iBeacon徹底解剖!の前に基本のおさらいiOS7の隠れキラーコンテンツとも呼ばれる「iBeacon」。2013 年9月のリリースから約半年が経過しましたが、未だフラッグシップと呼べるようなサービスが登場していない状況です。興味を抱きつつも「具体的に何が出来るの?どこが凄いの?」と疑問を抱えている業界関係者の方も多いのではないでしょうか。そこでTechTechでは「iBeacon特集」と題して、iBeaconの特徴や限界を明らかにするべく、独自の体当たり調査を行いました。
Thorough dissection of iBeacon! But recap of its basics first"iBeacon" is also referred to as a hidden killer content of iOS7 . About a half year has passed since its release in September 2013, but there seems to be no such service emerged that can be called its flagship. There must be many people in industry who may have interest yet also questions like "What can it do specifically? What is so great about it?"Hence, TechTech has attempted an exclusive study about "iBeacon's features" to make clear the features and limitations of iBeacon.
Hi, I have checked USPS website and found the following notice. If there is no notification for redelivery, you may call USPS to request redelivery. Please contact them any way. I checked the telephone number of USPS and I think this is their number. Please call them as soon as possible because the item would be returned to me if you do not receive it within 15 days.Thank you for contacting me many times.
We attempted to deliver your item at 2:07 pm on April 14, 2014 in EUGENE, OR 97401 and a notice was left because an authorized recipient was not available. You may arrange redelivery by visiting http://www.usps.com/redelivery or calling 800-ASK-USPS, or may pick up the item at the Post Office indicated on the notice. If this item is unclaimed after 15 days then it will be returned to the sender. Information, if available, is updated periodically throughout the day. Please check again later.
I'm sorry for the delivery delay due to my mistake. I could not check your order because of my PC failure.I shipped goods for your order today, so please allow 4 to 6 days for the goods to arrive.- Currently, I am tracking the package in USA post offices.As soon as the package is found, it will be delivered to your home. Normally this tracking takes about two weeks. Please be patient. - Again, I requested Japanese post office to track the package.Even if the package is never located, please be assured that your payment will be returned in full.
This Japanese entrepreneur is freeing small businesses from their accounting nightmaresFounded by Daisuke Sasaki and Ryu Yokoji in July 2012, freee aims to make bookkeeping and accounting quick and easy. While the idea seems simple, no one seems to have created an easy-to-use piece of accounting software for Japan. For many years, Yayoi has been dominating the accounting software space with over 60 percent market share in Japan. Sasaki says that Yayoi follows the dual-entry bookkeeping method, which could prove to be difficult and unnecessary for many small businesses. It functions okay but it lacks invoicing or bank account integration. It is at best an upgraded Excel spreadsheet.
日本の起業家、中小企業を経理の悪夢から解放2012年7月にDaisuke Sasaki氏とRyu Yokoji氏が設立したfreeeは、簿記と経理を迅速かつ簡単にすることを目指している。アイデアは単純に見えるが、それまでは誰も日本用に使いやすい経理ソフトを生み出していなかったようだ。日本では、長年にわたってYayoiが60%以上の市場シェアをもって経理ソフトウェア分野を支配してきた。佐々木は語る「Yayoiは複式簿記を採用してきました。これは多くの中小企業にとって難しいだけでなく、不要なんです。機能は優れていますが,請求書や銀行口座と統合されていません。せいぜい、Excelスプレッドシートのアップグレード版です」
On the other hand, freee’s offer is so much more compelling. It is built on the cloud and is accessible via any web browser. Accounting entries are highly automated. For example, if a payment was made to Softbank, freee automatically turns it into a journal entry and classifies the expense as a telco billing. All the accountant has to do is to approve the bills. Freee also helps small businesses generate tax reports in a few clicks for tax submissions to authorities. Automation is made possible because freee is integrated with over 1,600 banks in Japan.
これに対して、freeeのオファーはずっと魅力的だ。 freeeはクラウドベースであり、どのWebブラウザからでもアクセスできる。経理入力は高度に自動化されている。たとえば、ソフトバンクに支払いを行なった場合、freeeはそれを自動的に仕訳伝票に変換し、支出を電話会社からの請求として分類する。会計士は支払いを承認するだけですむ。 また、freeeを使うと、中小企業は数回のクリックで法人税の申告書を準備できる。自動化が可能なのは、freeeが日本の1,600以上の銀行と統合されているからだ
“Bank account integration has been around for many years but we are the first to use it for business,” says Sasaki. “We want small and medium businesses (SMBs) to just care about their expenses and invoices and leave the accounting job to the software.”Sasaki, a former Googler who was in charge of SMBs, realized that technology literacy in small businesses in Japan is really low. Many of them still use faxes along with pen and paper when doing their accounts. “Something is wrong about Japan’s SMB market and I really want to solve the problem. There are no tech products to help a SMB that is affordable in the market,” adds Sasaki.
