HelloI did say that the black model would be fine, but a more than a week has passed since then.Please can you change it to the new model.I would like to complete the transaction on eBay so I want to pay through the eBay site.I will pay you 2030 Euros via eBay.2122 - 2030 means that there is a difference of 92 Euros.Please invoice me for 92 Euros.Would that be OK?
あなたに教えて貰った追跡番号をuspsサイトで調べてみました。ステータスが何日も"Electronic Shipping Info Received"で止まっています。もし発送が既に終わっているのであれば、ステータスが更新されるはずですので、uspsに問い合わせをお願いします。
I checked the tracing number you told me on the UPS website.The status has been stuck on "Electric shipping info received" for days.If the item had already been dispatched then the status should have been updated by now.Could you get in contact with UPS please.
はじめまして。ネットの掲示板であなたのCSV IMPORTのプラグインのことを知りました。プラグインを購入することはできますか?購入が可能かどうかと、価格を教えて欲しい。私は日本人なのでPaypalで支払いができれば助かります。返信お待ちしております。
HelloI found out about your CSV import plugin on an internet forum. Is it possible to import your plugins? Please let me know whether it is possible for me to buy them and how much it will cost. I'm Japanese so it would be helpful for me if I could pay via Paypal.I'm looking forward to your reply
The item arrived today. Please have a look at the review I have written. Thank you for your polite correspondence and fast delivery. You are very trustworthy sellers and the transaction was smooth. I looking forward to bidding on one of your auctions again.
There is a discrepancy in the number of pages between the data you sent and the data on the server. I think that the data on the server is correct. Please could you check it again and replace the data you have at your office with the correct version.I thought that the data on the server would probably be correct, so I have saved the data from there. Please let me know if there are any mistakes.In addition to that, there appears to be a mistake in a section of the list you attached, please could you check through it again and correct it. One more thing, I won`t be in work tomorrow so I`m afraid that I probably won`t be able to reply until next week.
先日◯◯と◯◯うけとりました。◯◯はまだ到着していませんでした。複数注文しましたが商品にインボイスが添付されていなかったので どれなのかわかりませんでした。◯◯は保護されずになかに入っていたため 内側の金具があたり 傷がついてしまった。外側の◯◯は中の◯◯がぶつかってしまった為 外側に凹んでいる。◯◯は凹んで届いた。返送はお互いにコストと手間がかかるので20%の割引をこの4して下さい。画像を送るので確認して下さい。
I received the ◯ ◯ and ◯ ◯ the other day. ◯ ◯ has still not arrived yet. I placed several orders, but because there was no invoice included I am not sure which items are which. ◯ ◯ was not securely packed and so the metal fittings inside have knocked against it and damaged the item. The ◯ ◯ on the outside has knocked against the ◯ ◯ inside it and now the outer part has been dented. ◯ ◯was dented when it was delivered. Sending these items back will take time and money so I would like you to give a 20% discount on these 4 items. Please have a look at the image I have sent.
I want to buy a....., would you be able to find one for me?
1 返事が遅れてごめんなさい。ピローケースを使ってみました。良い生地ですね。気に入っています。これから洗濯のテストをしてみます。長持ちさせるにはどんな洗い方法が良いか教えてくれませんか?2 こんにちは。上海の展示会でお話をさせてもらった佐藤です。お話の際は詳しく説明していただいてありがとうございました。商品が掲載されているURLを送っていただけますかよろしくお願いします。
1. I`m sorry that I was slow to reply. I tried to use the pillow case. The material is very good. I will try to test it in the washing machine. Please could you tell me the best way to wash it so that I can use it for a long time.2. Hello. My name is Sato, I had the pleasure of speaking to you at the exhibition in Shanghai. Thank you explaining things in so much detail to me. Could you please send me the URL of the site where that item appears. Thank you very much.
Thank you for your reply.Please could you look at the attached photograph.The red and white security seal appears not to have been opened before I received the package. That was the only time it was opened after being delivered. The tracking number for the parcel is as follows.I am waiting for your reply.
I bought ... using Google Wallet.What is the current status of order number ......?Its been a long time since I placed my order, but I still havn`t heard anything from you.Please can you change the order status on Google Wallet to cancelled.
The three main criteria to be selected for Endeavor Indonesia are:・Business innovation – the business model must have the potential to be a game-changer in the industry.・Fit with Endeavor – the entrepreneur is open to accept feedback and advice from Endeavor, and eventually contribute and give back to the organization.・Values and ethics – the entrepreneur must become a principled role-model who can inspire and give back to the community.
Endeavor Indonesiaの一員になるための3つの主な基準は次のとおりである。• ビジネス革新 ― 企業のビジネスモデルは業界で従来のやり方を一変させる可能性がある必要がある。• Endeavorへの適応力 ― 起業家はEndeavorからのフィードバックやアドバイスを柔軟に受け止め、最終的にEndeavorに貢献することが望まれる。 • 価値観、倫理観 ― -起業家は信念を持って社会を奮起させ、貢献することのできる役割を担う必要がある。
Thank you very much for working with us.If possible, it would be greatly appreciate it if you could send this order together with our previous order. ~ ~Regarding order number 001.The transaction was completed on July 17th.After confirming everything, please amend the VAT and postage costs. There has been a change to the card we used at the time of ordering. Please check the following. ~ ~We will purchase whatever amount your company will have available in one month of the following product(s).We apologize for causing you any trouble, but I hope that you can make these arrangements.
