[Translation from Japanese to English ] (8) Contracting or soliciting Illegal activities (transfer of handguns, manuf...

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第2条 定義
( 1 )本アプリとは弊社が運営する「A」と称するスマートフォンアプリ(iOS/Android)をいいます。
( 2 )本サービスとは本アプリ上で提供される全てのサービスをいいます。
( 3 )利用者とは本アプリを利用するために会員登録している者をいいます。
( 4 )情報とは本サービスを利用して投稿できる画像をいいます。
( 5 )投稿とは利用者が本アプリに画像をアップロードする行為をいいます。

Rating 57
Translation / English
- Posted at 11 Nov 2013 at 10:58
Article 2: Definition
The meanings of the terms used in the present Terms and Conditions will be set forth in each of the following items.
1) "This app" is the smartphone app (iOS / Android) called as "A" we manage.
2) "This service" is all the services that are provided in this app.
3) "The User" is the person registered as a member for the purpose of using this app.
4) "Information" is the image which can be posted using this service.
5) "Posting" is the action in whch the user uploads the images to this app.
★★★★☆ 4.0/1
Rating 50
Translation / English
- Posted at 11 Nov 2013 at 11:11
Article 2 definition.
In this user policy, the meanings of the terms used shall be as prescribed respectively in those items.
(1) This application is referred to smartphone app (iOS/Android) "A" which is provided by our company.
(2) This service is referred to all services provided on this application.
(3) An user is referred to registered member to use this application.
(4) Information is referred to images which can be posted by using this service.
(5) A posting is referred to an act what the user upload their images to this application.

★★☆☆☆ 2.0/1

第3条 本利用規約の範囲
( 1 )本アプリには、本利用規約及びその他の利用規約等において、本サービスの利用条件が規定されています。
( 2 )本利用規約の規定とその他の利用規約等の規定が異なる場合は、当該その他の利用規約等の規定が優先して適用されるものとします。

Rating 57
Translation / English
- Posted at 11 Nov 2013 at 11:08
Article 3: The scope of the terms of this service
1) This app specifies the conditions of using this service in these terms of this service and others.
Other terms shall be a part of this terms, regardless of their names.
2) If the provisions of this terms and other terms are different, the provisions of other terms shall be applied, in priority of this.
Rating 50
Translation / English
- Posted at 11 Nov 2013 at 11:45
Article 3. Scope of this regulation of use
(1) For this application, condition of use for this service is set forth in this regulation of use and other regulation of use, etc.
Regardless of name, other regulation of use, etc. shall constitute part of this regulation of use.

(2) In the event that regulation of this regulation of use and regulation of other regulation of use ,etc. are different, regulation of the said regulation of use,etc. shall be prevailing.
Rating 52
Translation / English
- Posted at 11 Nov 2013 at 12:04
Article 3. Scope of the TOU
(1) For the application, the usage condition of this service is specified by the TOU and other Terms of Use and other Terms of Use, etc.
Other Terms of Use shall constitute parts of the TOU regardless of the title.
(2) When the provisions differ between that in the TOU and that in other Terms of Use, the rules in such other Terms of Use shall be given priority and applied.

第4条 本利用規約の変更
( 1 )弊社は、弊社の判断により、本利用規約をいつでも任意の理由で変更することができるものとします。
( 2 )変更後の利用規約は、弊社が別途定める場合を除いて、本アプリ上に表示した時点より効力を生じるものとします。
( 3 )利用者が、本利用規約の変更の効力が生じた後に本アプリをご利用になる場合には、変更後の利用規約の全ての記載内容に同意したものとみなされます。

Rating 50
Translation / English
- Posted at 11 Nov 2013 at 11:50
Article 4. Change of this regulation of use

(1) Our company may change this regulation of use at our discretion by determination of our company.

(2) The regulation of use after changing shall be effective from the time when it is shown at thsi application except for the case where our company determines separately.

