I can order ○○ for you as I'm a distributor.I ordered the one that you purchased last time from a manufacturer.If you want to place a large order, I can order from ○○.When the quantity is large, I order items from a warehouse of a manufacturer.In that case, it will take 3 to 4 days longer than usual.However, I will ship them as soon as I can.As you can see my feedback, even though the number of feedback from buyers is not so many, but I sell the same product so many times.How many pieces would you like ?I would like to discuss the quantity with you.
So, we buy this product which is around 8000JPY from other companies and re-sell it at 11980JPY.So, we currently have a lot of the products in stock at our warehouse.Please let us purchase 180 pieces later.We often have returning goods. What should we do with these ?Would we be able to return the products and receive a refund ?Previously, when this happens, he offered us the same amount of the products which were dead stock for free
バイヤーから以下連絡がありました。御社がこのような回答をするとは思いませんが念の為確認です。御社がこのような判断をしたならば私は60€返金します。事実確認をお願いします。●バイヤーよりGuten Tagde hat mir festgestellt, das Sie mir 60 Euros zurück zahlen müssen, das bedeutet 60 Euros.
A buyer contacted me and sent the below message.I don't think you told him/her this kind of answer, but I just want to confirm it.If you made the decision, I will refund €60.Please confirm if this is true.● from the buyerGuten Tagde hat mir festgestellt, das Sie mir 60 Euros zurück zahlen müssen, das bedeutet 60 Euros.
I also use a different company.The company offers me cheap S.R rates, but I'm currently considering if I use only use your company since the another company's response is slow.Here is the thing.The company offers me a really good deal, I pay only half of the price what I pay for your company.I know you offer me a 30% discount, but still the another company's rates are really cheap, so I can't ship heavy items using your company.I'm not asking you to offer me the same rates as the another company.However, would it be possible for you to give me a 40% discount ?If you can, I can ship heavy items using your company.Please see the attached file which is an invoice from the another company.I ship items which are total 1500 kg every month.
R1 V2の件は了解しました。2つ共、新品ですか?追加でツアーバンに取り寄せをすることは可能ですか?プロからの注文で1つだけスペックの調整をしたいのですが可能ですか?RBZ TOUR hybrid2,3,5の価格(送料込)を教えてください。Paypalで支払いを希望します。
Regarding R1 V2, I understand that.Are the both new ?Is it possible for you to order a tour van for me ?A professional worker asked me to change the spec of one of the items. Is it possible ?Please let me know the total price including the shipping fee of RBZ TOUR hybrid2,3,5 ?I will make a payment via Paypal.
Dear A,Can you offer a lower price for the Yamaha TRB1005? I'm in Los Angeles. Thanks.-JDear J,Thank you for your inquiry. I sell a price cut of up to US$1350,so please contact us that you will purchase it or not.Item number is *****.Best regards,- ADear A,Thank you for your reply. What's the difference between these basses and the regular Korean 1005s?Also is the bass that's for sale the exact bass that's in the photo?Thank you!- J
AさんYamaha TRB1005をもう少し安くしてくれませんか?私はロサンゼルス在住です。よろしくお願いします。JよりJさんお問い合わせありがとうございます。1350ドルでなら販売可能です。購入希望かどうかご連絡ください。商品番号は*****です。よろしくお願いします。AAさんご返信ありがとうございます。このベースと通常の韓国1005Sの違いは何ですか?現在販売中のベースは写真の商品と同じでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。J
I would like to do business with you at the price we discussed.Please ship them to Japan.The purchase lot unit will be 40 pieces, 20 pieces of normal version and 20 pieces of academic version.Please write down the declared price as low as possible as I would like to avoid paying the customs fee.And, I would like to make a payment via Paypal. However,please send me invoices separately, for normal version and academic one as my credit card will be maxed out.You can ship them together.I would like to continue to purchase from you. Should I just contact you at this email address when I place an order ?
I would like to purchase ○○, which I purchased previously, is it possible for you to offer me more discount ?Right now, it is $79 on Amazon.com, so it is difficult for me to purchase them at $78 this time.With this price, I can't compete with other competitors on Japanese auction sites.I would purchase right away if you could sell it at $65.I don't mind making a payment via wire transfer since Paypal needs a high transaction fee.
Hi Masaaki!Thank you for your patience on this!Unfortunately, the following products are currently out of stock:MAGLITE S6D016 Heavy-Duty 6-D Cell Flashlight, Black; Brother QL-700High-speed, Professional Label Printer; Wireless Stereo Headset;We do have the following 2 available and here is the best price we areable to offer:TEXTI84PLUS It is sold in packs and quote is for quantity 102.http://www.bisonoffice.com/texas-instruments-ti-84plus-programmable-graphing-calculator-10-digit-lcd/TEXTI84PLUS_p/$128.73 per item with Free Shipping. Total costs $13,130.46. Estimatedlead time 2-3 weeks.
