matsuko (matsuko) 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ) ベトナム語
matsuko 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 130-1
The numbers of people involved and the time they spend on a particular project have always been fairly carefully controlled. Some rules are unbending - bugs have to be immediately repaired - to ensure that work is coordinated.

But, as Michael Cusumano pointed out, this is simply good project management as applicable to software development as to any other business where product development is continuous. People are given responsibility and allowed to determine their own working patterns and schedules - up to a point. The boundaries are very clear and simple. People know where they stand, how the system works and what is expected from them.





matsuko 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 117-1
'Even in technology areas it's fun to learn new things', he said. 'When I'm trying to find out where we are going with asynchronous transfer mode, for example, we have experts who come in and talk to me about those things. I spend two weeks here just doing 'think weeks', where I read all the stuff smart people have sent me. I get up to date to see how those pieces fit together.'

With one or two notable exceptions, the speed with which it has managed to get new applications to market has been a characteristic of Microsoft throughout its history, and one that gave Bill Gates an important competitive advantage.




matsuko 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 116-3
His intellectual discipline even extended to vacations. For a long time he didn't take holidays, believing them to be a sign of weakness. Eventually, however, he relented, but only after finding a way to make them more productive by giving them a theme. On one occasion he went to Brazil and gave the holiday a physics theme. While he was away he read a number of physics books including The Molecular Biology of the Gene by James D. Watson.

In order to stay up to speed with new technologies, Gates assembled a collection of the leading experts in a particular technical area and had them provide intensive briefing sessions. The 'think weeks' totally immersed Gates in a subject





matsuko 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 116-2
In an interview published in Playboy magazine, he revealed that he gave up watching television, not because he disliked it but because it was not worthy of an allocation of his time. At his mansion on Lake Washington, Gates keeps a large library with thousands of books - vital for a man whose intellectual curiosity can take him off in anyone of a thousand different directions. He stayed abreast of world news, he said, by reading The Economist from cover to cover. To ensure his time was used as productively as possible, he always left for the airport at the last minute. This habit led to him reinstating his own parking slot outside Microsoft's Redmond headquarters.



matsuko 英語 → 日本語

This ability to cope with a multitude of ideas at the same time is reflected in the company's approach. Microsoft is constantly exploring new markets and new software applications. This blanket coverage of the market helps protect the company from missing the significant developments in the industry. And, as Gates was aware, the strategy allowed for the occasional failure.
'We have a multiproduct strategy, so while we may have several individual products that have done poorly, when you look at the mix we've done extremely well', said Gates. 'We also have lots of people working on anyone question at any one time. To see it working you only have to look at our sales growth; it's almost a straight line going up.'



matsuko 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 114-1
A key element of Microsoft's success is its ability to manage a large number of projects simultaneously. Gates was considered the original multitasking man, and is said to be able to hold several different technical conversations simultaneously.

He refers to unused mental capacity as 'unused bandwidth', and has deployed a number of techniques to ensure that his own is kept to a minimum. These have included posting maps on ceilings and taking copies of The Economist and scientific journals to read when he meets friends for lunch. His ability to juggle a number of different threads of conversation simultaneously led to him being described by Microsoft insiders as 'massively parallel?



