There are less geographically profitable areas left for convenience stores, so the connections to organizations such as public transport will strengthen in the future.As there is a hope of expanding business nationwide, we are very optimistic about this field.
In Osaka during the first half of the year, we were able to get the contract for temporary staffing, when the municipal metro wanted to trust their kiosks to private convenience stores.
As our existing client partially moved to Tsukuba, we have more capacity in the Heiwajima area.We are planning on engaging this area with more clients at their start-up stages.
The opening of Metropolitan Inter‐City Express way, as well as the internet shopping industry, has triggered the founding of many large-scale logistics centres, but not many of these vendors operate the centre by outsourcing.
<br></br> 同社の現在から目指す姿まで、IRを担当する社長室の荒井さんにお話をうかがいました。
<br></br> We have interviewed Mr. Arai, the IR from the president's office, asking about the current company to its future goals.
sorry,I can't modify anything except sent an e-mail to the seller,that's the only option show up on my account website. If you can not cancel it, I am totally understandable, just ship it,I can afford the consequence,just do the best you can,sorry again.
こんにちは。メール有難うございます。出張に出ておりまして、ご返信が遅れました。申し訳ございません。メールいただいた、ファイルとなりますが、開く事が出来ません。zakkafan@gmail.com でログインしておりますが、送信していただいた方の、承認が必要になるようです。お手数おかけいたしますが、ご確認をお願い出来ますでしょうか?宜しくお願い致します。
Hello.Thank you for the email, and I'm sorry it took so long for me to reply,I was on a business trip.I am sincerely sorry.Regarding the file that you have emailed me,I have not been able to open the file.As it turns out, although I am logging in with the email address zakkafan@gmail.com,I need the approval of the sender.I am sorry to cause you this trouble, but could you look into this matter?Kind regards.
For customers with international credit cards, we must be able toverify both the billing and shipping addresses. If we cannot, we willnot be able to process the order.We do accept Western Union Quick Collect payments for those who do nothave a credit card or those whose billing and shipping addresses areunable to be verified. However, we must still ship to an addresswithin the US. Here's a link that explains how to pay by WesternUnion.
国際クレジットカードをお持ちのお客様に関しましては、ご請求先、配送先ご住所ともに確認できなければなりません。この確認処理ができませんと、ご注文を進めることができません。クレジットカードをお持ちでない場合、またはご請求先、配送先ご住所の確認が取れなかった場合、Western Union Quick Collectでのお支払いも受け付けております。しかしながら、配送先はアメリカ国内に限らせて頂きます。Western Unionでのお支払方法詳細は、下記リンクをご覧下さい。
I wasn't sure how to purchase it, so I purchased it via ebay as usual.Please be careful so that the product doesn't get damaged on the way to Japan.I am very looking forward for it to arrive.
I believe that other language users suffer from the same problems.How much will it cost to get a charged support? (I can only make payments via PayPal or with a credit card.)I am not particularly in a hurry, and you can decline if this cannot be dealt with.I also think that you cannot make or change user policy posts on the management screens.The FAQ and privacy policies could be posted.It might be an error that occurs only to me, so please ignore this inquiry in that case.
GMAILThank for you removing this product from sale. Please ensure no further versions or licensed editions of 'Spot It' are listed for sale within the European Union.
Gメール商品登録を外して頂きありがとうございます。今後、「Spot It」のいかなるバージョン、ライセンス商品も欧州圏内にて販売登録されない様、宜しくお願い致します。
FedEx has contacted us regarding a shipment that is en route to you. Please contact your local FedEx office at your earliest convenience to finalize the details of your delivery. Tracking information and details of your shipment can be found in the forwarded email below. Reason For Delay:1. Description provided is insufficient to classify commodity.2. Arrangement for duties and taxes is required. Please provide the needed information to FedEx no later than October 30 to avoid having the shipment returned at your cost. *Please note that shipments that cannot be delivered may be returned or abandoned and any additional costs will be charged to your account*
お問い合わせありがとうございます。Air mailで送る事はできます。トラッキングナンバーは付けられますが保険をかけることができません。紛失や配送事故による破損などの場合、保険がききません。それでもよろしいですか?あと、こちらで調べたところあなたの国では中古品の輸入が認められていないと書いてありましたがそれは大丈夫でしょうか?
