Thank you for your contact.The item arrived in Japan today.The number of the tire cover that I ordered was only one.* There were two defective goods.Could you please send one piece additionally?When you get items A and B for sale, could you please let me know? I want to buy more from you.By the way Mr. A, whom I know well, is buying goods from you.Could you please set the prices of the items with those applied to him? Thank you.
No biker goes well. YOU will have the police soon.
出品条件出品価格=競合の出品価格ー5ドル > (Amazon.co.jpの価格÷75円×1.3)3.私がすでに出品をしていない商品Amazon.comの出品者のリストで判別できます。報酬の支払いは、50商品毎に行います。わからない点などあればいつでもご連絡くださいね。
Bench conditionBench price = Other competition item prices - $5.00 > (Amazon. co. jp. price divided by 1.3 times 75 yen)3. About items I have already eliminated for auction; you can see at Amazon. com. auction list.Please pay for 50 pieces about one item you want.Be free to contact me if you want anything about this deal.
Yet he was far from a loner,constantly receiving visitors-artists and movie stars-to the modest home on Utopia Parkway in Queens that he shared with his mother and brother, but he had a sense of humor and the occasional bon mot. He preferred the company of women to men and would often keep his male visitors waiting while he received their wives or companions.He collaborated with photographers and filmmakers, and presented his film collection on numerous occasions. He lunched with Marcel Duchamp,and went behind the scenes to visit his beloved ballerinas in their dressing rooms. While not exactly a man about town, he was social when the mood struck him,but he was also incredibly shy and enormously introspective.
それでいて彼は孤独とはほど遠かった。彼が母親・兄弟と住んでいたQueensの Utopia Parkwayにある質素な家にはひっきりなしに芸術家、俳優などの訪問客が訪れた。彼はユーモアのセンスがあり、ときどき機知に富んだ言葉をはいた。彼は男性といるよりは女性といることを好んだ。たびたび男たちは彼らの奥さんとか同伴女性が彼のお愛想受けている間中待たされるものだった。彼は写真家とか映画監督とかとの仕事上の付き合いが多く、彼のフィルムコレクションをしょっちゅう披露した。彼は彼が愛したバレリーナを楽屋に訪ねるのにMarcel Duchampをだしに使った。実際にはプレイボーイではなかったが、興が乗るとそういうふうになるものだった。しかし、実のところは信じられないほどシャイで内省的(偽悪的)というのも本当のところだった。
During that therm, you can devide oders into twice.
後ろ側のレンズ(rear lens)に、目立つ大きな擦りキズがある。そのキズのせいで、コーティングが剥がれている。後ろ側のレンズの障害は、撮影の品質に影響を与える可能性が高い。あなたは、このレンズを“Excellent working order”と説明していた。しかし、このコンディションでその表現は適切では無い。あなたの説明と実際のコンディションには乖離があり、私は誤認をして購入をしたのである。このため、返品と返金を要求する。あなたの100%の良い評価を下げたくないから。
The rear lens has a remarkable scratch causing coating strip, which condition probably affects the quality of pictures taken by it. You explained the lens as “Excellent working order". But I do not think to. I bought it because I believed your explanation. As its condition is different from what you say, I want to turn it back to you and want refund. I just don't want to lower your usual good 100% evaluation.
I would like to buy ten pieces of at $2000 including shipping charge. Is it OK?The shipping address is Florida.
wow,to bad,you wanting me to file a insurance claim?,they will probably want it back.
Hello. Thank you for your usual help.I want to have your reply soon.Please ask sequentially Paypalfor for payment of items that you got and are ready to be shipped.I want to purchase the following items .When goods come in here, please ask payment. (ちょっと意味不明)It’s rather difficult for me to purchase goods, I often miss chances to sell them.I appreciate your rapid shipment.I want to buy more items from you.
I won a bid for the item. In addition I want to purchase cabinet. I understand an additional $85 is needed for it and the total amount would be $585, which I would like to pay by the gross. Is it OK?Thank you.
Let me know by e-mail when you check the address below.Also, I ask you all the contact to me via e-mail.
早速チェックしたところ、決定的な欠陥が見つかった。それは、本来ならフォーカシングフードに内蔵しているはずのルーペが存在していません。このカメラは、内蔵のルーペを用いてピント合わせを行い撮影するように設計されている。ところが、そのルーペが無くては正しいピント合わせができません。つまり、このカメラは欠陥品です。この状態と、あなたの“great shape”との説明には乖離があります。
I found a critical defect for the camera on checking it. It doesn't have a magnifying glass that should be installed in the focusing hood. This camera must be designed as installed with that glass for focusing. Without it, no fine focusing; the camera is defective. Your explanation as “great shape” is not valid.
I got the items, but the outer and inner cases were both broken and all were damaged so badly; you did not use partitions for them.. In addition I should have purchased a brand-new item, but it is a used one.I ask your sincere reaction for this.
If you have a will to accomplish something to do, go away right now!
潮騒の調べ都会の窓白い砂の幻覚スペインの闘牛 記憶の中の風景海の情景進化海の不思議黒い響きスペインの思い出*絵のタイトルですのでカッコよく訳してください。
Melody of the seaWindow of a metropolitan Illusion of white sandSpanish bullfight The Scenery in a memoryVisual scene of the seaEvolutionMystery of the seaBlack soundMemory of Spain
3. Using the ASIN code, searched the same item as the above best-seller one on Amazon com. 4. Got the following information about the items with the same corresponding ASIN codes.Item name.Lowest prices for the items displayed on “Prime”. Lowest prices for other new products.5. Down load all items from Japan and the U.S. altogether in the Web expression and CSV format.Pleas show the result with sort function in the Web expression, and with down load function in CSV format. (ここの意味、この分野での理解不足で訳せないー全体ですね。)
I have thought out the steps for which you might help me in this project.Can I replace the following step by appropriate programs?1. To list all the Amazon co. jp. items in the order of best-selling ranking.2. To get the following information for items listed. Category name for each item.Lowest prices of new products.Best selling items ranking in a category.ASIN code.Weight of the body of an item.
You have not responded to my repeated inquiries. I cannot wait any longer, so would you please pay back all the money to me this time?Thank you.
You've provided tracking information and will be refunded when the item is delivered to the seller.
ask a questionからの連絡は拒否され、ペイパル支払い時のアドレスにメールをしても返答がありません。セラーに対して連絡の取りようがありません。とにかく、足りなかった品物を早急に送ってください。
The correspondence from “ask a question” was rejected and I could not get a reply even if I sent an e-mail to the address I used for the payment via Paypal.I have no way to correspond to the seller.At any rate, please send me the missing items rapidly.