If you would like to place a Whole Sale or Bulk Order with us, send your email to wholesale@araca.com. Provide us the name and the quantity of items that you would like to purchase so this way we can make your purchase easier. Also if you would like to speak to one of our Whole Sale and Bulk Order representatives, then please contact them through Skype voicemail at the following number # 9145956035.
もし大口注文で卸値での購入をご希望の場合、wholesale@araca.comへメールをお送り下さい。お買い求めになりたい品名と数量を明記して下されば、こちらもスムーズに進められますのでお願いします。もし、卸売に関して当社の担当者と直接にお話になりたい場合には、スカイプのボイスメールを通じてコンタクトをお取り下さい。番号は以下となります。# 9145956035
Thank you very much for your reply.We supply our items from two shops, named Yamada Denki Co. Ltd and Yodobashi Camera.Could you confirm these and recover my deleted account, please? If there is anything you need to know in order to do so, please let me know.Thank you very much.
Before sending the product, we checked the outer box. At that time, the box looked completely fine.The company we have dealing with in Japan is a big, listed company on a stock exchange. We have been selling products to this company for eight years. There was never an occasion that we found an old item amongst new items.Sometimes there is a probelm of an initial failure even if the products are new.We will accept the return of the item but would you please send the photo below to us through this return system?We are going to ask the manufacturer if the item was good as new.We will send you more detailed information about returning the item just after receiving an email from you.
Michael Dobbins LP が見つからないのは、非常に残念です。今回はEd Kilbourne のレコードだけお願いします。送った金額から差額を返金していただけますか?よろしくお願いします。
It is a great pity that you cannot locate the Michael Dobbins' LP. I would like to purchase only Ed Kilbourne LP this time. Would you please refund the difference from the amount I have paid? Thank you very much.
I cannot understand why your charge for the shipping cost doubled this time, although everything else was exactly same as last time. When we asked for the quote at first, you indicated the same shipping cost. However, when we arranged for the shipping, we were asked for additional charges. When I compared with other companies shipping charges, yours is obviously far more expensive. Aren't they charging twice for this shipment?He has completed the quote after confirming with the person in charge (see below). Would you please confrim why this charge is so different from other companies? There was a balck item in the stock list, can I place an order for black as well as white?
こんにちわ。私は日本人で日本に住んでいますが、香港に会社を持っています。Nominee DirectorとNominee Shareholder探していますが、弁護士か会計士がいいと思っています。貴方の事務所ではノミニーになってもらうことは出来ますか?
Hello.I am Japanese and live in Japan, and own a company in Hong Kong.I am looking for a Nominee Director and Nominee Shareholder. I think it is better to choose from a lawyer or accountant.At your office, would it be possible to have someone work for me as a Nominee?
The amount of VAT a business pays or claims back from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is usually the difference between the VAT charged by the business to customers and the VAT the business pays on their own purchases.With the Flat Rate Scheme:you pay a fixed rate of VAT to HMRCyou keep the difference between what you charge your customers and pay to HMRCyou can’t reclaim the VAT on your purchases - except for certain capital assets over £2,000To join the scheme your VAT turnover must be £150,000 or less (excluding VAT), and you must apply to HMRC.Talk to an accountant or tax adviser if you want advice on whether the Flat Rate Scheme is right for you.
国税局(HM)或いは税関(HMRC)への、付加価値税の支払い、払い戻し請求は、通常、事業者が消費者へ販売したことにより生じた付加価値税(消費者が事業者のサービスや製品などを買うことによって生じる付加価値税)と、事業者自らが消費した付加価値税(事業を行う上での必要な消費にかかる付加価値税)との差額分となります。付加価値税定額支払い制度とは定額の付加価値税をHMRCへ支払う消費者へ課した付加価値税差額は事業者のものとし、定額をHMRCへ支払う一部£2,000以上の資本を除き、事業者は消費したものにおける付加価値税の払い戻し請求はできないこの制度を利用するには、年間売上が£150,000 (付加価値税額除き)以下であること、制度の申し込みはHMRCにするこの付加価値税定額支払い制度が、あなたに適したものかどうかは税金アドバイザーにご相談下さい。
連絡が遅くなり申し訳ございませんでした。先日私にご連絡いただいておりました出発日(Date of Departure)について、早める必要性がなくなりました。従来通り9月3日で手続きを進めてください。宜しくお願い致します。
I am sorry for my late reply.As for the Date of Departure that you messaged me the other day, now there is no need to depart ealier than the original date.Please arrange everything with the original date-September 3.Thank you very much.
The first photo I sent to you was wrong. Please return it to me, please?The second photo is the correct item which I sent to you by EMS.The third and and fourth photos are not sent, as the items are already sold out.I am sorry to confuse you.
Thank you very much for purchasing the item!If there's anything you were not happy about the product, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support service.We are happy to promptly exchange/refund or offer as much support as possible should our valued customers were not happy with our product.
以下の中からお支払方法をお選びください。1. 銀行振込 2.クレジットカード 3.代金引換 4.その他( )※商品価格が30万円を超える場合は、代金引換はお選びいただけません。
Please choose one of the following as payment method.1. bank transfer 2. credit card 3. collect on delivery 4. other ( )*If the product exceeds ¥ 300,000 you cannot choose collect on delivery.
