There should have been two boxes that arrived for you. One was a larger one that came via Fed Ex and the other was a smaller box that would have came via Priority Mail. Combined they would have had your entire order. The Priority Mail box would have arrived a day or two after the Federal Express box.I have some Lego sets, but I don't have access to order any that were on your list. I will send you a list of what I have available. Thanks,Dave
Hmm, interesting no rattle wonder what kind of sound. It must not be a tight fit? It is under warranty my friend so if you need to wraanty do so.
I appreciate your interest in my store. Unfortunately I only have one set of 7869. I can't guarantee a big discount. Some of the items, I make a very minimal profit. I am just trying to liquidate my inventory. What other sets interest you?Sincerely,Thank you for contacting us. we appreciate your interest in becoming partners with us and purchasing these units from us. we unfortunately do not have 200 in stock to sell to you. Due to limitations on eBay we only put 3 in our quantity but we currently have only 33 in stock. If you wish to still purchase these units we can change the quantity for you once you are ready to place the order. if you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
As you may know Topcon North America increased prices by 23.6% on January 1st, 2013. We placed a large order for RL-H4C lasers on the last business day of 2012, and they will be arriving on Wednesday. Until the end of this week, we are extending last year's prices to all customers who purchased from us in 2012. This includes free domestic Ground shipping. We will also be maintaining our lowest prices on any other Topcon level, laser or accessory. Please let us know if you would like to place an order at this pricing as soon as possible.
ご存知の通り、Topcon North Americaは2013年、1月1日を持ちまして23.6%の値上がりを実施いたしました。私どもは、2012年度末にRL-H4Cレーザーを大量発注し、水曜日にそれらが入荷いたします。今週末までは、2012年に私どもより購入されたお客様に対し、昨年の価格にて提供させていただきます。こちらは、国内向けの陸便送料無料も含まれます。今後も、他のTopconのレベル、レーザー、付属品に対し低価格での提供を続けてさせていただきます。こちらの価格での購入をご希望の場合は、早急に注文してください。
Thank you for your interest into Tool Authority and the Hitachi DH24PB3. We would definitely be able to provide with wholesale pricing on a large quantity. Typically in tools any quantity over 10 will get you 5% off, 15 tools will get you 10% off. In order for us to sell these items to you though, we will require a bank wire of funds to our account for payment. As long as you can provide payment and you would be willing to purchase in such quantities we would be excited to help you out and get you the tools you need for sale. We look forward to speaking with you soon,
Tool Authorityと、Hitachi DH24PB3に興味を寄せていただきありがとうございます。大量注文に対しては、もちろん卸価格での提供をさせていただきます。ツールに関しましては、通常10点以上の購入に対し5%引き、15点ですと10%引きとなっております。また、銀行振り込みでの取引きとなります。銀行振り込みでの取引きに問題なく、また大量購入をお考えでしたら、喜んであなたと取引させていただきたいと思います(あなたが販売するツールの購入の手助けをできることを嬉しく思っております。)。またのご連絡をお待ちしております。
Good morning!It's snowing in Tokyo, so it's very cold.I'm jealous that it must be warm in Sydney.Well, thank you for the info about the discount sale.My order is as following.Could you check if you have them in stock?Due to the business expanding, our office will have a new location on February 10th.I can order and make payment right away, but could you possibly ship those items to my new office next month?
At this time, my two largest suppliers are out of this item, but I think I can still get the quantity you need. However, what type of price were you asking for?I currently have 3 in stock and would be willing to sell them to you for $225 each....or $675 total for all 3,Once that transaction is complete I would have faith that you would be a reliable customer, and would be able to supply you with many more camera's at a discounted price....Please let me know if you are interested in moving forward, and i will send you an invoice for the 3 camera's, I currently have in stock...
メッセージありがとう!そんなに褒めてくれて、とても嬉しいよ。僕は音楽が大好き。特に、ヒップホップに対する情熱は半端じゃない。四年前から自分の曲を作っているんだ。リリックは4つ出来たんだけど、まだトラックを作れていない。最近、MPC RENAISSANCEを買って、一生懸命説明書を読んで、操作を覚えているところ。出来上がったらyoutubeに載せるから聞いてね!英語の訳もつけておくからさ!
Thank you for your message!!I was very happy to be praised.I love music, and I'm totally into Hip Hop music especially.I began writing songs four years ago.I have written four lyrics so far, but I haven't completed any tracks yet.I just bought MPC RENAISSANCE, and I'm reading the instructions and trying to learn how to operate it.I will put it on YouTube as soon as I finish it, so look forward to it!!I will put the English translation as well!
My goal is to break new ground in the field of Japanese Hip Hop where any records, which have been released so far, hasn't reached yet.I won't waste your message.I promise you that I will make a piece and do a performance that echo through tons of people's head someday.A thousand thanks.
