matsuko (matsuko) 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ) ベトナム語
matsuko 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 154-2
Then there are the investments. Gates is best known for co-founding Microsoft, but he also founded Corbis, a very successful digital art and photography archive. He has money invested in a project being organized by former Microsoft Chief Technology Officer Nathan Myhrvold, working on a new type of nuclear reactor. And there are other investments too. Plus there will be continued involvement in the occasional project at Microsoft where Gates remains chairman for the foreseeable future and plans to spend one day a week.

And there are the hobbies. Gates, along with Buffett, is a keen bridge player. The pair even offered $1 million to encourage high schools to promote bridge to school children.





matsuko 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 143-2
'Looking in the rear-view mirror is '" a waste of time, basically', Gates said. Yet he was well aware of his historical context.

•Create the future. Gates generated a certain amount of awe among those who regarded him as the predictor and architect of the digital age. History may judge him more kindly than his many detractors and rivals who argued that he was simply exploiting his monopoly position.

•Stay hungry. Microsoft was faster on its feet than the rest of the pack. To maintain its position, its famous leader was never afraid to abandon the past to pursue the future. Gates knew that, in the tech industry at least, there were only the quick and the dead.






matsuko 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 143-1

Gates was at the top of his profession for more than three decades. In that time he became the richest man in the world. Yet despite his enormous wealth and achievements, Gates showed no signs of slowing down. If you want to do business at the speed of Gates:

•Don't try to explain. Gates has felt the need to share his vision with the rest of us. After The Road Ahead, for example, which set out his view of the technological future, some wondered whether Gates' vanity was starting to get the better of him.

•Don't look back. Fundamental to Microsoft's success was Gates' willingness to keep his eyes firmly on the road ahead.





・説明しようとするな。ビルゲイツは自分の見方を他の我々と共有する必要を感じてきた。例えば、技術の未来についての自分の見方を発表した「The Road Ahead」の後、彼が虚栄心に取りつかれはじめたのかと疑問に思う人がいた。


matsuko 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 142-1
Unlike his hero, however, Gates is rooted in the here and now, whether solving Microsoft software problems, or tackling global hunger. One of his greatest attributes is his ability to combine technological innovation with a hard-nosed pragmatism. He also recognizes his own limitations - an unusual trait in such an accomplished individual.

'You have to be careful, if you're good at something, to make sure you don't think you're good at other things that you aren't necessarily so good at', he has noted. 'I come in every day and work with a great team of people who are trying to figure out how to make great software, listening to the feedback and doing the research.


しかし彼のヒーローとは違い、マイクロソフトのソフトウェアの問題解決であれ世界の飢餓の取り組みであれ、ビルゲイツは「今、ここ」に根ざしている。 彼の最大の特性の一つは、技術刷新と現実的な実用主義を結びつける能力だ。また、彼は自分の限度を知っており、これは熟達した個人には珍しい特徴である。


matsuko 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 141-2
Whatever the limitations of his vision, Gates has been the closest thing the computer industry has to Leonardo Da Vinci, the famous Renaissance futurist whose drawings of fantastical machines became a reality centuries later.

Apart from his collection of sports cars and a multimillion dollar mansion on the outskirts of Seattle, Gates is surprisingly restrained in his spending. But there is of course that glorious exception, his purchase of the Leicester Codex by Leonardo Da Vinci for $30.8 million. There are those that have suggested Gates sees himself as a latter-day Da Vinci - someone whose visions of the future are proved accurate in following centuries.




スポーツカーのコレクションと、シアトル郊外の何億ドルの豪邸とは別に、ビルゲイツは驚くほどの節約家だ。だがもちろん栄華な例外もある。彼はレオナルドダビンチのレスター手稿を3千80万ドルで購入した。ビルゲイツは自身を後のダビンチ - 未来についての構想が後世で正確であったと証明される人 - だと考えていると示唆する人がいる。

matsuko 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 138-2
'He has looked back all the time - frequently, insistently, systematically', says Stross. 'He cites historical examples whenever he discusses future strategy. He uses an historical perspective when he notes that in the commercial history of computing, no company that was the leader in one era succeeded in maintaining its position in the next one, and when he worries that Microsoft's place in the personal computer era may "disqualify" it from maintaining its place in the coming network-centered era. Gates' historical sensibility saturates his analysis of the present and the future, but he simply does not label it as such.'


「彼はいつも後ろを振り返っている。 - 頻繁に、執拗に、体系的に」とストロスは言っている。「彼は未来についての戦略について議論する時には常に歴史的な例を持ち出す。コンピュータの商業史上、1つの時代のリーダーとなった会社で次の時代にもリーダーたりえた会社がないことに気付いた時、またパーソナルコンピュータ時代のマイクロソフトの地位が、次に来るネットワーク中心の時代ではその地位の保持の「資格を剥奪」されるのではないかと心配する時、ビルゲイツは歴史的観点を用いた。ビルゲイツの歴史的感性は、現在と未来の分析にも浸透している。しかし彼はそのように単純にラベル付けしない。」

matsuko 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 137-2
'When it comes to a product decision there have been many cases when I analyze things in my own unique way. However if it is a business-type decision, rarely is my conviction sufficient to go it alone. Usually I'd take the time to get people to explain their views more clearly. That's my job and what's the point of having me here if I can't make my mind up.'

PAGE 138-1
But Gates was always well aware of the context in which he was operating. He had a keen sense, too, of the history of both his industry and the march of technology through the centuries. According to Randall E. Stross, author of The Microsoft Way, Gates was being disingenuous when he said that he never looks in the rear-view mirror.



しかし、ビルゲイツは自分が操作している文脈を十分に分かっていた。彼の産業と今世紀を通じた技術の進化の歴史についての鋭い感覚の持ち主でもある。「Microsoft way」の著者、ランダル.E.ストロスによると、ビルゲイツは彼は決して後ろを振り返らないと言ったとき、それは事実ではない。

matsuko 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 136-1
Gates was at the top of the tech world for more than three decades. Early on at Microsoft he became the richest man in the world - not bad for someone who was still in his 30s - even now he has only just passed the 50 mark. Yet despite his enormous wealth and achievements, Gates showed little sign of slowing down. He said he was driven by a 'latent fear' that he might miss the next big thing. He had no intention of repeating the mistakes of other dominant computer companies such as IBM and Apple. 'I know very well that in the next ten years, if Microsoft is still a leader, we will have had to weather at least three crises', he says.



matsuko 英語 → 日本語

Dear just bid a preorder item.I hope that you have look at all of page of item before you bid.The item isn't in stock
now.And the factory often isn't tell the exact time of release.So we don't know exact time of release.We must to wait news and item
at first.I'm live at TianJin(chinese mainland),sometimes different seller get item at different time.For example: Hot Toys is
release new model for VIP of hong kong player at first.Then maybe the seller have to wait about one month.So i hope that you can
keep talking with me.If you don't like to wait,like get item fast.please tell me,i recommend that we cancel the deal,then bid it
again when i get item.


例えば、Hot Toyは、香港のVIPプレーヤーのために新しいモデルを発売しました。その後、販売業者は1ヶ月ほど待つこともあります。ですからお客様も私どもと連絡を取って待ってください。もし待つのが嫌で、早く商品を手に入れたければ言ってくださいこの注文をキャンセルして、私が商品を入荷したときにもう一度入札することをお勧めします。