[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 下さいとメールしたにも関わらず、CCには私が入ってたものの、一切その件で説明頂けませんでした 大宮で行われたCol Maskeryによる会議に参加した...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は "ビジネス" のトピックと関連があります。 [削除済みユーザ] さん transcontinents さん sujiko さん [削除済みユーザ] さん hhanyu7 さんの 5人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 20件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 2260文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 1時間 21分 です。

kanako0097による依頼 2015/08/21 01:22:03 閲覧 1515回
残り時間: 終了


大宮で行われたCol Maskeryによる会議に参加した所、我々の職場の中で、一人だけ孤立をしていたり、一人だけ仲間外れのような行為は絶対にあってはならない。と講義があり、ここに参加してから、今の職場の状況は絶対におかしい事なのだ、傷ついてきた事はどんどん訴えて行動していっていいのだと思うようになる


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/21 02:13:17に投稿されました
by email, although I was included in CC he didn't explain about that at all.

When I joined conference by Col Maskery held in Omiya, the lecturer said anyone in our workplace should be isolated or left out, and I came to think after joining this that the situation in my current workplace is absolutely abnormal, and I should appeal when I get hurt and I should make moves.

My pain reached its peak and I sent an email again to my boss. I wrote on the email that I had been suffering from isolation for a long time. The boss replied that
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- 2015/08/21 04:24:07に投稿されました
Despite my asking to send me an email, which was actually sent by CC, there was no explanation about the matter at all.

I learned from a lecture at a meeting organized by Col Maskery in Omiya that it should never be allowed in our workplace for a worker to be isolated or to treat a co-worker as an outcast. That’s when I realized that something is wrong with my current workplace environment and that it is okay to come forward to speak out about my miserable experiences without hesitation.

At the lowest point, I emailed to my supervisor again to tell him that I have suffered from isolation for a long time.



評価 51
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/21 01:39:25に投稿されました
The responses from the boss imply "I Eguchi is the one who saty away from us.", " I don't understand why she is suffering. " , " if you go and ask them questions, they will kindly answer you." But I only have anger on Tsukimori, I don't want to obey him who broke my heart . Even if he treat me different, what I have been suffering doesn't change.
Why I was like saying away is that's because of same as the reason I wrote on the March 2014.

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- 2015/08/21 02:17:02に投稿されました
"I (Eguchi) am staying away from everyone.", "why are you suffering", or "if you ask them questions they will kindly teach you" etc, but at the moment I only have anger against Tsukimori san, and Tsukimori san hurt me this much and I don't want to follow him anymore, even if he becomes kind now my pain will not go away. The reason I get isolated is same as what I wrote for March 2014.

I called personnel department and they told me that I can allege if the boss at workplace cannot solve the problem,



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- 2015/08/21 02:20:20に投稿されました
so I researched about allegation and decided to allege.

When I was called by Rakia about PC operation, PC had been changed to completely different kind, usually I restart PC if there is any problem but this PC was not regular PC and I didn't even know how to restart it, it was connected by laptop and I wasn't informed about this, I didn't know what to do and this was a huge trouble. I returned to call Tsukimori san. He operated and solved it by himself and
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- 2015/08/21 06:01:55に投稿されました
I was told a system. I checked the petition and decided to make a petition.

When Akira asked me to come about a question of operation of personal computer, I was in a serious trouble as I did not know how to handle the problems where the PC was changed to quite a different type. I usually try rebooting up when I have a trouble at PC, but I even did not know how to reboot up this PC. It is not a PC we usually use but is connected by laptop, and I even did not know it.
I went to find Tsukimori, and he or she operated and solve the problem by him or herself.

去ろうとしたので、月森さんに「何をしたのか教えてもらえませんか?このPCは、何ですか?」と聞いた所、曖昧なお返事で流され、去ってしまい詳細を教えて頂けませんでした。後に、First sergentの所にも、ある質問で行ったときに同じ特殊なPCだったので、「コマンダー関係は皆、新しいPCに変わったんだな」とは思いましたが、教えて頂けないのは仕事にもなりませんし、とてもストレスです


評価 52
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- 2015/08/21 02:22:58に投稿されました
was about to leave, so I asked Tsukimori san "Will you tell me what you did? What's this PC?", he gave me vague answer and levet so I didn't get details. Later I went to First sergent to ask question and there was same special PC, so I thought "all commander related staffs got new PC", but I can't do my work if I'm not told about it, and it was a huge stress.

The boss sent an email to Tsukimori san and asked him to tell Eguchi (me) the procedures of iPhone acquision for Rakia,
評価 50
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- 2015/08/21 06:09:03に投稿されました
When he or she was leaving, I asked him or her, "What did you do? What is this PC?" But he or she did not answer me clearly and left. I could not know the details. When I went to First Sergent to ask a question later, I found that it was the same special PC. I thought that "the computers used with commander have been changed to the new one". As I have not obtained the details, I cannot work well. I feel stressful about it much.



評価 52
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- 2015/08/21 02:26:05に投稿されました
but he replied vaguely saying that there was no good procedure for communication party, and after all I wasn't taught of anything. As I wrote in the beginning, this is the second time he passes about iPhone case. The email text sounds like he's creating recording text by himself, and although he said it's in shared file, I wouldn't understand details and procedure just by that. He makes various excuses and treats me like I'm ignored. Tsukimori san's act is unjustified power harrassment.

