I am very sorry to trouble you, but would you please cancel my order ### if it is possible?I will place an addtional order instead: 20 packs of *** and 10 packs of +++.This is another matter, but the Japanese customs require a complicated procedure once conten price exceeds ¥200,000.Would you please separate the shipment into two packages as well as the invoices for me?I am sorry that I have many requests but I'd appreciate very much if you can help me.
I went shopping on weekend. It is in a shopping mall nearby.But I slept in until noon as I was tired from working.Last week I was working for 12 hours a day every day.At night, I went to a restaurant to eat "okonomiyaki".I don't usually eat it but I wanted to try this new place.I was surprised to see someone eating "okonomiyaki" with rice!As for myself, I never neat "okonomiyaki" with rice.I can eat ramen and rice, though.
<1>This attraction A has finished on May 16, 2016. (It changed to attraction B.)Attraction A has been very popular and like new figures in Japan are hard to purchase, and also the prices are premium.<2>Thank you very much for your purchase.I hope you will receive the item soon without any delay and problem.I understood about your interest in T.As soon as I find a good conditioned item, I will contact you.
I am thinking of putting the product A on a magazine for the moment.Would you please send me some photos of high pixels so I can use for the magazine?Also I am preparing other products before they are sold but the problem for me is the high shipping fee.It would be great if it is about $100 for 1 piece, like when you sent me the samples.Even if $100 is too difficult, would it be possible to charge me about $200 or so?
ご返信ありがとうございます。私の国の日本にはVAT/ABN/GSTは存在しません。そこでオーストラリアの税務業者に依頼し、ABNナンバーを取得してGSTを納めようと考えています。アマゾンのseller centralにあるVAT/ABN/GSTを登録する場所を確認しました。住所を選択する項目があるのですが、私の場合は日本の住所でよろしいですか?それともABNを登録するのでオーストラリアの住所である必要はありますか?
Thank you for your reply.In Japan, there is no VAT/ABN/GST.I am thinking of asking a tax agent to acquire an ABN number and then pay for GST.I have confirmed how to register VAT/ABN/GST which is in seller central at Amazon.I need to choose an address but I am wondering if it is OK to choose my Japanese address.Does that have to be an Australian address as I am registering ABN?
The item what I ordered is new and the drone I had ordered before has nothing to do with each other.Please send me the missed parts from my previous order as soon as possible.I wish you do not propose any unnecessary ideas which are totally uncalled for.Unless I receive those missing parts, I will not withdraw my claim.Please do not irritate me any more.
They are shipping today but at the moment they are still finishing up printing the logos. I will send you tracking once its available. Ask me to send your new price guide if you have not received. It goes into effect on Sept 4th,2018 no old pricing will be honored after this date if its a standard price guide item.
申し訳ありませんが在庫がないため、以下の商品でよければ、再度ご注文ください。その際の発送方法にはExpedited の選択をしてください。追跡番号が付きます。こちらの都合で販売ページは、2,3日後に削除し、アマゾンでは今後販売しません。お早めにご注文ください。
I am sorry but the item is not stocked at the moment. If you are happy to order the item indicated below, we have in stock.Please choose "Expedited" fot shipping method when you order, so you will have a tracking number.Due to business reasons, our sale page will be deleted in two to three days later. We will not sell on Amazon any more arter that.I recommend you to place an order soon, thank you.
Then, I wil ship only item A.As for the refund, I will return by PayPal.The amount of money is $ ◎, but I need to add your PayPal charges (about 4.1%) so it will be $◎ refund in total.As soon as I send this message to you, I will do the transaction.Please check your PayPal account after waiting for certain time. On ebay site, I will continue so as you went through "two items as a set" after bidding, however, as you wished, I will be shipping only item A to you.
I am staying in a different city for work at the moment. I apologise for taking a long time before answering your mail. (I plant to return home this evening.)Thank you very much for purchasing the item.However, I noticed your original order was for just the item A. The item you purchased come as a set of A & B. May I send you both A & B as a set?If you would like to purchase only A, the total cost (including shipping charge with insurance) is $68 as I indicated in my last message, so I will refund the difference.I wanted to make sure which you prefer. As soon as I receive your reply, I will ship the item.
Thank you very much for issuing the authorisation while you are busy. We will follow your conditions of the certification. With this document, we will ask Amazon if we can start selling the product again. Amazon is quite strict and I am not sure if they offer us the permission to sell again. Whatever the result may be, we are grateful to your help. Thank you very much.