「銀行口座の統合はすでに長年にわたって実施されていますが、ビジネス用にそれを利用するのは当社が最初です」とSasaki氏は語る。「中小企業は支出と請求書を気にするだけでよく、経理の仕事はソフトウェアに任せるようにしたいのです」Sasaki氏は中小企業担当のGoogle社員だったが、日本の中小企業における技術リテラシーがかなり低いことを実感した。今でも多くの中小企業が、ペンと紙、それにファックスを使用している。 「日本の中小企業市場は何かがおかしい。私は本当にこの問題を解決したいのです。市場には手頃な価格で中小企業を支援するハイテク製品が存在しません」と佐々木は語る。
Since its official launch in March 2013, freee is now used by over 67,000 SMBs. Sasaki declined to reveal the number of paid users. Freee charges individual self-employees US$10 a month, and $20 for corporates.Rocky start When the company was founded, Sasaki faced two problems. First, his team was so passionate about the product that they cared too much about its look and feel. “We discussed a lot how the product should look like. Maybe too much. In the first two months, we made no progress. We decided to stop and make decisions fast and things started to move.”
2013年3月の公式サービス開始以降、現在、67,000社以上の中小企業がfreeeを利用している。 Sasaki氏は、有料ユーザー数を明らすのを拒んだ。freeeの利用料は、自営業者は月間10米ドル、事業法人は月間20米ドルだ。 前途多難なスタート 同社の設立当時、Sasaki氏は2つの問題に直面した。まず、彼のチームが製品に情熱を傾けすぎたため、ルックアンドフィールばかりにこだわったことだ。 「私たちは製品の見栄えについてとことん議論しました。おそらく、やりすぎだったことでしょう。最初の2か月間は、まったく進捗がありませんでした。議論をやめ、意思決定を高速化したところ、ものごとが動き始めました」
The team was coding 15 hours a day, rushing for their launch. But when the prototype was ready, Saski faced the second hurdle – skepticism from the market. “We showed our product to some potential users before launch. But they looked at it with the traditional accounting mindset and thought we can never disrupt the accounting industry,” he says.
チームは毎日15時間もコーディングし、打ち上げを急いでいた。プロトタイプが完成したとき、Sasaki氏は市場から懐疑の目で見られているという第二のハードルに直面した。 「打ち上げ前に複数の有望なユーザーに製品を見せました。しかし、彼らは伝統的な経理思考で製品を眺め、当社が会計業界を席巻することは不可能と思ったようです」とSasaki氏は語る。
Despite the naysayers, freee launched in March last year to good feedback. Sasaki says that happy freee users brought in more users. A customer was so impressed with Sasaki’s accounting software that he even wrote a book about tax filing using freee. What we learned was that even though the initial feedback was not good, it is important to just launch and see what the real customers are saying. We are fortunate because we have early adopters who help to give good reviews on the internet and other people followed.
否定的な見解があったにもかかわらず、freeeは昨年3月に運用を開始し、良い反響を得た。Sasaki氏は幸せなfreeeユーザーがさらに多くのユーザーを呼び込んだと語る。ある顧客はSasaki氏の経理ソフトにいたく感銘し、freeeを利用した税申告に関する本まで執筆した。 「当社が学んだこと。それは最初の反響が良好でなくても、とにかく運用を開始し、実際の顧客が何と言うかを見極めることの重要性です。当社は好運に恵まれています。初期の利用者たちがインターネットで高い評価を与えてくれたので、他の人々がぞくぞくとやってきたのです」
Sasaki has also been pretty creative in distributing his accounting software. He sold coupons on Amazon because, as he puts it, “people actually search for accounting software on Amazon.” As credit card spending is automatically tracked and recorded on freee, more owners are happy to spend, knowing that freee will track the expenses. This in turn makes the credit card companies more willing to promote freee for free.
Other distribution methods include partnering with point-of-sales (POS) services like Square and any retail iPads powered by POS software. Freee also gets cozy with tax advisors, and has so far partnered with 300 of them. “If they say that freee is good, then word will spread and it’s good for business,” says Sasaki. Freee also offers its API so it is easy for any application and POS to integrate with it.
他の普及方法としては、Squareのようなポイントオブセールス(POS)サービスやPOSソフトウェアを搭載したiPadと提携する方法がある。 また、freeeは税務アドバイザーとも親しくし、これまでに300名もの税務アドバイザーと提携している。 「税務アドバイザーたちがfreeeはいいと言ってくれれば、その言葉が広まってビジネスにとって良い効果があります」とSasaki氏は語る。また、freeeは、アプリケーションやPOSがfreeeと統合しやすいようにAPIを提供している。
We want one million SMBs to use our product and we aim to create a network of SMBs who can easily make transactions within the freee network. We also want to globalize our product. Right now, freee is only in Japan. But once our product is more stable, we hope to enter other Asia markets, hopefully starting next year.
