HKSTP & Microsoft HK inject US$1M to support the IoT industry
The partnership pledges more than US$1M to develop the IoT industry via the IoT Innovation Platform, the first of its kind in Asia
Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation (“HKSTP”) and Microsoft Hong Kong Limited announced a partnership today that aims to raise the IoT industry in Hong Kong to the world stage, by providing IoT developers with unprecedented support to enhance their product offerings.
This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) includes the creation of the IoT Innovation Platform and a dedicated cloud-based Data Analytics environment at Hong Kong Science Park.
Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation (“HKSTP”)とMicrosoft Hong Kong Limited は本日提携し、香港のIoT業界を世界有数に育成することを目標にIoT開発者の製品をエンハンスする前例ない支援を得提供すると発表した。
この覚え書き(MoU)はIoTイノベーションプラットフォームの立ち上げと、クラウドベースの専用データ分析環境をHong Kong Science Parkに用意することが含まれる。
Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP)とMicrosoft Hong Kong Limitedは今日提携を発表し、香港のIoT産業を世界へ進出させる狙いだ。IoT開発者の製品提供を強化すべく、前例のないような支援を行う。
今回の合意書(MoU)では、Hong Kong Science ParkでIoTイノベーションプラットフォームを立ち上げることや、クラウドによるデータ解析専用の環境を整えることが記されている。
このパートナーシップはloT Innovation Platformを通してloT事業でアジアでは初となる100万アメリカドルの援助を約束する。
Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation (“HKSTP”)とMicrosoft Hong Kongは香港でのloT事業を世界規模へと発展させることを目的としたパートナーシップを組み、商品提供を促進する目的でloT開発者に前例のない援助をすることを本日限定告知した。
このMemorandum of Understanding (MoU)にはIoT Innovation Platformの設立とHong Kong Science Parkでの献身的なクラウドベースでのData Analytics環境も含まれる。
IoT developers: including students, startups, and traditional independent software vendors who want to expand their solution portfolios or add value through IoT, will receive proof of concept support, can consult experts for advice and attend training sessions and will be able to accelerate their development of IoT solutions through cloud services and tools.
“Our collaboration with Microsoft Hong Kong to create the IoT Innovation Platform and Data Analytics environment at Hong Kong Science Park, is a testament to Hong Kong’s unlimited potential as an Internet of Things hub,” said Allen Ma, CEO, HKSTP.
「Microsoft Hong Kongとの協力でHong Kong Science Park内に立ち上げることになったIoTイノベーションプラットフォームとデータ分析環境は、IoT(Internet of Things)のハブとしての香港の無限の可能性を証明するものです」と HKSTPのCEO、Allen Ma氏は述べる。
「Microsoft Hong Kongと提携し、Hong Kong Science ParkにIoTイノベーションプラットフォームやデータ解析環境を整えることができることで、モノのインターネットの拠点としての香港の無限の可能性が証明されるでしょう。」とHKSTPのCEO、Allen Ma氏が話している。
「私たちのMicrosoft Hong Kongとの共同開発は香港 Science ParkでのloT Innovation PlatformとData Analytics環境を開発するためであり、香港でのInternet of Things hub無限の可能性を証明するものです。」とHKSTP社CEOのAllen Ma氏は述べた。
“The city has attracted numerous IoT developers and many of them have chosen Hong Kong Science Park as their base of operations because of the unique collaborative and inspiring environment, as well as the full range of available technical and marketing services. We currently have 90 IoT companies at Science Park working on IoT-related projects. Their work includes a wide range of endeavours ranging from data security and IoT enabled ERP systems. These companies are agile and react quickly to rising trends with tailored solutions to meet changing customer needs,” he said.
Allen Ma added, “The next few years will be key for Hong Kong’s development into an IoT hub, as we push developers to achieve even more, train the next generation of IoT specialists as well as nurture startups and young ICT (Information and Communications Technology) companies. The technical infrastructure is already in place and Hong Kong’s high smartphone adoption and broadband penetration rates makes big data readily available. We’re confident that Hong Kong will become the location of choice for IoT solutions in the Asia-Pacific region and the world in the near future.”
Horace Chow, General Manager, Microsoft Hong Kong Limited said, “It’s our pleasure to join forces with HKSTP to help Hong Kong become a central hub for IoT development in Asia. Microsoft Hong Kong and HKSTP have already been working together in areas such as nurturing startups, and this partnership is a natural extension of our existing collaboration. Microsoft HongKong’s investment in this MoU is closely aligned with our SparkHK initiative, which is aimed at empowering Hong Kong’s growth and competitiveness through innovation.”
Gary Sun, General Manager, Microsoft Asia-Pacific Technology Company Ltd. (MATL) said, “The economic and social benefits that come with the development of the IoT industry in Hong Kong are numerous. With MATL’s IoT expertise, which is the best in the world, and our experience in helping Mainland China customers to succeed in the IoT industry, we’re very excited to collaborate with HKSTP to re-energise traditional industries in Hong Kong and create big data job vacancies in the next five years. I’m confident that this collaboration to create the IoT Innovation Platform will take the technology industry in Hong Kong to the next level.”
HKSTP and Microsoft Hong Kong will jointly contribute resources and technical expertise under this MOU. This includes free Azure services through BizSpark for startups, an Azure IoT Starter Kit, training facilities, staff support and advisory services.
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