(3)In case where user uses this application after change of this regulation of use takes effect , it shall be understood that he or she agrees with all the details of the regulation of use after changing.
Rating 52
Translation / English
- Posted at 11 Nov 2013 at 12:34
Article 4. Change of the TOU
(1) We shall be able to change the TOU for any reason at will any time.
(2) The TOU after the change shall come into effect from the time when displayed on the application except as otherwise provided.
(3) When the user uses the application on or after the effective date of the change of the TOU, it is considered that the user have agreed to all the content of the TOU after the change.
Rating 52
Translation / English
- Posted at 11 Nov 2013 at 12:38
Article 4 The changes of the terms of use
(1) We shall change the terms of use for the optional reason whenever we are by our desicion.
(2)The changed terms of use shall be derived its validity from the time that is showed on this app except the case to be defined by us.
(3)When the user uses this app after deriving its validity, the user shall be considered to agree all described contents of the changed terms of use.

( 4 )本利用規約の新たな制定・変更等がなされた場合、当該規約の制定・変更等より前に利用者によって行われた行為についても、当該制定・変更等がなされた後の本利用規約が適用されます。
第5条 利用者の責任
( 1 )利用者は、利用者自身の自己責任において本サービスを利用するものとし、本サービスを利用してなされた一切の行為及びその結果について一切の責任を負います。

Rating 50
Translation / English
- Posted at 11 Nov 2013 at 11:56
(4) In the event that new system and change,etc. of this regulation of use are carried out, this regulation of use after the said sytem and change, etc. are carried out shall be applied to the act that was conducted by user before system and change, etc. of this said regulation take effect.

Article 5. Responsiblity of user
(1) User shall use this service at his or her own responsiblity, and he or she shall be liable for all the acts and results thereof.
Rating 52
Translation / English
- Posted at 11 Nov 2013 at 12:28
(4) The act by user before the new constitutions and changes such the agreement wii be applied the after new constitutions and changes for the terms of use when these are newly constituted and changed.

Article 5 The responsibiliy of the user
(1)The user is to use this service on one's own responsibility and undertake the full responsibility for the act and the result using this service.

( 2 )利用者は、利用者が本サービスを利用して投稿した情報について弊社に保存義務がないことを認識し、適宜バックアップをとるものとします。
( 3 )本サービスを利用して利用者が投稿した情報に関する責任は、全て利用者に帰属します。
第6条 禁止事項

Rating 50
Translation / English
- Posted at 11 Nov 2013 at 12:03
(2) User shall understand that our company has no obligation of maintaining information that was posted by user by using this service, and shall take backup timely.

(3) The responsbility in respect with information posted by user by using this service shall all belongs to user.

Article 6. Prohibition
User is prohibited from carrying out the follwoing acts when using this service.
If he or she violates prohibition rule, sometimes he or she is forced to leave, stopped to use it, deleted whole or part of posted information, or took a destructive measure such as change of posted scope, etc.
Rating 45
Translation / English
- Posted at 11 Nov 2013 at 12:41
(2) User should recognize that the company do not have any obligation to store the uploaded information and should backup the information adequately.

(3) All the liability for the information the user upload shall contribute to the user.

Article6 Prohibited matters
The user should not do below when using our services.
If you breach this, you might be withdrawn from the membership compulsory, suspended for usage, deleted the information you uploaded as a whole or parts of them , changed the areas of openness and conducted unfavorable actions to you.
★★☆☆☆ 2.0/1

( 1 )弊社もしくは他者の著作権、商標権等の知的財産権を侵害する行為、又は侵害する恐れのある行為。
( 2 )弊社もしくは他者の財産、プライバシーもしくは肖像権を侵害する行為、又は侵害する恐れのある行為。
( 3 )弊社もしくは他者を不当に差別もしくは誹謗中傷し、他者への不当な差別を助長し、又はその名誉もしくは信用を毀損する行為。

Rating 50
Translation / English
- Posted at 11 Nov 2013 at 12:08
(1) Act to violate copyright of our company or others, intellectual property right of trade mark law, etc. Or act that is likely to do so.

(2) Act to violate property of our company or other, privacy or portraits right. Or act that is likely to do so.

(3) Act to discriminate or criticize others illegally, support discrimination illegally to others, or damage reputation or trust.
Rating 52
Translation / English
- Posted at 11 Nov 2013 at 12:02
(1)The act that might to fringe the copyright of us or the others, the intellectual property right such as trademark.
(2)The act that might to fringe the property, privacy or the portrait right of us or the others.
(3)The act that is to slunder and discriminate us or the others unfairly and accererate unfair discrimination or defame someone's confidence and reputation.

