jojo 翻訳実績

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The vast majority of saturated fats come from animal products that can lead to cholesterol problems and obesity, and such a cut would bring levels to within a range recommended by the World Health Organisation.

Prof Mark Sutton, one of the authors who coined the term demitarian and is one himself, said despite powerful farming lobbies it was not "pie in the sky" to envisage such a cut in meat consumption. But he said the team was not taking a position on how best to encourage people to change their food habits.

"When we've seen people urged to be vegetarians I've personally seen that that can lead to a backlash because many people want to eat meat.


飽和脂肪の大半は動物性食品に由来し、 コレステロールの問題や肥満につながる。 このように摂取量を半減することで、 世界保健機関が推奨する範囲内のレベルになるだろう。

肉半減主義者「デミタリアン」という造語を生み出した著者の一人で本人も肉半減主義者 であるマーク・サットン教授は、「 強力な農業ロビー活動にもかかわらず、 肉半減は肉消費量を減らすために空想された「空中のパイ(空論)」ではありませんでした。しかし、私たちは、人々に食習慣を変えるよう奨励する立場にありません」と述べた。

「これは私の個人的な経験ですが、人々が菜食主義者になるよう督促されたら、 逆効果になることでしょう。 多くの人が肉を食べたいからです」

jojo 英語 → 日本語

From the environmental point of view, it's not about whether you eat meat or dairy, it's about how much," he said in London on Thursday.

The report, Nitrogen on the Table, examined the impacts that changes in consumer food habits would have on nitrogen emissions from livestock.

It said a 50% cut in meat and dairy intake would cut greenhouse gas emissions by 25-40% depending on what the freed-up land was used for. The amount of imported soybeans, mostly used to feed livestock, would fall by 75%.

The taskforce concluded that the amount of nitrogen lost into the wider environment – into the air and into water – was 25 times higher per unit of food protein from beef than for cereals.