いいえ、そんな筈はないですよ。あなたは勘違いしていると思います。私が今問い合わせているEAは下記のあなた達から送信されたメールに記載された2つから選びましたのでどちらにしてもGOLD Scalper EAですよ。金額から見ても下記のサイトの右側に表示されてるEAに間違いないです。そのEAの特徴の上から2行目に100% Gold Tradingとはっきり記載されています。
No, it should not be so. I believe you misunderstood. The EA of question must be the GOLD Scalper EA, since I chose it from two EA's described in your following mail. In addition, the price also proves that this is the EA shown on the right side of the following website.The second line of this EA's features clearly states that this EA is for 100% Gold Trading.
くれ4313client na pas reçu sa commande vendeur contacté
くれ4313 お客様は注文を受け取っていません。売り手に連絡してください。(訳注:vendeur contactéは文法的におかしいです。別の文でContactez la vendeur.とか)
1点、質問があります。sub directoryに設置したいのですがどこを変更すれば良いですか?例えば以下のようなsub directoryに設置する場合の例を教えてもらえますか?http://abc.com/test/面倒な質問で申し訳ありません。おそらく今後、他の方からも同じ質問が出ると思うので対応してもらえると助かりますよろしくお願い致しますあと要望ですが動画を見終わった際に次の動画を自動で再生できるようになれば良いですねただ実装は難しいと思うので参考程度にしてください
I have one question for you. I would like to place it in a sub directory but what should I change? For example, could you tell me what I should do to place it in the following sub directory? http://abc.com/test/ Sorry for your trouble, but I believe the same question will be asked by other people too, so it would be highly appreciated if you would answer my question.Thank you.By the way, I have one request for you. It would be nice if we could play the next video after viewing the first one. But since it may be hard to do so, just take this as a suggestion.
くれIGI3567 Customers order has not yet arrived. Customer e-mailed the seller but got no reply. Ive checked the Sellers page - no records were found. Please process refund.評3IGI5565I ordered "The Amazing Spider-man Hot Toys Action Figure" but instead received "Iron Man Mark 2 Hot Toys Action Figure"- However, I contacted seller and they were always very helpful and responded fairly quickly. They also refunded a customs charge and offered to refund the item if I sent it back. I decided to keep Iron Man since it was too much hassle to send it back. Overall, would not use again
くれ IGI3567 お客様の注文がまだ到着していません。お客様は売り手にメールしましたが、なしのつぶてでした。売り手のページを調べたところ、記録が見つかりませんでした。返金処理を進めてください。 评3 IGI5565 「アメイジングスパイダーマンホットトイズアクションフィギュア」を注文したのに「アイアンマンマーク2ホットトイズアクションフィギュア」が届きました。でも、売り手に連絡したところ、いつもとても親切で迅速に対応してくれました。それに税関料を返金してくれましたし、返送すれば代金を返すとも言ってくれました。返送するのはとても面倒なので、アイアンマンは返品せず、そのまま持っていることにしました。全体としては、もう利用しないでしょう。
評1IGI7111Item never arrived. Plus I was expected to pay £26 on top of price by customs...to be fair seller did offer to pay .but I cancelled the order before it arrived..Doubt I will order from abroad again 評2IGI9165They are courteous and they reply to my queries, however I'm still waiting for the delivery. It's been 3 weeks since the item was dispatched and the tracking number provided still can't be recognized by the courier. No tracking info here on Amazon, had to ask for it. 2/5 as it's not entirely seller's fault (they apparently dispatched it,) but they are responsible for choosing a reliable carrier. 評1IGI7919i didnt get it till now
評1 IGI7111 品物が届いたことはありません。それに、代金のほかに£26を私が税関に支払うことになっていました。念のために言うと、売り手は税関料を支払うと言ってくれましたが、こちらは品物が届く前に注文をキャンセルしました。もう外国から買う気はありませんね。 評2 IGI9165 売り手は丁寧で、問合せにも応じてくれますが、品物が一向に届きません。品物が発送されてから3週間も経つというのに、配送業者は、提供された追跡番号をいまだに認識できません。ここアマゾンには追跡情報がないので、追跡情報をたずねるしかありませんでした。すべてが売り手の過失とは言えないので、評価は2/5 です(確かに発送はしたようです)。ただ、売り手には信頼できる配送業者を選ぶ責任があります。 評1 IGI7919 また品物が届かない
I have experienced my family's terrible grief over my brother's death, who died in an accident and left behind my family behind. I thought I would have to look ahead into the future while watching my family running around to try to find a good way for me to do without having my left breast cut off, although I could have cried and cried if my crying could change my situation. I will take a detailed medical check again from next week. I am grateful for my family, who have been looking for the possibility of even a few percent to avoid my operation. But I know for sure that my surgery will be done definitely on May 21. I'm pondering vaguely that I have something to do now before this operation, which would cause severe pain and make my left hand unmovable for some time thereafter.
Dear Sir or Madam,I do not know why this case has been closed, but the Tracking Numbers ○○○ and △△△ were assigned to those two items that have arrived already. One item still has not arrived yet. Could you refund or send the last one immediately?Best regards, sarafankit2009