Guaranteed, the best price!We try to offer the best price, lower than any other shops.We check prices daily so customers can purchase items at the lowest price with us.If you find our price is even ¥1 higher than other shop, we will match the price.This product was reduced to match the price.When we ship the item, we will reimburse the difference.In future, when we reduce the price even more, we will still sell by the lowest price.The item was returned to us with unknown reason.This is the first time for me...I am sorry to keep you waiting but would you mind if I send this again to you?
First, if you are a US seller, simply shipping product into AMAZON.MX12 FBA warehouse, and you do not have employees or operations in Mexico… there is no need to register with the government for an RFC ID number. Based on the discussions we had with the Mexican “IRS”, we would not be allowed to have one, as we do not have an address, employees, or operations in MEXICO.The RFC ID required by Amazon appears to be very near to the Importer of Record Situation in Canada. There needs to be a responsible party that is going to clear the goods out of customs in Mexico, and delivery them to amazon, and be responsible for the cargo and shipping documentation in the eyes of the Mexican government.
第一に、あなたがアメリカでのセラーで、単に製品をAMAZON.MX12 FBA倉庫に移すだけで、メキシコ人の雇用者やメキシコでの仕事に関していないのならば、政府のRFC ID ナンバーを登録する必要はありません。メキシコの“IRS”と話し合ったことに基づくと、我々にはメキシコの住所、雇用人、事業はないのでRFC ID ナンバーを持つことは許されません。アマゾンの要求しているRFC ID ナンバーは、カナダの輸入業者の記録情報に似ているようです。メキシコにおいて、製品を通関後に引き取り、アマゾンまで移送し、メキシコ政府の関係者に対して運輸、配送書類の責任がはっきり取れる者をもつことが必要です。
I am sorry for contacitng you many times.Thank you very much for your reply which I received earlier.We have a catract with an American logistic company called MyUS. Can we use this comany for shipping items to you?I look forward to your reply. Thank you.
お願いしていた期日よりずっと早いお返事をありがとうございます!香港出張の前に夜中まで仕事をさせてしまって恐縮です。当方の弁護士にも目を通してもらったあと、修正したドラフトを今日の夜中か明日のAMにお送りします。少しだけ先に「4」について補足ておきしますと、特約事項(Special Terms)は、別の契約書でも良いと思っているので、クロージング条件に含まれれば問題ありません。今日は、Aさんと一緒にB社訪問くださりありがとうございます。引き続き、どうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。
Thank you very much for your unexpectedly quick reply!I was sorry that you had to work until midnight the day before you went for your business trip to Honk Kong.I will send you the drafted version of document tonight or by tomorrow midday, after our lawyer have checked it. This is just an additional explanation about "4", as for special terms I think it should be fine if they are written in separate contract as long as they are included in the closing conditions.Thank you for visiting Comapny B today together with Mr. A.Once again, thank you for your continuous support.
Hello.My name is OO. I live in Japan.I am a fan of ●● but the items sell out quickly in JapanWould it be possible for you to send the items directly from your shop to Japan?I look forward to your reply.
コウダクミ ラブノート ファブリックソフトナーコウダクミ ラブタッチ ファブリックソフトナー<詳細>発売日:2018年8月17日(金)容量:各500mL価格:各2,400円(税抜)詳しくはこちらから http://special.scentnations.com/softener
Kumi Koda Love note Fabric SoftenerKumi Koda Love touch Fabric Softener<Information>On sale: August 17 (Fri.) 2018Weight: 500ml eachPrice: 2400 yen each (before tax)for details please check http://special.scentnations.com/softener
倖田來未フレグランスから人気の香り3種が柔軟剤となって新登場。2012年の発売以来大好評の倖田來未フレグランスから人気の香り3種が柔軟剤となって新登場。色気溢れるラブタッチ、女性らしさが凝縮したラブノート、そして爽やかな魅力のヌードノート。日常にフレグランスの喜びを取り入れる新アイテムをぜひお楽しみください。<商品名>コウダクミ ヌードノート ファブリックソフトナー
New fabric softener on sale with three popular flagrances from Kumi Koda FlagranceSince its launch in 2012, very popular Kumi Koda Flagrance now available as fabric softeners-three popular flagrant softeners. They are sexy Love Touch, feminine Love Note and fresh Nude Note.Enjoy these new items which you can enjoy flagrance in every day life.<product name>Kumi Koda Nude Note Fabric Softener
As the watch didn't work like even if I tried again, I am going to send this back so it will arrive to England next week.I will let you know the tracking number after the shipment. Please refund me when you received the item. Would you mind sharing a part of shipping fee? Also, the returning address below is correct?
Protect the core from the enemies attacking from all directions!Tower defence style free configuration game!They are coming closer towards the core!Tower defence with a flat design.◆How to play-Enemies come attacking from all four directions towards the core in the centre.Homing? Piercing bullets? Choose a circle from 6 kinds of variations as you wish and make your own defence line!Choose a circle and arrange by swiping, tap to make turrets-they are all easy to operate!Use resources by attacking enemies and strengthen the circle! Make it stronger! It becomes easier to capture the stages!