PRODUCT DISTRIBUTION AUTHORIZATIONWe hereby authorize "Genesis1989" to sell the MAX PUMP on AMAZON.CO.JP and YAHOO.CO.JP.Engage in legitimate business activities in the name of our brand dealers.This cerificate is valid from Semtember 6th,2018 to December 29th, 2019
製品販売認定書当社は、 AMAZON.CO.JP と YAHOO.CO.JP.において、「Genesis1989」社が我が社のブランド製品を販売するに際し正当な商活動をし、MAX PUMPを販売することを認可します。この証明は2018年9月6日から2019年12月29日まで有効。
What we ordered from you are already sold in Japan. I don't think we need to provide additional test or import cetificate that you are thinking.
eBay has instructed me to not send the return until I'm paid in full for the shipping. The cheapest shipping I've found is JPY11,590 through USPS flat rate boxes with insurance. UPS was JPY22,245 . I'm not sure why it is so expensive to ship to Japan. If you know a cheaper way to ship I'll get another quote. eBay says I need the payment of JPY11,590 paid to my PayPal account before I ship. I'm sorry this is ending poorly and I don't feel this is entirely fair for you. I am just following eBay policy and their instructions. Let me know how you want to proceed.Thanks
私達は「item tests」をします。表の中の「SectionB-Manufacturing standards of Toy」を選択します。私達は「item tests」の内容がまだはっきりと理解できてません。「item tests」の内容と手順、それにかかる費用負担等を教えて下さい。
We will conduct the "item tests". We will choose "SectionB-Manufacturing standards of Toy" from the chart but still we are not sure what you mean by "item tests". Please show us the content, procedure and the cost involved.
Thanks for getting in touch. I'm sorry you have received an incorrect item from us. As the bars are very similar we are happy to refund this product by 20% if you wish to keep them. We can certainly look and see if there is a cheaper option available. If you screenshot your next order to us at the basket stage we can then look at this for you.Thanks for your time.
All our customers in Japan are performing item tests / import certifications before they can import the products to Japan.Did you hear about the following tests? Of course, we will follow your information, but would like to inform you about the handling of other companies in Japan. Please kindly let us know and we will follow up accordingly.
Mix Genesis Thick Medium with colours while maintaining the same body. It will function as a colour extender and will be used for impasto painting. Great for the artist who likes to apply plenty of product to the canvas or create a 3D effect. You can add as much Genesis Thick Medium to the paint as desired.Use Genesis Thinning Medium to soften and thin the paint. Do NOT exceed 2 parts medium to 3 parts paint. Transparent washes can be achieved by adding Glazing Medium to the paint. Glazing Medium gives you a good layer of paint and the transparency you need.
Genesis Thick Mediumを絵の具と混ぜて均質になるようにして下さい。色のエクステンダー(増量材)となりインパスト絵画に使用できます。キャンバスにたくさん色を塗りたいアーティストや3Dのエフェクトを出したい時に最適です。 Genesis Thick Medium は絵の具に好きなだけご使用になれます。 Genesis Thinning Mediumは絵の具をやわらかくしたり薄くしたい時に使用できます。この製品2に対し絵の具3という割合を超えないようにして下さい。Glazing Medium を加えることによって透明感を出すことができます。 Glazing Medium は絵の具を重ねてかつ、ご希望の透明感が出せます。
USING MEDIUMS - scoop the medium out of the tub, mash it into the paint and away you go.........Thinning Medium This can be used in a ratio of 3 parts paint to 2 parts Thinning Medium. Thinning medium will 'soften' the paint but not make it runny. Do NOT exceed the ratio of paint to medium - if you do then your painting will never dry.Extender Medium Use the Extender Medium for impasto work or just to make the paint go further.CLEAN UPBrushesFor quick clean ups just wipe them on a baby wash cloth or paper towel. To give them a thorough clean either use odorless solvent or a good quality undiluted dish detergent. If using the detergent rinse the brushes well in water and dry thoroughly before using again.
媒体の使い方ー容器からすくい取り、絵の具と混ぜてお使い下さい。媒体の薄め方これは絵の具3に対し媒体2の割合で使います。媒体を使うことにより、絵の具を「柔らかくする」ことになりますが、流れるほどな柔らかさはやりすぎです。媒体に対し絵の具を多く使用するのは要注意です。もし誤ってそうしてしまったら、絵の具は乾かないことになってしまいます。Extender (エクステンダー)を媒介として使用することインパストワーク(厚く塗る絵画)や、絵の具を長持ちさせたい時にご使用下さい。クリーンニング方法絵筆など簡単な拭き取り方は、紙タオルか赤ちゃんのお風呂用の布で拭き取って下さい。もっと完璧に拭き取る時には、無臭性の溶液か高品質の食器用洗剤を薄めずに使用して下さい。洗剤を使用する時には、水でブラシをよく洗って、その後次に絵筆を使用するまでに完全に乾かして下さい。
「import certification」の意味がよく分かりません。私達はドイツの他のメーカーから商品を送付してもらう時はインボイスを送付する箱に貼り付けてもらっているだけです。日本の通関に関する税金は私達が支払います。私達はドイツから商品を輸入するために、何か特別な書類は作成していないです。
I don't understand what you mean by "import certification". When we purchase and ask shipment from other manufacturers in Germany, they just attach an invoice on the package. We pay for the customs clearance in Japan. We don't produce any special paper in order to import items from Germany.