Hi,We are currently trying to get stocked back up from the Holidays, but we will answer you back ASAP, ok? We currently have the Dated 2013,Valentine's Duffy, Santa Mickey holding Duffy Plush, Pajamas Costumes, Mad Hatter, and Peter Pan Costumes on the way, along with some 17" Plush. We will be listing them this week, and will let you know if we have enough to wholesale you as well, ok? Thank you so much for considering us as a seller to you, and we want to do business soon. :) Thank you so very much.
こんにちは、現在我々は、ホリディシーズンで品薄になった在庫の確保に尽力を注いでおりますが、できる限り早く対応させていただきます。よろしいでしょうか?現在のところ、2013年もののバレンタインDuffy、Duffy Plushを抱えたサンタミッキー、パジャマ衣装、いかれ帽子屋(Mad Hatter)、ピーターパン衣装が入荷待ちの状態です。また、17インチPlushの入荷待ちの状態です。それらの商品は今週中に出品予定となっております。あなたに卸販売できる十分な在庫を揃えられるかどうかも連絡させていただきます。よろしいでしょうか?私どもをご利用頂きありがとうございます。またのご利用をお待ちしております(笑)よろしくお願いいたします。
ご返信ありがとうございます。それではお値段なのですが、1つ$140でどうでしょうか?支払い準備はできています。ご検討のほどよろしくお願いいたします。RMA HistoryのRMA No.10188 のStatusがOpenになっています。サンプルで一つ購入いたしました。paypalで決済いたしましたので、paypalアカウントのチェックをお願いいたします。またあなたのpaypal emailアドレスにメッセージを送ったので確認してください。こんにちはebay ID fa100025 masaki satoです。emailアドレスは ○○ です。先日問い合わせをしていた○○(商品名)の卸販売の件なのですが、ご検討いただけますでしょうか?よろしくお願いいたします。ご連絡ありがとうございます。先日○○(商品名)を購入したmasaki sato と申します。販売をご検討の商品等ございましたら、ぜひご連絡ください。支払い準備をしてお待ちしております。初めまして落札者の masaki satoと申します。(ID fa100025)○○(商品名)はとても壊れやすいので、梱包して発送してください。また
Thank you for your reply.Then, how about $140 each?I'm ready for the payment.I appreciate your consideration.Hello,This is Masaki Sato, eBay ID fa100025.My e-mail address is ***.About wholesale trading on **** which I inquired you before, please let me hear what you think about it. Thank you.Thank you for your e-mail.This is Masaki Sato who purchased **** from you the other day.Please let me hear if you have some products that you are interested in selling.Look forward to hearing from you with payment reserve.Hello,I am a winning bidder, and my name is masaki Sato, ID fa100025.The *** is very fragile, so please pack it with extra care before its shipment.Thank you.
Hello, this shipping to Japan is fairly expensive but let me run it by my supervisor
I have the address from your previous 2 payments if it is still the same. I will send the invoice to you tomorrow if that is ok.Thanks for the business.David
Thank you for your reply.As soon as I receive a bill, I will make a payment.Do you have my PayPal address?
Thank you for your e-mail.Could you tell me how to purchase your products?Look forward to hearing from you.Kouta
Right now ii can only do 10 Empire State Buildings for $20 each10 Statue of Liberty for $20 each5 White house for $30 each and I will ship the entire order for free.I will be getting in another shipment in 10 days though and I will try to order the ones on your list.Thanks,David
OK.I put "34" as the quantity just because the shipping will be free (if you buy more than 34).Let me know exact quantity you need ASAP.
Amount Due: $** You have set up PayPal as your automatic payment method. Your invoice amount will be automatically deducted from your PayPal account between December 30, 2012 and January 1, 2013. The amount deducted may vary based on recent payments or credits. Dear AI'm Japanese and live in Japan. So if you are serching for something Japanese, please let me know.I'll list them up, if I can get them. Thank you. From BDear BHi! My beautiful girlfriend is from Tokyo and is always happy for little tastes of home - tea, rice seasoning, and such. I'm not very familiar with the little treats, so anything traditional would be nice.Thanks! From A
Currently, the item is in transit to Japan.Due to the year-end and New Year holidays in Japan, it may be early next week for you to receive it.I'll let you know when it arrives.
I will refund you no problem I have no problem send bottle back you need to open a case you could just emailed meI am not trying to rip off anyone it was just a ladies opinion tweetie and a man just saw pictures couldn't see it in person made it is really for anyone to call something a fake when they couldn't tell us why when I asked tweetie she had never see bottle before so does really know just the bottle is fake
Hi, ****Thank you for your reply.OK, I want to purchase it at $310, how many of them do you have in stock now?Also, is it possible to ship the item that I purchased on eBay and those all together?
