4時に飛行機で帰るので、午前中どこか行けるツアーがないか探していて、このツアーを見つけました。お値段もお安く、その割には充実した内容でした。白い恋人パークは、ヨーロッパ調の建物ですごく綺麗でした。この時期バラの庭園も綺麗で、大満足。お土産がたくさん必要だったので、ここで、白い恋人を買って宅配にしました。 場外市場では、カニや・メロンが手頃な値段で売られていました。
Since I appointed fright at 4 oclock to back, I searched whether there is any tour just before noon, then I found here.Here the price is reasonable and substantialed. The white lovers' park is so beautiful which is full of european constructions.I was pretty satisfied with the amazing rose garden of that period.I need a lot of specialty, so I bought "White lover" and delivered them.Crabs and melons are cheaper in markets outside here.
Cream Pomodoro (Tomato Cream)
Since I work at the area where many foreigners gather, I think if I could speak English so that I could communicate with a variety of people.It also will be great to watch films with out Japanese subtitles.Why IT industry attracted me is after I know that if you own the knowleges of ~, people over the world could access to your website.And I tried making a website, it was interesting.I have worked in IT industry for 5 years, and I think it fits perfectly with my career.Although it is hard to study following up with fast-developed technology.
天地左右360°に広がる映像のみならず、サウンドも立体音響を用いることで、視聴者を完全なる仮想現実世界へと誘う世界初のバーチャルリアリティ•ミュージックビデオとなっている今作。来場した、アートに敏感なロンドンっ子からも「Amazing!」「So excited!」といった歓声があがり、数ある展示物の中でも特に際立った盛り上がりを見せました。日本では、10月25日から開催される「TOKYO DESINGERS WEEK」にて展示予定。是非チェックしてみてください!
这次呈现上不仅有360度全方位视角影像,音效上也采用立体音响,引导视听者完全身临其境于假象的现实世界的世界上第一个虚拟现实音乐录影带!这次登场的,对艺术非常敏感的伦敦人民都惊呼“Amazing!”“So excited!”,在几个展示物品中突显出其独特之处。在日本将预定于10月25日开始展出《TOKYO DESINGERS WEEK。一定要来哦!
This Bonnie is not BonnieNo.2 which we would like you to complete by 11/28.Here is the order sheet for Bonnie No.3.The ends of hair is not straight, please have a curl for her. For curling, it is okay to lengthen the hair.From now on, we request you to make dolls for us.I fully cognized Kory's idea that in order to make easy movement of their hands and feet. However, I would like to fill more cotton in the root of hands and feet. Please refer to the red mart in the photo attached.
Thank you for contacting and your sincerely advise.I will take your advise as a reference and do my best to write the description close to the fact.Thank you very much
But, writing "Excellent Condition" in the description is confusing. The adapter has many scratches and the screws around the bajonet are rusted/corrosion. It is obvious that the adapter has been used before, so you should have written "Used condition".It is only small details, and it works 100%, but the adapter was in worse condition than you described.
Hi,sorry to disrturb you, as for the shoes in order VIP2014100307534 , the actual color we get it like red wine in the attachemtn, pls check whether it is okay for you? and here is the item you ordered:
20 different artists from the likes of Stephan Bodzin, Audiojack, John Tejada, Jimpster and Rodriguez Jr. have produced exclusive tracks for the 10 yrs Systematic compilation – many providing their music as a TRAKTOR Remix Set for the very first time!Available now as a TRAKTOR Remix Set.This is Auden.can you manage this one by tomorrow morning? It's rather a lot - otherwise, please let me know your best timing!
Stephan Bodzin、Audiojack、John Tejada, JimpsterとRodriguez Jr.などから20名個性あるアーティストたちが10年のシステムコンパイルの為プロデュースした個性あるトラックをした-彼らの多くは初めてTRAKTOR REMIX SETとして曲を提供した!TRAKTOR REMIX SETは今絶賛提供中Audenですこれの期限を明日の朝までにしていただけますか?本当に限界です。できなければ貴方が都合のいい時間を教えてください!
他のメンバーとも共演される予定はあるのでしょうか? また、この後のライブでは元FのGさんにご参加いただけるとのこと。今回のアルバム・レコーディングでも大きな役割を果たされていたGさんですが、どのような経緯で参加されることになったのでしょうか?/ Aさんはライブをパリにて行いました。海外の、特にヨーロッパ在住のファンの方々にとってこれ以上はないプレゼントとなったと思うのですが、手応えはいかがでしたでしょうか?そして、パリ以外にもこれから海外公演をされるご予定はあるのでしょうか?
Do you have a schedule to performance with other members?In addition, what about G of ex.F will take part in the next live.Please tell us the background of G, who played a big role in the album and recording this time.A held live in Paris, which was no better president for oversea fans, especially who live in Europe, how was their reaction?And it there a schedule to performance in other places abroad excepts Paris?
