Public Translations "technology"
Public Translations "technology" - requests for public viewing. Currently, there are 79 public requests available with the tag: technology for you to view. For a more refine search, use the search bar or click on more tags such as hurry, Business, news, mail, free.
Japanese » English
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Completed : 100 %
over 14 years ago
3 Translations / 0 Working
English » Japanese
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Completed : 100 %
We can consign A. We will need to explain to the customer that in the next 10-14 months this unit may be converted to the B but if it is the changes will be mostly to the control package and motor / amp package. Even if the changes are more drastic the overall our quality and dependability will ...
over 14 years ago
4 Translations / 0 Working
English » Japanese
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Completed : 100 %
Prevent Unwanted Reflection Towards the Light Source
Spectrally Flat
VIS and NIR Ranges Available
For OEM applications, the coating can be applied to a variety of substrate options.
Calcium Fluoride, Germanium, and Zinc Selenide Substrates
Used to Achieve a 90° Light Path Bend
over 14 years ago
3 Translations / 0 Working
English » Japanese
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Completed : 100 %
Zinc Selenide is commonly used with CO2 laser applications, and features high transmission from 1 - 16μm.
Uncoated prisms utilize total internal reflection for the right angle path bend, and are ideal for well-collimated light sources.
Please contact our Applications Engineering Department ...
over 14 years ago
3 Translations / 0 Working
English » Japanese
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Completed : 100 %
Our infrared Right Angle Prisms are available in 3 substrate options. Calcium Fluoride is a low index (1.434) material with excellent transmission properties from 190nm to 7μm, making it ideal for applications throughout the UV, Visible, and Infrared Spectra. Germanium is a dense material with a...
over 14 years ago
3 Translations / 0 Working
English » Japanese
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Completed : 100 %
Cold Mirrors feature a multi-layer dielectric coating optimized for >95% reflection for visible light and >90% transmission for IR wavelengths. Cold mirrors are designed for use in any application where heat build-up can cause damage or adverse effects. For high power illumination, forced air coo...
over 14 years ago
3 Translations / 0 Working
English » Japanese
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Completed : 100 %
Hot Mirrors feature a multi-layer dielectric coating optimized for >95% reflection for IR wavelengths and >90% transmission for visible light. Hot mirrors are used primarily projection and illumination systems, the multi-layer dielectric coating on the mirrors reflects harmful infrared radiation ...
over 14 years ago
3 Translations / 0 Working
Korean » English
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Completed : 100 %
리니지 대부 송재경, 신작 '아키에이지' 공개, 내년 6월 CBT
리니지 대부 송재경 대표가 극비리에 개발중인 MMORPG ‘아키에이지’가 30일 공개 됐다.
‘아키에이지’는 리니지의 아버지로 불리는 엑스엘게임즈의 송재경 대표가 4년 동안 개발한 대작 MMORPG다. 최신 크라이 2엔진을 기반으로 기존에 볼 수 없었던 압도적인 그래픽을 보여줄 예정이다. 크라이엔진은 현존하는 가장 뛰어난 게임엔진으로 ‘아이온’도 크라이엔진 1로 개발됐다.
‘아키에이지’는 신들의 세상을 배경으로 유저들의 탐험과 전쟁의 역사를 다루...
almost 15 years ago
1 Translations / 1 Working
Japanese » English
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Completed : 100 %
English » Japanese
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Completed : 100 %
The only thing real in this picture is the sky. All other elements were added using VFO.
VFO was used to add every element on this photo, over the sky.
This is an example of a plane in flames added to a picture, using VFO.
WIth VFO you can add the space shuttle and many other elements to...
almost 15 years ago
3 Translations / 0 Working
Japanese » English
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Completed : 100 %
DG モバイル、ミニブログサービス「Twitter」とリアルタイム連携し
~日本初の携帯向けTwitter 関連サービスを提供~~
株式会社デジタルガレージ(JASDAQ 4819、本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役/グループCEO:林郁)の子会社で、第三世代携帯電話(3G)向け事業を推進している株式会社DGモバイル(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役:林郁、以下DGM)は、日本でのユーザーが急速に拡大しているミニブログサービス「Twitter」に表現力豊かな動画・画像による投稿サービスを可能にし、さらに使いや...
almost 15 years ago
1 Translations / 0 Working
English » Japanese
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Completed : 100 %
After the transaction is finished successfully the correspondent BUY button will vanish and the object will be available for use. If for some reason in the future, your device loses the information about an object you bought, follow the next paragraph.
