I'm looking for a high end whetstone for finishing with. Do you have finer than this ever? I looked through some of your stones and this one and one other one stood out as being better stones? Can you please tell me if these stones will be as good as some of the high end stones from Europe like the Belgium Coticule or German Escher stones? Me I think there is a mistake I have already paid for the one that I ordered please check 121366248368 this is the code for the one that I ordered
I'm X running a intrument store in Japan.I am planning to go to the N show next year.Since we are not intrument manufacture, so we go there for business talk but not participate in booth.We wish we could find products adopt Japanese market by looking around all the product in the world like America.We have got the account the other day and 3 staffs and me will go there from Japan.Could you tell me where and how to buy badges, how to handle it out?Please kindly give us advices.
Hello . please tell me what this lens mount from ? And he can close the matrix nex sony? I have found no information on the lens. If the lens is very small , I'm sorry but in this case I would like to abandon rates, I first try to understand on this site
I appreciate that we shipped products before recieved your mail.We still researching that whether the package is in the post office.We will keep you informed.The package has been delivered from post office.Could you resend the product after receiving it? We will refund to you ASAP.And we are sorry that please assume the shipment
Regarding the product list I received the other day, price rised a lot, and it seems that retail price on Amazon.com is much cheaper.In addition, since the featured selling products have not be listed in neither Hongkong nor American inventory, it is difficult to increase the purchase amount.( It might likely to purchase a few several times from Hongkong inventory)We still would like to contribute to your company's sales income, please advise your deadline of replenishing the stock. It is very helpful for us.
sorry for already becoming a curious case of a customer, I just wanted to know how I'm getting international shipping costs when my reception address is in Japan, as, as far as I know, you, and more importantly the item is in Japan too. If the shipping would cost less, is there any chance you could send me the balance back? Sorry again, hope this isn't an inconvenience, and it may well be, that I overlooked some important detail, so all I need is clarification.
I have talked to O on telephone today.Please rest assure that the 2 guitars purchased are totally dealed with.Actually I heared that you are seeking L additionally from O.I asked dealers in Japan instantly, and fortunately I found only 1 brand-new.Please make the payment to the same account as last time, and I will purpose to get it.Now, I am holding the guitar for you.Since there is another customer would like to reserve it, if missing this one, it will be make-to-order and it's unknown about the delivery time.There is only 1 in Japan now.
The largest exhibition of consumption in China " 25th East China Fair“ will be held for 5 days from 2015 March 1st to 5th at Shanghai New International Expo Centre.This time in charge of the operation are Shanghai International Trade Promotion Co., Ltd and the sponsor of the Gift Show in Japan, Business Guide company. 2 companies signed contracts of business coorperation, and Business Guide company will be the main operator of " Japanese Hall”。There were 3441 companies and 5780 booths last year and attracted 14000 Chinese buyers and 21433 freigners from over 117 countries and regions.
Thank you for taking the time to let us know about your concern. We appreciate customers who let us know when things aren’t right. I understand how important for you to have your limtis increased. I'm sorry to hear that this didn't go smoothly, rest assure that this will be highly appreciated and assisted and will not be taken for granted. By the way my name is Arvie from eBay Customer Service and I will be more happy to help you with this concern today.Sayoko, I have thoroughly reviewed your account and previous conversation with my collegue and it seems you were informed about what the review's results.
そんなこんなで現在あたしだってねえなんとか 見られる成績表持って転科の話を親に報告するぞ!とか思ってるわけですよ_______どうです?遊んでても試験は楽々クリアな天才様の先生っぷりは_______あー ちかれたー石ケン換えって雑用よねほんと
So as for nowww, I'm considering thatI can report to my parent about changing the major by taking the score sheet somehow could be look at!!---------What's your opinion? Just having fun but can clear the test easilyPretending as genius teacher-------------oh!! I'm exhausted!!Changing soap is too rough!!