( 4 )自分以外の人物を名乗ったり、代表権や代理権がないにもかかわらずあるものと装ったり、又は他の人物や組織と提携、協力関係にあると偽って本サービスを利用する行為。
( 5 )詐欺、規制薬物の濫用、児童売買春、預貯金口座及び携帯電話の違法な売買等の犯罪に結びつく、又は結びつく恐れのある行為。

Rating 50
Translation / English
- Posted at 11 Nov 2013 at 12:15
(4)Act to use name other than him or self, pretend to have these rights although there is no right of representative or proxy, or to use this service by disguising that he or she has coopertion and relationship with others and organization.

(5) Act to connect to crime such as swindling, misuse of regulated drugs, trading children by sex, and illegal transaction, etc. of deposit account and cellular phone. Or act that is liekly to connect to it.
Rating 52
Translation / English
- Posted at 11 Nov 2013 at 11:47
(4)The act that is to claim as the person of someone else,pretend to have representation right and authority despite of unrelated pwerson or use this service pretending to have association and cooperation for the other person and organization.
(5)The act is to abuse the flaud and controlled substance and might to be connected the criminal offences such as the child prostitution,the illegal sales for the bank account and the cellphone.

( 6 )わいせつ、児童ポルノ又は児童虐待に相当する情報(以下、本号においてこれらの情報といいます)について、次に掲げるいずれかの行為を行うこと。
( 7 )違法な賭博・ギャンブルを行わせ、又は違法な賭博・ギャンブルへの参加を勧誘する行為。

[deleted user]
Rating 44
Translation / English
- Posted at 11 Nov 2013 at 11:39
(6) Doing the following acts regarding information containing obscenity, child pornography, or child abuse (hereafter known as such information).
(A) Posting or displaying such information.
(B) Selling media containing such information.
(C) Posting or displaying advertisements promoting media containing such information.
(7) Promoting illegal gambling and enticing customers to engage such activity.
Rating 50
Translation / English
- Posted at 11 Nov 2013 at 12:22
(6) To conduct any of the act as is described below in respect with information(hereinafter referred to as "these information") that is equivalent to be obscene, child pornography or child abuse.

(a) Act to post or express these information
(b)Act to sell medium where these information is recorded
(c) Act to post or express advertisement that makes remember sending, expressing or sellling of medium where these information is recorded.

(7) Act to make people illegal gambling, or to solicit people to participate in illegal gambling.

( 8 )違法行為(けん銃等の譲渡、爆発物の製造、児童ポルノの提供、公文書偽造、殺人、脅迫等)を請け負い、仲介し、又は誘引する行為。
( 9 )他人を自殺に誘引又は勧誘する行為。
( 10 )次に掲げる情報を投稿し、又は表示する行為。

[deleted user]
Rating 44
Translation / English
- Posted at 11 Nov 2013 at 11:29
(8) Contracting or soliciting Illegal activities (transfer of handguns, manufacture of explosives, provision of child pornography, official document forgery, murder, blackmail, etc.).
(9) Encouraging others to commit suicide.
(10) Posting the following information or display it
A) Information contacting murders and images of crime scenes.
B) Images containing dead bodies
C) Images containing other atrocities
Rating 52
Translation / English
- Posted at 11 Nov 2013 at 12:15
(8)The act that is to undertake and broker or attrac tthe illegality ( sales of the guns, making of explosives, offering of child porn, forging an official document, murder and assalt etc.).
(9)The act that to attract the suiside someone.
(10)The act that to post or show the following information.
(A)The information to be shooted the site of the murder and insult.
(B)The information to be shooted the dead body.
(C)The information to be shooted other brutality.

( 11 )次に掲げる内容の情報を、投稿する行為。

[deleted user]
Rating 44
Translation / English
- Posted at 11 Nov 2013 at 11:33
(11) Posting the following information
(A) Information defaming certain individuals.
(B) Personal information such as names, addresses, workplaces, and phone numbers etc.
(C) Information not related to reviews.
(D) Other information deemed inappropriate by our firm.
Rating 52
Translation / English
- Posted at 11 Nov 2013 at 11:32
(11)the act to post the following information of the contents.
(A)The information that is slandered the specific person
(B)The information that might are specified name,address, company and telephone number etc.
(C)The information that are not related to the target of review.
(D)The informattion that are decided as the inappropriate by our company.


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