At this point you can pinch zoom, move an...
almost 15 years ago
2 Translations / 0 Working
English » Japanese
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Completed : 100 %
You can scroll the list up and down to see all objects available. This list contains free and paid objects. All free objects are already available for use. To choose an object, click on its icon and press Done to the Editing Window. If you want to buy an optional object, make sure you have intern...
almost 15 years ago
2 Translations / 0 Working
English » Japanese
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Completed : 100 %
After taking a photo or choosing a picture from the library you will see the editing screen.
More - This button will give you four choices: Save to Camera Roll (will save the final image to the camera roll)、E-mail Picture (will send the picture to your friends)、Quit Without...
almost 15 years ago
2 Translations / 0 Working
English » Japanese
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Completed : 100 %
(the operation cannot be undone). The application will then return to the Editing Window.
To save the composition to the Camera Roll、choose More on the Preview Window and select Save to Camera Roll.
NOTE: All pictures created by VFA are saved on the Camera Roll at 960*640 pixels. Calculatin...
almost 15 years ago
2 Translations / 0 Working
English » Japanese
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Completed : 100 %
You can then choose from 16 blending modes available (in the following order: left to right、top to bottom): Normal、Multiply、Screen、Overlay、Darken、Lighten、Color Dodge、Color Burn、Soft Light、Hard Light、Difference、Exclusion、Hue、Saturation、Color and Luminosity. The Preview Window will update after you...
almost 15 years ago
1 Translations / 0 Working
English » Japanese
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Completed : 100 %
Mode - choose the blend mode you want to use to compose the object over the background.
Apply - tap on this button if you want to stamp the object to the background;
More - This button will give you four choices: Save to Camera Roll (will save the final image to the camera roll)、E-mail Pict...
almost 15 years ago
1 Translations / 0 Working
English » Japanese
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Completed : 100 %
After choosing the object you want to use , tap on DONE to use it on your composition.
If Apple charge you for an object it means you never bought it before.
The Preview Window will show a high resolution version of the composition you did on the Editing Window (see next picture). Blending ...
almost 15 years ago
1 Translations / 0 Working
English » Japanese
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Completed : 100 %
NOTE: The Object Window has a button named "Restore in-app Purchase". Choose this button if you want to restore the objects you have bought previously. This is perfect for restoring lost transactions in case of iPhone corruption, erasing or lost of data and also in case of transferring the applic...
almost 15 years ago
1 Translations / 0 Working
English » Japanese
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Completed : 100 %
The slider vanishes automatically after a few seconds, after being used.
When you are satisfied with the size, position, rotation and transparency of an object you should tap on the Preview button, you you can pass to the next phase of the composition (see next section).
Tapping on Object o...
almost 15 years ago
1 Translations / 0 Working
English » Japanese
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Completed : 100 %
(see following picture).
This screen contains five buttons described as follows:
Cancel - quit the composition and return to the start screen;
Object - choose the object you want to add to your picture;
Opacity - choose the object's opacity;
Mirror - Mirror the object horizontally;
almost 15 years ago
3 Translations / 0 Working
English » Japanese
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Completed : 100 %
VFA was created by the same author of CameraUFO and GhostCamera.
The next image shows the first screen you see when you run VFA.
Take Photo - take a photo to use as a background on your composition;
Choose Existing Photo - choose an existing photo to use as a background on your compositi...
almost 15 years ago
3 Translations / 0 Working
English » Japanese
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Completed : 100 %
Your original photos are never touched;
Comes with dozens of frames you can add to your pics;
2D Compositions can be done using one out of 16 blending modes available (just like your favorite desktop image software);
Comes with several elements as circles, arrows, squares, etc., you can ...
almost 15 years ago
3 Translations / 0 Working
English » Japanese
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Completed : 100 %
Comes with hundreds of objects you can add to your pictures with a few touches (50 free objects and 76 other optional objects you can buy from inside the application);
The objects include: civil/military aircrafts and weapons, elements of the solar system and beyond (comets, planets, galaxies,...
almost 15 years ago
3 Translations / 0 Working
English » Japanese
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Completed : 100 %
-Transparent White/Blue UFO
-White oval shaped UFO with ring
-White oval shaped UFO with ring and balls
-White and purple UFO light glow strikes
-Purple and green UFO light glow strikes
-Purple and green round light glow strikes UFO
-Purple UFO with green lights
-Ring UFO with purple light...
almost 15 years ago
1 Translations / 0 Working