jojo 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 フランス語 ドイツ語
jojo 英語 → 日本語

Hello Thank you for sending the case. It was delivered yesterday, in perfect condition.The colour of the case however is Brown, i was expecting the case to be Black as in your sample photos. Am i right to think the Black case in the photos were for the reissue SG guitars of the 1990's > and the Brown cases were for the reissues of the 2000's >. I love the case and will keep it, i have two SG'S in the same Brown cases in my collection. Perhaps i should have contacted you just to make sure the case you were sending me was a Black one.
P.S. I am looking for a LEFT HANDED YAMAHA SG1000/2000 IN CHERRY SUNBURST IN VERY GOOD CONDITION is there any chance there might be one somewhere in JAPAN.



jojo 英語 → 日本語

I finally received my razor after customs finally decided to release it, I paid for your sharpening services. This razor is not at all sharp. Please refund the sharpening service that i paid for. If that is not acceptable to you, then i would like a full refund.

I finally received my razor after customs finally decided to release it, This item claims to already have been sharpened. This razor is not at all sharp. You charged me $30.00 for sharpening services on another razor that also was not sharpened. Please refund $30.00 the price I would have paid for that service. If that is not acceptable to you, then i would like a full refund.

A refund. The refund amount includes the purchase price plus original shipping



商品が税関を通過したので、ようやくかみそりを受け取りました。 この商品はすでに研磨済みと明言されています。 このかみそりは全く鋭利になっていません。 別のかみそりでも研磨サービス代金として30.00ドルを請求されましたが、そのかみそりも鋭利になっていませんでした。 研磨サービス代金として支払った30.00ドルを払い戻してください。 それがだめでしたら、全額払戻しをお願いしたいと思います。


jojo 英語 → 日本語

I have received a notice from Royal Mail (UK national delivery service).

I have been charged £17.92 for customs and handling.

According to what you've put on your information you state: "Additional tariffs may also apply. Please contact us if this is the case. Be rest assured that we will pay the full amount. *We will ship items with a tracking number."

I have attached a photograph of the notice I received as proof.

I need to pay this fee before I can get my item, how do you wish to proceed?

I have received 1 of the 2 packs of 3. Please can you confirm that the 2nd pack of 3 has been shipped? I would have thought that both sets of 3 would be shipped together.




あなたが掲載された情報によりますと、 「関税の追加料金が適用される場合もあります。その場合には、ご連絡ください。弊社が全額を支払いますのでご安心ください*。追跡番号を添えて商品を発送いたします」と記載されています。



私は3個入り梱包2箱のうち1箱を受け取りました。 2箱目が発送済みであることを確認していただけますか?私は、3個入り2箱が同時に発送されるだろうと思っていました。

jojo 英語 → 日本語

I am worried to see that the status of the tracking for this package using the Japan post has still not changed. I rang and contacted parcalForce who say it is being delivered with Royal mail. After contacting them, they said it either did not reach the uk office of exchange, has not left japan or it’s still in the inward office but no information has been given.

Is there any chance you could please find out what has happened, mostly if it left japan/reached inward office, As I fear it has been lost or something has gone very wrong. I would do it myself but you have to be Japanese to contact Jp.Post.

Sorry for the trouble but any and all help would be greatly appreciated.


日本ポストを使用したこの荷物の追跡状況に変化がないのが気がかりです。parcalForceに電話して問い合わせたところ、荷物はロイヤルメールで配送されると聞きました。 それによれば、荷物は 英国交換局に到着していないのか、まだ日本を出ていないのか、英国内にあるのか、全く情報が得られません。

どうなっているか、調べていただけませんか? 特に日本を出たのか、英国内にあるのかを知りたいです。紛失したのかもしれないし、何かがとてもおかしいと恐れています。自分で調べてもいいのですが、日本ポストへの問い合わせはやはり日本人であるあなたにお任せします。