Thank you for contacting us.We are able to make shipments via air mail. However, although we can get a tracking number, we are not able to get insurances with this. Will you be fine if you cannot apply for insurance when the delivery gets missing or damaged?Also, we have checked that your country does not allow second handed products to be imported, but is that going to be a problem?
FRI did a request for returning the article mentioned here and I got an etiquette for sending this to Japan. Is this valid ?Should I sent it to Japan or the amazon France ?
私はあなたの ' - ブラックJVC HA-S500カーボンナノチューブ振動板をオーバー·ヘッド·スタイルヘッドホン'に興味があります。私はあなたが日本に基づいていることに気づいた。それは私が輸入税とあなたの価格の上に付加価値税を支払わなければならないことを意味するか、価格はすべての税金およびサービス料が含まれていないのでしょうか?協力していただきどうもありがとうございます。
I am interested in your "-black JVC HA-S500 carbon nano tube trembler, overhead-style-headphone." I have noticed that you are based in Japan. Does the price include all taxes and service charges, or do I have to pay import taxes and VAT's on top of your given price?Thank you for your cooperation.
初期不良が疑われるER02は数日後に当社に届きます。私が動作を確認して、それをビデオで撮影します。その後あなたのもとへ送ります。またメールしますね。私は DCO-2Rを注文しましたがDVO-2Rが届きました。この写真と同じDCO-2Rの在庫はないのでしょうか?DCO-2Uの在庫はありますか?早急に在庫の確認をしてください。あれば注文しようと思います。違う商品を送らないようにvendorや発送者に通告して下さい。
The ER02 with suspected initial failure is scheduled to arrive in several days.I will check the functions myself and film in on a video, then send the file to you.I will let you know in another email.I have ordered DCO-2R but received DVO-2R instead.Do you have any stocks left for DCO-2R like in the photograph?Do you have any stock for DCO-2R?Please kindly check the stock situation soon.If you do have it, I would like to order it as soon as possible.Please kindly make sure you talk with the vendor and delivery man so they would not confuse with different products.
There were no damages in the area that I'm living, but the typhoon did hit us and that was a little troublesome.I really do appreciate your kindness!I often buy comics on instincts, but I come across good works a lot! I'm really looking forward for the release of the new issue of ◯ in November.Also, there list of authors for ◯ was released. I'm afraid ☆ wont be posting on ◯. But ☆will be posting, so I will probably buy the issue to see his work. There wasn't anything yet on special information of Animate, so I'm not sure. But it will be released on ◎, so we'll know in 2-3 weeks.
1. US$* is the price for 1 set of curtains. 1 set consists of 2 sheets of W39”(100cm)×H70”(180Cm).2. Both of them are blue.3. The set consists of curtains, of which the right is sized W39”(100cm)×H70”(180Cm) and the left is sized W39”(100cm)×H70”(180Cm).4. The curtains are made in Japan, by the most prestigious and high-quality curtain maker called SANGETSU.5. There are no available bed spreads and pillows in the same design.
Could you kindly tell me the tracking number for the order made on October 22?The ER02 I have ordered on October15 seems to be having initial failure.There is a problem with the gear, and the camera keeps shaking after 10cm intervals.Is there any way of solving this?I am thinking of dealing with the customer by replacing the product, as I had a spare in stock.If the initial failure cannot be resolved, please kindly send us a new ER02 free of charge.If possible, could you send the replacement ER02 with this order?There are 2 DVD's in ER02, and I could not watch the DVD A.
インドネシア日本友好協会とインドネシア編集局長協会は12月19から22日の4日間、インドネシアのジャカルタ国際見本市会場で、国交55周年記念イベント「Indonesia Japan Expo 2013」を開催する。ジェトロは「日本産食品試食・モニタリングブース」を設置、日本食品の試食をともなうモニタリング調査を実施。インドネシア市場への販路拡大を目指す日本食品の出展を募集する。同イベントは来場者数が4日間で約7万人と想定され、インドネシアに日本製品をPRする絶好の機会になる。
Indonesia-Japan Friendship Society and Indonesia Editor's Society is opening a 55 year anniversary event for their diplomatic friendship, "Indonesia Japan Expo 2013," for 4 days between December 19-22, at Jakarta International Trade Fair Center, Indonesia.JETRO is opening a "Japanese food sampling and monitoring booth," where they will undergo sampling and monitoring of Japanese foods. It is welcoming more Japanese foods that are looking into expanding to the Indonesian market.This event is estimated to have 70.000 people in 4 days, making this an ideal chance to PR Japanese products.