情,“很高度热情的情况下,你对开发这类商品的话,才能得心应手。
「BEAT PLANET」にて新曲「Unlock」が初オンエア決定!日時:1/15(木) 11:30-14:00番組名:J-WAVE「BEAT PLANET」新曲「Unlock」が全国初ラジオオンエア決定! http://www.j-wave.co.jp/original/beatplanet/
New song "Unlock" first time on air in "BEAT PLANET"Date and time: January 15th (Thu) 11:30-14:00Show name: J-WAVE "BEAT PLANET"New song "Unlock" will be on air on the radio for the first time !http://www.j-wave.co.jp/original/beatplanet/
「音乐之时间」在富士电视台的「音乐的时间」出场!日期:1/16(星期五) 23:30~http://www.fujitv.co.jp/music_hour/
Announcement from Daichi MiuraHello everyone. This is Daichi Miura.This is private matter but I would like to announce that I am going to marry the ordinary woman that I was dating since a long time.
インドネシア ジャカルタ Upper Room
印度尼西亚 雅加达 Upper Room
Indonesia Jakarta Upper Room
2013年2位ランクインに続いて2014年には1位を獲得!!詳しい情報は下記の「TC Candler」サイトをご覧ください。●「100 Most Beautiful Faces 2014」ページはこちら http://www.tccandler.com/100-beautiful-faces-2014/
In February 2013, she ranked in at the 2nd place, in 2014 she got the 1st place !!For more details, please go to the TC Candler website below."100 Most Beautiful Faces 2014" webpage belowhttp://www.tccandler.com/100-beautiful-faces-2014/
Nana(ナナ)「世界で最も美しい顔100人」1位獲得 Nana(ナナ)がアメリカの映画宣伝会社TC Candlerが毎年末に行なう「2014 世界で最も美しい顔100人」ランキングで、第1位に選ばれました。
Nana , 1st place for "100 Most Beautiful Faces"Nana has been chosen 1st place in the "100 Most Beautiful Faces 2014" ranking the American company TC Candler holds each year.
My customer needed the product during this month.So if you lower a little bit the price, he said it is okay if the box is broken.I recommended to exchange product but he refused so there is no need for exchange the product any more.But I am very grateful to how you handled this until now.
商品は、いつ頃 運送会社に引き渡すことができますでしょうか。また、運送会社をお使いいただく場合にご記入をお願いすることになる書類を添付いたします。 この書類の2行目の#という項目に日本の会社の場合(納税者番号)が必要になります。来週中のフライトで、商品を到着したいので、書類の手配をお願い致します。
When can you hand over the product to the shipping company? Also, if you use a shipping company, I will attach the document that I would like you to fill in. At the second line of this document, for the element #, if it is a japanese company you will need the tax identification number. I would like the product to arrive on next week's flight, so please prepare the document.
The Neuschwanstein Castle that I dreamt ofThe place I wanted to go the most in Germany is the Neuschwanstein Castle.It was better than what I expected.There was a lot of free time and since they take you by bus to all the main places, it is very easy and there is no way you get lost.It was also very comfortable inside the bus.
First of all One, thank you for being very proactive in contacting us about this concern. It is our duty that our members get the best service here in eBay and so this situation of yours is something that we would like to look in to.One, as for your brand limit, you've reached your limit for the type of item you're trying to list, and you won't be able list any more of these for 30 days. For this to be lifted you need to have more than 25 positive selling feedback. As of now you only have 23. Two more to go!
As for increasing the number of items you can list, I as able to send you answers to our team so that your account will be reviewed. I know that you would want us to resolve this as soon as possible but just to set your expectation, it may take 7-10 days and your patience is greatly appreciated during these times. Rest assured that you will receive an update once the review is done.
Even if it is only to see Rome aqueduct, it's worth to go.I have heard it is not so easy to see Rome aqueduct from near. You can even touch Segovia aqueduct with your own hands. Avira's castle walls are also worth seeing. I went there with lunch included. Having lunch together and talking in broken english with foreigners from the same tour is not bad either. The view of Segovia's Alcazar, that is said to be the model of the castle in the movie Snow White, was beautiful.