Don't worry i will send all this details questions to the logistic manager so they are aware of all the details. But please if you find something that doesn't works right let me know in the same moment!The midnight grey is still out of stock, we are in production. The manufacturing department is still closing the dates and in the moment i have the schedule i will let you know so you can place de order. I won't forget about it, i have here everything annotted! In the moment i receive the information of Paypal we will give the shipment order and i will send you the TN number. Don't hesitate to contact me every time you need!
Kerry, how are you?Thank you for contacting me.Now, Sara is at her school so I will let her email you via her mobile when she is back.For a June home-stay program, we will do the host family. We will be glad if you could come but if you cannot I will send you an email how it goes.I am hoping to see you next February!
リサ、心配かけてごめんなさい。翻訳サイトに依頼して書いてます。英語書けなくてごめんね。母は三月九日にくも膜下出血で倒れました。 私が倒れたこと覚えてる?同じ病気です。母は、グレード5、意識不明の状態で運ばれ、私が病院に着いたときにはもう危篤の状態でした。目が覚めても重い障害が残ると言われて家族は絶望しました。17日も意識がないままだったのですが、18日目に意識回復しました。その時は私のことも、孫も分からず、全失語なので、言葉の理解も出来ていないという診断にただ延命で生きている
Lisa, sorry that I made you worried.I am writing this using translation asked to a translation site.Sorry I cannot write English. My mother has fallen down on March 9 due to subarachnoid hemorrhage. Do you remember I fell down as well?The same disease.My mother was grade 5 and was losing her conscious when she was hospitalized.She was at the critical condition when I arrived at the hospital.We were losing hope as we were told that a heavy sequel will remain even if her conscious comes back.She was not conscious for 17 days but her conscious came back at 19th day. At that time, she could know recognize me nor her grandchildren. She was diagnosed as she could not speak nor understand others talking. She is only surviving now.
I feel really sorry for her as she is only surviving now.But, I did not give up at all.I prayed that her conscious will be very clear once again. We have been continuing to spoke to her for 24 hours every day after she fell down. And an event that our doctor called a miracle happened.During April, she had more time with her eyes open wide. And when we are encouraged ourselves by saying she certainly was understood what we were talking so that we can keep our hope, she one day nodded to our questions to her "this is Yuka. Do you understand?."After that day, her recovery was full of miracles.She continued rehabilitation every day
She continued her practice in speaking and now two and half months have passed and then finally she is getting able to take meals and do the conversation with us.But she has a memory disorderand is forgetting what happened a day ago orwhat she was doing as well as she does not remember English.However, we are looking forward to a day when she will be discharged from the hospital after she tries hard to walk and the rehabilitation for the memory disorder.Most of all, it is a tremendous relief for us that she remembers about our family or what happened in the past and of course about Lisa and your family!I will write again.From Yuka with love.
1. I would like to ask you to pay as a deposit a half of total price at your ordering. The rest will be invoiced to you when the product manufacturing is completed and ready to be shipped.2. As this is made for Japanese, the size is smaller than those made by European makers if you compare, Specially it is made to be smaller around the heel.3. If you give me the size and brand of your shoes that you usually use, I can give some advice about the size.
Company XX will conduct the filter performance test for the element.Could you, therefore, send the price quotation to the below person in charge.(Is 5% acceptable for the commision this time?)Please cc to Mr. XX of company XX.The background of this is that company XX is evaluating to change their production line from type A to type B.It is difficult to change it at once, they will downsize their facility and do the testing in Japan.The competitors are 4 companies including us.
ピアスの片耳のみの購入も可能です。お値段は通常の半額の金額になります。左耳、右耳どちらをご希望ですか?また片耳はピアス、もう片方はイヤリングというようにパーツを変えることも可能です。複数の商品を買い物カゴに入れて頂くと、自動で送料が計算されます。複数ご注文されても送料は変わりませんので、ご安心ください。申し訳御座いませんが、SF は対応しておりません。EMSは一律1400円です。●までは3-4日ほどで到着予定です。商品の到着予定は、本日より7-9日後です。
You can buy only one side of earring also.Its price will be the half of usual product.Which side do you like right side or left side?You can also change the parts such as a piece for your one side and an earring for another.If you put multiple products in the shopping cart, then the delivery charge will be calculated automatically.Please rest assured that the delivery charge will not differ even you order multiple products.We are sorry that we do not handle SF.The price for every EMS is Yen1400.To **, it takes 3-4 days to arrive.The estimated date for the product arrival is 7-9 days later from today.
Move the panel with numbers upward, downward, to left, or to right and make "zero" in the middle of panels.How many "zero" can you make within until the time expires.This is a numerical puzzle with very simple maneuvers! How fun it is to calculate!Train your brain every day with this daily mission! The more you continue playing the more your brain gets smarter!The difficulty increases in the achievement mode that will allow you to feel your improvements!It has 30 unique themes with variety.Share your scores with your friend and boast each other!You can play totally free of charge!The calculation during your shopping will get easier.You will be good at the calculation in your head.You will get to like arithmetic.It can be a training for your working memory.You will have wider vision range.
Thank you for contacting me.Also, I thank you for your various cooperation given to me.The members who will be joining are as below.Thank you and best regards,Do I need to bring my ID or similar for the entrance of the hall?