The boss provided me the decision document. The content says that the problem between me and Tsukimori san is
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- 2015/08/21 06:19:47に投稿されました
They did not answer me clearly by saying that communication squad does not have an appropriate procedure. They had not answered me clearly from the beginning to the end. As I listed in the beginning, it is the 2nd time that they did not answer me clearly regarding iPhone. The sentences written in e-mail have a nuance as if he or she wrote a document only by him or herself. They said that it is in shared file, but I cannot know the details and procedure by it. Tsukimori makes a variety of execuses and ignores me. I am sure that it is an unreasonable power harassment.

The boss writes document of decision. From its details, the problem of Tsukimori and I



評価 51
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- 2015/08/21 01:53:15に投稿されました
Our problem should not be solved by ending up that didn't match our characters each other.
But my boss will alarm him again so I will see what happens.

I will go and ask Tsukimori about the petition directly. (I was too afraid of him at first and couldn't say anything but that It has been my stress, saying bad things about other peope, sighs and talking himself, and I didn't like when he said not to use Google translator or whatever trivial things, he gathered people and didn't tell me any information of our works, and it has been a year and a half of isolation,
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- 2015/08/21 02:29:56に投稿されました
simply a mismatch of each personality, and I'm not convinced that the case is closed without any improvement. However, the boss said he'll warn Tsukimori san again so I'll see how it goes.

I went to directly talk to Tsukimori san about allegation. (At first I was scared of Tsukimori san's pressure and I couldn't say anything, but I told Tsukimori san that I gradually got stressed, I was unhappy about talking ill of others, sighs, and self talk, I was told not to use Google translate function and I was bothered by minor interferences, he ganged up with others not to talk just to me, not to provide work related information, after being isolated and left out for over 1 year, my body was hurting and



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- 2015/08/21 01:58:07に投稿されました
Me going to a psychosomatic clinic )
I told Tsukimori my toughts and that I would like to change the atmosphere of the work place.
There was an apology in the conversation and he didn't promise about his signs and talking himself saying "at least let me do that things".
But about the job, it's normal that I go and ask to do things, so I will, he promised thay he won't make me isolated again and he will share the information with me .

But after that, there was only one time
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- 2015/08/21 02:32:43に投稿されました
I was seeing psychosomatic doctor), my feeling so far and my request for improving work environment.
Among discussion, Tsukimori san apologized, and regarding sighs and self talk he said "at least let me sigh" and he didn't make promise but he promised about work that he will give me tasks, that's the way it should be so he'll do so, he will not isolate me or ignore me, and will share work related information with me.

However, after that only for one time he asked me for installation,





資料添付…医者のカルテ 職場の相談を心療内科で

評価 52
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- 2015/08/21 02:36:33に投稿されました
and the situation got back to the same.

I waited for one week after making allegation, but he didn't change at all so I reported my boss to continue to the next step.

I was crying almost every day at workplace for a year and half, but my colleague Ishikawa san happened to see me like that when she came to talk to me.

I visited Jinbo clinic psychosomatic department. The doctor diagnosed that I have maladjustment disorder due to stress by senior worker at workplace. The counselor provided document of opinion, and the doctor gave me medical report for cause and future plan.

Attached material... doctor's medical record
評価 51
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- 2015/08/21 06:02:23に投稿されました
I was in the same situation again after having some jobs.

A week after complaining, the situation was not changing , so I told my boss that I would proceed to a next step.

I have been crying for almost 1 and a half year every day at the work and when my colleague Ishikawa-san talked to me, she saw me crying.

I went to a treatment at Obo clinic psychosomatic medicine consultation. Then the doctor diagnosed me with adjustment disorder with stress caused by workplace harassment by a senior staff.
I received a written opinion from the counselor and a medical certificate about the cause and future treatment from the doctor.

Psychosomatic medicine materials attached ... by a doctor at a consultation of psychosomatic medical clinic at workplace





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- 2015/08/21 02:42:07に投稿されました
part of medical record for consultation at psychosomatic department regarding workplace

Rakia san provided decision document.
I was told that it was difficult without evidence, and I decided to collect evidence, consult with lawyer, and allege again after collecting evidence.

Now I only feel resented against Tsukimori san rather than fear.
I was even diagnosed as maladjustment disorder, and I want to allege Tsukimori san for cornering me in a long term till I can't move my body for daily life.
Corrective actions I'd like to request are as follows.
Currently I'm on leave for one month, but I appreciate your kind arrangement.

The hardest thing for me was that for a long time
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- 2015/08/21 06:28:47に投稿されました
Part of medical record we had

I received the document of decision from Akira.
I was told that I was going to have a hard time if I did not have an evidence.
I decided to consult with a lawyer after collecting the evidence, and make a petition after collecting the evidence again.

I have not a fear but an anger for Tsukimori now.
As I was diagnosed adjustment disorder and my body does not work well in daily life, I am going to make a petition to Tsukimori who had given me so much pressure for such a long time.
I request a measure for correction as follows.
I am taking a rest for 1 month. I appreciate your understanding.

The hardest part is long time
kanako0097- 約9年前
Thank you very much!


評価 51
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- 2015/08/21 01:43:15に投稿されました
What the most painful thing was that I was isolated only not talking to me and o got nothing information of the work and most of the time I was just sitting in a chair for a year and a half, and I had no work unless there is a user's offer.
The details are written on the attached document, so please check them.
評価 52
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- 2015/08/21 02:43:26に投稿されました
only I was ignored and was isolated.
Only I didn't get work related information, and nearly one year and half I had no task unless sitting on my chair unless user requested. Details are clearly stared in chronological order, so please kindly check the attached material.





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