I just ran out Sony batteries.I have one thing to want to make sure with you before I make another purchases from you.Are your products real Sony products?If so, could you tell me why you can offer them at such a low price?Look forward to your response.Thank you.
Hello there, I just cаuɡht one of your vids on YouTube. Ϲan yοu say AԜESOΜЕ! Ӏ can't believe tһаt your videо іsnʽt ɡеttіnɡ more vіеws, Ӏ mеаn come on people! Ӏtˈs cleаr from your videos that you've got thе talеnt, Ӏ ϲanˈt believе уоu havеnʹt started gеttіng the vіеws yеt! Your videos are so mucһ more еntеrtаіnіng that most of crap you find οn some people's chаnnels, thanks а ton fοr that! Your videоs аre rеallу a ƅrеаtһ of fresh aіr. Тһеу аre so mucһ better tһan so much оf tһe garbage tһаt people watch ovеr and οver. Gеtting vieԝs used tо bе а ρrοƅlem fоr а friеnd of minе. He ԝas finаllу ablе tο start ɡеttinɡ tоns оf views ԝһеn һe fοund, BECOMEVIRAL. com
こんにちは、YouTubeのあなたのビデオを見ました。素晴らしいですね!もっと多くのヒット(ビュー)があってもいいのに、信じられません。みんな何処に目をつけているんでしょうね!ビデオを見る限り、あなたには才能があるのに、ヒット(ビュー)がこんなに少ないなんて!誰かがやってるテレビ番組よりも、もっともっと楽しいビデオですね。彼らのショーなんて目じゃないです!あなたのビデオには新風が吹き込んでいます。人々が繰り返し見ている見るに足らないショーなんかより、あなたのビデオは本当によく出来ています。私の友人もヒット(ビュー)を得られない時期がありましたが、BECOMEVIRAL. comを見つけてから多くのヒット(ビュー)を得られるようになりましたよ。
Basically what hаρpеns is tһey sеnd yоu a ton of views to уοur videоs. Тhat һelρs you get ranked іn tһе YоuTuƅе search engine ԝhіch іs when уоur views ϲаn reallу tаkе оff.
Thank you for purchasing my product.I'm sorry, but I just realized that the title was wrong.The item that I have is the same item on the image.The name is ***.The item you want to buy is the one in the image or the one on the title, *****?I will buy it in immediately if the item you want to buy is ****, so please let me know which one you need.----------Certainly,Sorry to put you to the trouble.I will ship it out as soon as I have the item in.I will contact you once I ship it out.Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for contacting me.I just completed one payment, so please send me remaining bill(s).I'm sorry to put you to so much trouble.Thank you in advance.Kouta
I get the heads from a tour caddy from time to time. I cannot get them all the time but I can get them here and there. Usually, the best way to see counterfeit heads are in the sound which is like a ping sound and the way in which they scratch easily after you hit them several times. The heads I send you show no wear as they should and sound solid as they should. Also, on the fake ones the serial number is bigger much bigger from what I have seen. Tell him they come from a tour caddie who buys them for me off the tour trucks he used to caddie for andy bean years ago. I can't say who he caddies for now but it is a very important golfer.
Hello,I'm interested in this item very much.I really want it.I have an experience that a same size doll shipped for about $33.00 with insurance.Do you know another method that is cheaper than this?Look forward to hearing from you.Thank you.
Hello,I have a question that I want to ask you.The items you sell are brand-new? Or outlet products?
Please accept my apologies. I tried to list these earphones as brown color but somehow it listed as Black. I have one pair that is Black and one pair are the color brown. Let me know if you still would like both or just the black.
Yes. I'm sorry. I made a mistake. I told you that I had 10 Statue of Liberty sets because that was what I ordered, but when I opened the box to get them for your package all I had was Empire State Buildings!! I had to wait for my new shipment to come in to get the Statue of Liberty sets for you. My apologies.Also, I included a few free nanoblock kits for you in your first box.The box I had was too small yesterday so you will be getting 2 packages. The largest box has everything but 3 of the White House kits in it and it is coming via Fed Ex The second box is coming via Priority Mail and has the remaining 3 White House kits for you.
はい、申し訳ございません。間違えました。私はあなたに自由の女神像が10個あると申し上げました。何故なら、私は10個発注をしていたからです。しかし、あなたの為の荷造りをしようと箱を開けてみたらエンパイア・ステート・ビルディングだったのです!!あなたの為の自由の女神像は新しい配達を待たなければなりませんでした。本当に申し訳ございません。尚、無料のナノブロック・キットを最初の箱に数点入れておきました。昨日私が持っていた箱は小さ過ぎたので、2個に分けて送っております。大きいほうの箱には、ホワイトハウス・キットを除いた全ての商品がこん包されており、FedExを通して配達されます。 二つ目の箱は、プライオリティ郵便で送っており、そちらには残りのホワイトハウス3点がこん包されています。