この業務のTranslation in online toolをクリックしても以下のメッセージが表示されて、Translation Toolを使用できません。ログアウトしてWEBトップページからアクセスして、再度ログインを行っていますが、変わらない状況です。この問題を解消いただいてもよろしいでしょうか?このような状況につき、deadlineに間に合いません。deadlineを2時間伸ばしていただくことは可能でしょうか?よろしくお願いします。
Though click the Translation in online tool of this business, the message as below will appear and Translation Tool could not be used.I have tried logging out and accessing the site from the top page, and logging again, but it didn't work as well.Could you help me to solve the problem?I could not obey the deadline if still meet with this situation.Could you postpone 2 hours from the deadline?Thanks
IME前日に「台湾MICE産業説明会」を実施12月8日、第一ホテル東京で「台湾MICE産業説明会及び交流会」が開催された。主催は台湾経済部国際貿易局。今回の説明会及び交流会では、台湾のMICEブランド「MEET TAIWAN」のマーケティング活動の一環として実施され、MEET TAIWANプロジェクトの紹介とともに台湾のMICE関連企業7社が、日本企業に向けてMICE主要開催地として台湾の魅力とともに、各社のMICE実績やサービスについてプレゼンテーションを行なった。
"Taiwan MICE Industry Summit" was held the other dayOn 12/8, "Taiwan MICE Industry Summit as well as interecommunion" was held at Daiichi Hotel Tokyo. The sponsor was Taiwan International Economy Trade Administration.In the Summit, one of marketing events, Taiwan's MICE brand "MEET TAIWAN" was implemented, with the introduction of MEET TAIWAN project, 7 companies related to Taiwan MICE presented to Japanese enterprises the charming point of the main place of MICE, Taiwan and the acheivements and service of each company.
私はあなたが求められている写真を電子メールで9999@999宛に送ったのですが、エラーになって送れませんでした。ウェブ上の"Contact us"では、ファイルを添付することができません。私はどうしたらよいでしょうか。教えてください。
I sent the photo you requested to the mail address 999@999,however it showed error.I couldn't attach file to the address as "contact us" on the websitePlease suggest what could I do?
2015/2/8(日)伊藤千晃 大阪トークショー決定!!2/8(日)大阪 KKRホテル大阪にて伊藤千晃のトークショーが決定しました!【開催日程】2015/2/8(日)1部 12:30開場 / 13:00開演2部 16:30開場 / 17:00開演【会場】大阪府大阪市中央区馬場町2-24KKRホテル大阪 3F 銀河の間 宴会場
2015/2/8(日)伊藤千晃 大阪脱口秀决定!2/8(日)大阪KKR酒店 大阪 伊藤千晃脱口秀决定!【举办日期】2015/2/8(日)第1部 12:30开场 / 13:00开演第2部 16:30开场 / 17:00开演【会场】大阪府大阪市中央区马场町2-24KKR酒店大阪 3F 银河宴会厅
【料金】お一人様 5,200円(税込)==========【一般チケット受付】12/7(日)10:00~Lコード:0570-084-005http://l-tike.com
【票价】5,200日元/人(含税)【一般票务】12/7(日)10:00~L CODE:0570-084-005http://l-tike.com
SKY-HI TOUR 2015 オフィシャルHP先行SKY-HI TOUR 2015 オフィシャルHP先行が開始になりました。沢山のご応募お待ちしております!
SKY-HI TOUR 2015 官网先行SKY-HI TOUR 2015 官网先行开始了。等待大家的应募哦
CHRISTMAS SPECIAL LIVE(大阪)開催決定 (日高)「スマイルドロップ」のリリースを記念して、CHRISTMAS SPECIAL LIVEの開催が決定いたしました。詳細は決まり次第お知らせいたします。お楽しみに♪
※ステージ正面鑑賞エリアへは、「先行入場整理券」をお持ちの方からのご案内となります。整理券をお持ちの方のご入場が完了次第、整理券をお持ちでないお客さまも順次ご案内となります。あらかじめご了承ください。※詳しくは、整理券裏面に記載の注意事項を必ずご確認ください。【特典会参加方法】当日会場にて下記対象商品のいずれかをご購入の方に、特典会参加券をプレゼントいたします。【対象商品】SKY-HI 12月12日発売ニューシングル「スマイルドロップ」
*进入舞台正面观赏的话,我们先从持有“先行入场整理券”的观众开始引导。持有整理券的观众引导完成之后,引导未持有整理券的观众。请谅解。*详细请参考整理券背面所记载的注意事项。【特典会参加方法】当日在会场购买以下任意商品,可得到特典会参加券。【对象商品】SKY-HI 12月12日发售新单曲【SMILE DROP】
・CD+DVD (Type A) AVCD-83042/B ¥1,944(税込)・CD+DVD (Type B) AVCD-83043/B ¥1,944(税込)・CD AVCD-83044 ¥1,080(税込)【特典会参加券配布について】※当日は会場にて上記対象商品の販売を行います。販売開始は、15:00からを予定しております※特典会参加券は、ご購入いただいた対象商品分の配布となります(対象商品1点のお買い上げで、特典会参加券を1枚差し上げます)
CD+DVD (Type A) AVCD-83042/B ¥1,944(含税)・CD+DVD (Type B) AVCD-83043/B ¥1,944(含税)・CD AVCD-83044 ¥1,080(含税)【有关特典会参加券的发放】*当日在会场销售以上对象商品。发售时间预定于15:00开始。*特典会参加券根据购买对象商品的多少发放(购买一项对象商品,可得到一张特典会参加券)