Hi I'm sorry. The model sent out is good. It may damaged by logistics. We agree to your return. Could you please return the model to our Japan address? Sorry again. Thank you. Best regards. Sam.We'll send you an email when the seller responds to your request. If you have not agreed on a solution or the seller has not responded by May 10, 2018, you can ask us to step in and help.If you and your seller need more time to work things out, your request will stay open until Jun 19, 2018.
Thank you for sending the invoice to me.I understand about the product that you do not have enough stocks.Sorry for my late reply this time.Our office was closed during May 3 to 6 due to the Japanese national holidays.I have completed the process to send the payment to you today. I believe you will confirm receiving it by you this Friday.It is OK to send me the goods after your confirming the receipt of the payment.Thank you always for sending me the price quotation and the delivery.I would like to try my best to increase the awareness of your product among the Japanese users.
This email is bittersweet, as I am writing to let you know that after 12 years with PA USA, I have accepted a position elsewhere. My last day with PA USA will be this Friday, May 4. I have enjoyed working with all of you over these past several years. Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with before I leave.Going forward, your main source of contact will be Jon Baty. His email is All POs should be emailed to Many of you have also spoken with Frances on occasions, and she will be able to assist you as well. Her email is --This is estimated to arrive us 5/7 we are expecting 6 and only have 3 pending orders at this time
12年間PA USA社で過ごした後に、他の場所で新しい職につく同意をしたことをご連絡するこのメールは甘くほろ苦いものです。PA USAでの最後の日は5月4日金曜日です。私はこの過去数年のあなたとの仕事を楽しく行ってまいりました。ここを離れる前に何かお手伝い出来る事があればご連絡ください。次の人生に進みにあたり、貴方の次のメインな窓口はJon Batyとなります。彼のメールはjon@PAUSA.comです。全てのPOはdealers@PAUSA.comまでメールしてください。あなたがたの多くはFrancesとも時折話をされています。彼女も同様に色々お手伝いしてくれるでしょう。彼女のメールはsales@PAUSA.comです。我々への到着予想日は5/7です。6個の到着を予想しており、注文残は後3つです。
Thank you for your business with us.Please switch the specification for the item No. 2 by company infinity that is under manufacturing.In case you have not started manufacturing of the item No. 2, then please follow the specification that is to be used after the switching.Please continue to confirm the 280017 sample and the outer box.Also, this is rather a reporting that no desiccants were placed inside the Infinity product arrived the other day. So, please convey to make sure there will desiccants next time without fail.
お世話になります。写真拝見いたしました。有難うございます。1か所、気になる点がありましたので、添付ファイルにまとめました。お手数お掛けいたしますが、修正お願いできますでしょうか?仕上げは、Natural finish でお願いします。①左の画像の赤丸部分となりますが、溶接部分がとがってしまっているのが、気になります。下記画像青丸部分のように、少し丸みを帯びた仕上げにしていただけますでしょうか。②こちらのスツールの裏側の写真(脚の溶接部分)もいただけますでしょうか?
Thank you for your business with us.I have seen the photo and thank you for that.I have one point that I would like to address as in the attached file.Could you modify based on this?Please use Natural finish for the finishing touch.① Regarding the red circle part in the left photo, I noticed that the welded part is pointing shaped.Please modify to make it more circular as in the blue circled part in the below photo.② Could you send me back side (where legs are welded) of this stool also?
Regarding the business with xx company, we have sold our product via our agent in the US.We have a business contract with this agenct and need to inform them. So, please let me know the contents of inquiries this time.As sufficient follow up could not be done by our the US agency, I would like the business to be done via your company.It is however not easy to change the distribution route due to the contract.The contract stipulates that the sales should be done exclusivity by the agent.
Thank you for handling our request.Also, thank you for your contacting.Please use the following design for producing our order 270020 this time.Also, for the two samples I requested, we are considering them as our new product and therefore I asked for the samples. They are a separate matter from the product 270020.Sorry for any confusion caused.Thank you once again for handling our request.
Due to a problem by mail provider, I am no longer able to send emails via my email address of xxx.For a while, I will send my emails via this email address (yyy) instead.I can receive emails as before without any problem. So. please contact me to either to xxx or to yyy.I tried to settle the payment by my credit card once again and it was done without a problem this time.Thank you for your kind support for this matter.
I am sending the material that is to be presented at the meeting tomorrow. As last year, it is assumed that A for a day and B for four days making 5 days in total.As the background of this, the target of 8 points in 2017 is expected to go above this and we believe it is difficult to set more days than this considering the situation of C. Also, as of yesterday, D is still under negotiation with the company and has not been decided.As per the opinions of members, confirmation on periodical checking on a day-off acquiring, a follow-up to those taking less number of holidays, and creation of an environment where taking holidays is encouraged are needed. Also, E already received the product. Is E wanting to return the product? If so, some procedure will be needed for it.
お返事と丁寧な対応有難う御座います。1つ念の為に確認ですが、このメールに添付している写真のPlatinum Tiny Cross/Diamond Paveが$5600.でお間違いないでしょうか?再度お手数おかけ致しますが、お返事お待ちしております。
Thank you for your reply and kind arrangement.I would like to confirm one thing to make sure.Is it really correct that Platinum Tiny Cross/Diamond Pave that photo is as attached to this email costs $5600?Sorry to bother you to reply me again but I look forward to hearing from you.