Dear Seller,You can send imports directly to an Amazon fulfillment center by meeting these requirements.CUSTOMS BONDYou must have a United States Customs Bond in place at the time of importation of the goods. The bond must be a Continuous Bond.DELIVER-TO PARTYIndicate Amazon.com as the deliver-to party on the bill of lading (BOL) and commercial invoice.IMPORTANT: Indicate Amazon as the deliver-to party, not the consignee. Amazon will not act as the Importer of Record for these shipments. Here is an example of how Amazon.com should appear on the BOL and commercial invoice:
セラーの皆様、これらの条件を満たされれば、Amazonフルフィルメントセンターに直接輸入商品を発送する事が可能となります。関税支払保証書商品輸入の際、米国関税支払保証書の準備が済んでいる事DELIVER-TO PARTY船荷証券(BOL)並びに商業送り状にAmazon,comが”deliver-to party ”として表示されている事重要事項:荷受人ではなく、”deliver-to party ”としてAmazonが表示されている事。Amazonは、これらの荷物に対する輸入業者にはなれません。船荷証券(BOL)並びに商業送り状上のAmazon.comの表示例は以下のようになります。
Amazon.com.kydc Attn: FBA Program 1850 Mercer Drive Lexington, KY 40511 USANOTE: If "Attn: FBA Program" is not included in the deliver-to address, your shipment will not be accepted at the fulfillment center dock.CUSTOMS HOUSE BROKERImports must be customs cleared by Amazon.com's designated Customs House Broker: Samuel Shapiro & Company. E-mail all documents prior to shipment departure to: fbaadvantage@shapiro.com shipalert@amazon.comIndicate Samuel Shapiro & Company as the "Notify Party" on the BOL as follows:Samuel Shapiro & Coc/o FBA Program162 Seven Farms Drive Suite 220Charleston, SC 29492Phone: (843)971-0441Fax: (843)856-0391fbaadvantage@shapiro.com
Amazon.com.kydcAttn: FBA Program1850 Mercer DriveLexington, KY 40511 USA注意:"Attn: FBA Program"が”deliver-to”住所に含まれていない場合、あなたの荷物はフルフィルメントセンタードックへ受け入れられません。税関ブローカー輸入商品は、Amazon.comから指定された税関ブローカーによって税関を通過しなくてはなりません:Samuel Shapiro & Company商品出港前に、全ての書類をメールしてください。fbaadvantage@shapiro.comshipalert@amazon.com以下のように”Samuel Shapiro & Company”を船荷証券(BOL)上に表示してください:Samuel Shapiro & Coc/o FBA Program162 Seven Farms Drive Suite 220Charleston, SC 29492Phone: (843)971-0441Fax: (843)856-0391fbaadvantage@shapiro.com
For more information on sending you inventory to FBA from Japan, Please drop in a mail to this email ID -> fbaadvantage@shapiro.comHope this information helps. Should you have any further concerns with regards to this, please write back to us so that we will assist you further.Thank you for selling with Amazon,SidAmazon.com Seller Suppor
日本からFulfillment by Amazon(FBA)への在庫輸送に関して質問等がございましたら、fbaadvantage@shapiro.comまでメールしてください。こちらの情報がお役に立ちますことを希望します。更なる疑問、心配事がございましたらお知らせください。お役に立ちたいと思います。Amazonでの販売、ありがとうございます。Sid(シド)Amazon.comセラーサポート
Hello, im sorry you never got the package i check with the post office it looks like it was lost in transit i will issue a full refund and for the inconvenience please use this gc #26536 for a future purchase We apologize...Thank you,Kindest regards
1) Did your shipment appear to have been tampered with? 2) Was the security tape cut?3) Was the shipment held in customs for any time?4) Did you purchase insurance on your shipment?
I'd like to open my account.I am a Japanese and don't speak much English.Does anyone speak Japanese there?Can I talk to him/her?
If you are able to maintain our order minimum, the information below will give you an idea on pricing, selection and what Super D is all about. We are not a wholesale house, but a distributor who distributes music, movies and games to retail stores all over the world.When searching for an artist, last name first, first name last with a comma no space. Example: Springsteen,BruceKeep in mind that you will NOT be able to order product with this guest user name and password. However, if you are interested after viewing the selection and pricing on our site and meet the above requirements, please give me a call 831.703.4073 I look forward to speaking with you and discussing how we can improve your business!
もしあなたが我々の最小限注文数を維持できるのであれば、価格、商品例、またSuper D(スーパーD)とは何であるかは下記の情報を参考にしてください。私どもは卸しではございませんが、ミュージック、映画、ゲームなどを世界中の小売店に流通させている代理店です。アーティストを検索する場合、最初に苗字、次にスペースを開けずにカンマ(,)、名前の順に入力してください。例:Springsteen,Bruceこちらのゲストユーザー名と、パスワードでは商品の注文はできない事をご了承ください。しかしながら、我々のサイトにある商品例、価格に興味を持ち、上記の条件を満たせるのであれば、831.703.4073までお電話ください。あなたと話し、あなたのビジネスを発展させる為の話し合いができる事を楽しみにしております。
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"bill me in my own currency"とタイトルの付いたメールを確認したところ、あなたのカードに引き落とされる取引きの代金をカードの請求通貨で私のアカウントから引き落とされるようにあなたはMyUS.comに許可しておられます。あなたは、米ドルとあなたの選択通貨での支払いが可能である事をご存知ですよね。MyUS.comにて実施される通貨の換算はVisaやマスターカードと関連性が無く、承認されておりません。その換算は、ロイター通信社によって出版された換算率に基づいて行われます。また、それには国際選択手数料(international selection cost)の3%が含まれ、それは取引きに関係する全ての合計金額にかかってきます。あなたはVisa、又はマスターカードによる通貨換算手続きの使用を選択されませんでした。ですから、通貨換算、又は公表に対しVisa又はマスターカードを手段として利用することはできなくなります。