まさあきさん こんにちは。お待ちいただきありがとうございます。残念ながら、現在下記の商品は在庫切れとなっております。MAGLITE S6D016 Heavy-Duty 6-D Cell Flashlight, Black; Brother QL-700High-speed, Professional Label Printer; Wireless Stereo Headset;しかし、下記の2つの商品は在庫があり、こちらが価格となります。TEXTI84PLUS はパックで販売しており、価格は102個のものです。http://www.bisonoffice.com/texas-instruments-ti-84plus-programmable-graphing-calculator-10-digit-lcd/TEXTI84PLUS_p/送料込みの128.73ドルで、全て込みで13130.46ドルとなり、2-3週間で配達予定です。
ESWE322P Total price is for quantity 100.http://www.bisonoffice.com/estwing-e3-22p-geological-rock-pick-hammer-22oz-13-inch-tool-length-shock-reduction-grip/ESWE322P_p/$36.76 per item with Free Shipping. Total costs $3,676.00. Estimatedlead time is 10-14 business days.Please verify the items at the links provided. Total cost for an orderfor TEXTI84PLUS and ESWE322P is $16,806.46Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concernsand if you would like to proceed with an order.Regards,BisonOffice
ESWE322P 100個での価格です。http://www.bisonoffice.com/estwing-e3-22p-geological-rock-pick-hammer-22oz-13-inch-tool-length-shock-reduction-grip/ESWE322P_p/送料込みで1つ36.76ドルとなり、合計3676ドルとなります。10-14営業日で配達いたします。上記のリンクより商品を確認してください。TEXTI84PLUS と ESWE322P合わせての合計金額は16806.46ドルとなります。もし質問、注文を進めたい際はご連絡ください。敬具BisonOffice
Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you. Discussion Thread Response Via Email (Keltie W.) 05/08/2013 07:56 AMDear Masaaki,Thanks for your interest in becoming a potential supplier to drugstore.com.We appreciate your interest in drugstore.com and look forward to the possibility of establishing a relationship that is beneficial for both our organizations.drugstore.com is committed to delivering the best shopping experience for our customers, and delivering a very broad assortment of high-quality products that may not be carried in a traditional drugstore.
ご連絡いただきまして誠にありがとうございます。ディスカッションスレッドEメールでの返信(Keitie.W) 05/08/2013 07:56 AMまさあき さん、弊社のサプライヤー登録への興味をお持ちいただきありがとうございます。お客さまのご興味に非常に感謝しており、両社ともに利益をだせる関係を構築できることを楽しみにしております。弊社はお客さまに最高のお買いもの経験を提供いたします。また通常のドラッグストアーでは取り扱っていない、品質の高い様々な商品を取り扱っております。
In order for us to get to know your company, please fill out the questionnaire located on the Potential Suppliers page. For complete instructions, please visit the following link:http://www.drugstore.com/cat/10770/wiz/default.asp?catid=10770The appropriate Category Manager will review your form and you will be contacted if an interest is identified. Samples should not be sent until requested by someone at drugstore.com.Again, thank you for your interest in drugstore.com. Please do not hesitate to contact us again if you have any questions or comments.Sincerely,
御社をより良く知るためにPotential Suppliers pageにあるアンケートを記入してください。詳細は下記のリンクをご確認くださいませ。http://www.drugstore.com/cat/10770/wiz/default.asp?catid=10770適切なカテゴリーのマネージャーが書類を確認し、弊社よりご連絡いたします。弊社のスタッフからの依頼があるまではサンプルは送らないでください。今回は弊社に興味をお持ちいただきありがとうございます。ご質問やコメントがある際はご遠慮なくご連絡くださいませ。敬具
I'm sorry for the late reply.I'm glad that the item arrived safely.Also I'm glad that you are happy with the item.Regarding 220V adopter, I will check if it is available at Ortofon in Japan.Thank you !I want to keep in touch with you!Thank you so much !
商品が届かないとバイヤーから連絡があり、全額返金するかもしくは追跡機能有りで再び新しい商品を配達するか尋ねたところ、商品を再配達してほしいと連絡がありました。私はすぐに速達(EMS 追跡番号EL004582553JP )で送りました。追跡状況を確認したところ、5/4の届けたが不在で商品は保管されているようです。私は全力でバイヤーをサポートしています。バイヤーへ状況の連絡をお願いできますでしょうか。私はすでに商品を2つ発送しています。これ以外にできることがあればご連絡ください。
The buyer contacted me and told that the item hadn't arrived. I asked him if I should give a full refund or reship the item with a tracking number and he told me to reship the item.I shipped the item via EMS (tracking number:EL004582553JP )According to the tracking number, the item was delivered on May 4 and it has been kept since then.I'm supporting the buyer so hard.Could you contact the buyer and tell this ?I have already shipped 2 items.Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you.
Thank you for your reply.How many pieces can you hold within May ?Also, I would like to purchase 720 more pieces in May. Is it possible?I would like to know how many you can hold if you already know. When will the order #8 be shipped out ?I will wait for your reply.Thank you so much as always.
Here is how to solve this issue.If you don't need the Canon Lens, we will give you a refund.If it is ok to purchase it, we will pay for the penalty.Please kindly consider this.Again, we are truly sorry for the inconvenience.
I ship between 25 and 50 boxes a day which the post office picks up all at one time, sometimes it takes up to a day for the tracking to show up. I am sure it will show up any time now.
この度はご注文いただき誠にありがとうございます。入金確認次第、配送の準備に取りかかりたいとおもいます。詳細など追ってご連絡を差し上げます。今回、あなたは私にとって初めてのお客様です。お客様に喜んでいただき、悔いのない取引になるよう、ご協力を仰ぐのと同時に、当方も精一杯の努力とさらなる成長をしていきたいと思っております。 よろしくお願いします。
Thank you so much for purchasing this time.I will prepare for the shipment after confirming your payment.I will let you know the detailed information later.You are my first customer this time.I will do my best to make you happy with this transaction and I hope we can do good business this time.Best regards,
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I have a huge favour that I would like to ask you.Regarding the item yuo purchased the other day, we actually don't know if we have them in stock. We apologize for the inconvenience it has caused you.We asked the manufacturer and it is on the way to us.We will ship it right away once we receive it, but would you mind waiting for another 1 week ?If you wish to cancel the order, we will give you a full refund as well.We apologize for the inconvenience it has caused you. Thank you for your understanding.