Aさん、前回の番組から1年あまり、またこのような機会を与えていただいて身に余る光栄です。今日はよろしくお願いします。それではライブにうつる前に、私からいくつか今回のリリースに関して伺います / 質問1:まずはアルバムの発売おめでとうございます!海外のお客様からも続々と喜びのコメントが寄せられていますが、作品をリリースされた今のお気持ちはいかがでしょうか? /質問2:バンドCのメンバーで現DのEさんの参加が話題となりました。今回の共演に至った経緯を教えていただけますでしょうか?
Hi A, it's my honor to have a chance to work with you again from the last programme 1 year ago.I wish we will have a good copreate today.Then before being televised, I would like to ask several question about the release this time:1. Congratulation for releasing! Oversea customers gave comments with greatful, what is your state of mind?2. That the member of band C, E of D will participate in this time. Please tell us about the background
After buyer received item, he sent me several mails complaining about high price, small size and high fee of shipment.I recorded correct size and details of item, also I haven't set an unreasonable fee of shipment.I have replied to the buyer and explained to him.The item had been delivered in handling time and well packed.However, I got a negative feedback.It was not an unfair comment please delete it.
Registration confirmation.Please confirm your email address and password for Cloud function.Please make sure that you do memo your email address and password.
Sorry for so many questions.Could you tell me more about the function as below?What does AAA mean?And I think it's better to register CCC than BBB in the category.I haven't received the reply until now. It is clearly that Author doesn't work in concern server as the screenshot attached.Please work on refund asap.
【受付詳細】チケットぴあhttp://pia.jp/t/aaa-osaka/(PC・モバイル・スマホ共通)※ぴあ会員登録有。(無料)・ぴあ店舗直販/サークルK・サンクス直販/セブン―イレブン直販で購入出来ます(当日引換券 共通Pコード 244-738)
【预约详细】ticketpiahttp://pia.jp/t/aaa-osaka/(PC、手机、智能手机共通)*需要PIA会员登录(免费)PIA店铺直接贩卖,thanks直接贩卖/711直接贩卖(当日悦换券 共同P CODE 244-738)
【AAA 大阪城ホール公演、ステージプラン確定につき、条件付き指定席販売決定!!】■受付日程【10/4(土)公演】9/22(月)午後18時~10/4(土)正午12:00まで【10/5(日)公演】9/22(月)午後18時~10/5(日)正午12:00まで引換時間:10月4日)15:00~18:00迄 10月5日)14:00~17:00迄引換場所:入場口右側・当日券引換所
【关于AAA 大阪城HALL公演,STAGE PLAN确定,条件指定席销售决定!!】*接受预约日期【10/4(六)公演】9/22(一)下午18点~10/4(六)正午12点【10/5(日)公演】9/22(一)下午18点~10/4(六)正午12点兑换时间:10月4日15:00~18:00 10月5日 14:00~17:00兑换场所:入口右侧,当日券兑换处
For the following item: MOQ: 20 to 100 pcs. Price: USD 30.00 each X 20 = USD 600.00 + USD 35.00 (DHL or TNT Express) + USD 20.00 (Handling fee)= USD 655.00. We have ready stock. Once payment completed, we will send out on the next business day.Payment can settle through paypal. Let us know your paypal email address and we can send a “Request Money” through paypal.Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.Looking forward to your pleasure reply.
#habitjetspeedの返金はいつ頃していただけますでしょうか?RBZ TOUR PROTO Ironsについては、興味はありますが、日本での需要が分からないため、今回は見送らせていただきます。SLDR driversはSLDR 460 8度(Toe Screw)でしょうか?他のロフトはありませんか?質問があるのですが、今後ebayにTourIssueitemを出品することは、もうないのでしょうか?ebay出品時のように多くの種類の商品が購入できるととても嬉しいです。
#habitWhen could you refund the jetspeed to me?Regarding RBZ TOUR PROTO Irons, I am interested in it, however we don't know whether it is necessarily in Japan, so we don't need this time.Is SLDR drivers sldr 460 8°(Toe Screw)?Is any other loft else?And another question, is it impossible to hang TourIssueitem on eBay?It is great if there are variety kinds of products as when hung on eBay.
Game ProcessIn the game, the winner will be selected through a few rounds.The winner will be selected and get S chip in each round.As whoever gets 2 S chips, he or she will be the winner and the game will be over.There are 6 trick in each round.Who win the 6th trick will be the winner of the round.In tricks, to play with 1 card and a few chips by turning clockwise from leader
【注意事项】*特典为各店铺数量有限,先预约者先得。*倖田組OFFICIAL SHOP预约购入的客人,可在以上特典中2选1*请从FAN CLUB限定盘与市售盘捆绑页面预约购入。*对象商品:[CD+DVD]RZCD-59645/B、[CD+DVD]RZC1-59647/B的捆绑购入