I am sorry for the late reply.The following is the Japanese version.Could you do an introduction with this?
このようにして自分の目標に一歩でも近づくようにと心がけながら日々過ごしておりました。1965年に私は初めてイタリアの音楽と出会い、すぐにその虜となりました。その曲は Quando l'amore diventa Poesia、他にも「Magia」など彼の音楽は随分と聴いていました。イタリアの音楽は私の人生にとってかけがえのないものとなり、今日でもそれは変わりません。写真と音楽への情熱というものを両方あわせもっていたため、私は音楽家の写真を撮ることを仕事にしようと決意しました。
I spent every day in that way, trying to get even one step closer to my goal.I encountered Italian music for the first time in 1965 and I was instantly hooked. I listened to his music an awful lot, such as the songs “Quando l'amore diventa Poesia” and "Magia".Italian music became an irreplaceable aspect of my life and that has still not changed to this day.Because I have a passion for both photography and music, I decided to take photographs of musicians as a job.
1986年に東京の目黒にスタジオを構えると、その場所が写真を介して私が世界と結びつくための拠点となりました。現在はCDジャケット写真のほかに 音楽誌やファッション・芸能誌、広告の写真撮影、写真専門学校では後進の指導にもあたっております。今までに 次のような国際的に活躍される音楽家の方々とお仕事をご一緒させていただきました。この度は、私が音楽を愛好するきっかけを作ってくれたイタリア、その中心に位置するフィレンツェで作品を展示することができることを大変誇りに思っております。
I set up a studio in Meguro, Tokyo in 1986 and that place then became the base for connecting me to the world through photography.These days, as well as doing the photography for CD sleeves, I also do photo shoots for music and fashion / entertainment magazines and advertisements as well as teaching the next generation at a Photography school. I have already had the pleasure of working with the following internationally acclaimed musicians.This time, I am very proud to be able to exhibit my work in Florence, located in the centre of the Italy that originally inspired my love of music.
第13回フェスティバル・ジャポネーゼ 写真展『 江戸遊戯(江戸からの逃避)』日本は徐々にその伝統や文化を失いつつある。写真家 伊東ひさし氏は、これらの写真を通してドキュメンタリーのように、日本の歴史のある一場面を鑑賞者に示したいと考えた。このようにして、伊東氏は 歴史が目を向けずにいたために 日本人に忘れ去られていた時代の 日本の美を見出した。
The 13th Japanese Festival Photo Exhibition "Yu-Gi-Oh Edo (An escape from Edo)"Japan is gradually losing its culture and traditions.The photographer Mr Hisashi Ito wanted to show the viewer a scene from Japanese history as a documentary through these photosBy doing this, Mr Ito has revealed the beauty of a Japanese era that has been forgotten by Japanese people that pay little attention to history.
『 江戸遊戯 』あらすじかつて…貧しい農家の娘たちが売られる置屋(遊郭とよばれる界隈にある)というものがあった。娘たちはどこへ連れて行かれるかも知らずにここへやってきて、やがてその運命の厳しさを知ることになる。この作品では、江戸の遊郭から逃げ出す少女たちの物語を描いた。少女たちは遊郭からの追っ手を避けて逃げるうちに道に迷い、やがて山寺まで辿り着くことになる・・・。
Synopsis of “Edo Yugio" Once upon a time….There was something called an Okiya (located in the neighborhood known as a red-light district), where the daughters of poor farmers were sold. These girls were taken there without any idea about where they were going, though before long they would come to know the severity of their fate. This work depicts the story of girls who have run away from the red-light district in Edo. The girls get lost while fleeing from the pursuers from the red-light district and eventually arrive at a temple in the mountains…
最も大きな違いは私のプロジェクトは地域の文脈-新興住宅地と田畑を統合する為に作られていて、屋上に新天地を現出させる為では無いということ。私のプロジェクトの屋上は塀で囲われたhidden gardenでは無くもっと開放的です。その違いはロッテルダムの都市のただ中にその家だけで新しい村を作り出そうとする試みと田畑だった場所に、他の住宅も含めた新たな村を作り出そうとする私の試みとの違いが現れている。また、西洋と日本のプライバシーに対する感覚の違いなどが関係しているのかもしれない。
The big difference is the context of my project area; which was made to integrate new residential areas and fields and not for the purpose of unveiling new worlds on rooftops. The garden in my project is not a hidden garden enclosed within walls, it is something more openDifferences arose between the attempt to try and create a new village using only houses in the center of Rotterdam and my attempt to try and make a new village that also included other residential buildings in a place that was once arable land.The differences between the Western and Japanese sense of privacy may have also been a factor.
The address that you sent the goods to was actually the address of the forwarding agent.The forwarding agent sent the package to me in Japan and I received the package yesterday. Personally, I cannot understand how you could make such a mistake. Even though I tried to make sure there were no problems. If you wish, I could send pictures by e-mail address as evidence. Should I send the photographic evidence?To return the goods to you from Japan does not seem like a good way to proceed as it will take time. Please to refund $ 10. That would be enough to resolve this issue.
Hisashi Ito is a photographer that has gained international fame for his black-and-white photos.Outstanding light effects and refined technique give the photos a strong sense of creative personality that almost seems to bring out the mental state of the subject.Ito's passion for music is also reflected in his work. He has shot portraits of musicians such as Celine Dion and Gianna Nannini and now receives photo shoot requests from artists around the world He has also served as the official photographer of festivals held in Tokyo and takes pictures at major music events held in Japan.