I thought that the items sent from you were always good.I trusted you so that you would not have sent such a bad item as this case.This time, I think your staffs well knew the condition of the item and sent it; the item was mended with tape, which fact is the evidence.I don’t want this junk item, and I will send it back.I send it back from Japan.The shipping charge would be some 6,100 yen.
Below is the shipping charge list URL of EMS. The charges for the U.S. are listed in the left side in the second area column. http://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/charge/list/ems_all.htmlI will send back the item, so please pay back the money for,*all the money ($ 84.81) I paid when I purchased the item, and*the shipping charge to send back the item from Japan (some 6,100 yen).I am waiting for your reply.Thank you.
I will buy one S size khaki piece and two S size black ones. I would like to buy one piece for 75 pound. Including the shipping charge to japan, I will pay 80 pound for one, total of 1430 pound, through paypal. Please send the invoice.I want them by the 26th this month.
Could you sell me the item which you are getting up on eBay now at $800 including the shipping charge? Please send it together with the Super-fast I ordered. If you can sell it to me, send the invoice via paypal.
After of a long trip that 35 years unit maybe need few tech check,please proceed in this way and we are in contact on your findings.
We are expecting them around the 14th
Well come back! You have placed fifty items a day on show on an average.Could you try to register two hundred items a day with your team building?The target sellers are shown below.Is the ID I am using now is effective as the log-in ID for Amazon?
Since you are no longer a registered user of e-bay and since your account is blocked from check-out, I must receive payment for these plates by midnight, Thursday, December 15, or I will be canceling this transaction, selling the plates to someone else, and reporting you to e-bay as a bad customer. I already sent you an invoice, to your other e-bay account. PLEASE SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS WITH E-BAY, NOW, IF YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT BUYING THESE PLATES.
Aを通さず直接あなたと取引を希望しています。Xを2個、Yを3個、Zを5個買いますので、送料も含めて本来Aに支払う手数料を割引いてもらえませんか? 合計いくらにしてもらえるか教えてください。そして私も妥当な金額だと判断すれば、あなたのpaypal口座に、その金額を振り込みます。ぜひ検討してください。
I want to directly have a transaction with you not through A. I will buy two 2 X, three Y and five Z; could you give me a discount corresponding to the commission of A and plus the shipping charge? How much is the total amount. If I think it is reasonable, I will pay the amount to your paypal account. I would appreciate your consideration of my proposal in advance.
Tracking 1の商品も破損しているのですか?日本へのは発送不可ですか?この商品も Tracking 2と同じ売主ですよね?今、売主と連絡と取っていますが、まだ返答がありません。連絡が取れるまで3,4日待って下さい。
Is the item with Tracking No 1 also broken? Do you think it can’t be sent to Japan?The seller of this item is the same for the one with Tracking No2, is it right?I am trying to contact with the seller, but hasn’t got the reply yet.Please wait for three or four days until I get it.
Tracking 1 も発送不可の場合は2つ一緒に返品します。もう1つ質問があります。通常、アメリカでは売主側に責任がある場合は売主が返送料金を負担するのですか?それとも購入者ですか?初めての経験なので分かりません。教えてください。
In case the Tracking No 1 item also cannot be shipped, I would like to send back the both items together.I have another question. Does a seller generally have to pay the charge for sending back an item in the U.S. if he or she is responsible? Or buyer?Please let me know as this is my first experience and I don’t know how to deal with it.
For example, there are many silver spoons plated with gold. Likewise, fish figurines can be plated with gold. So, I should think your explanation is not valid.However, I believe that you did not have an intention to deceive me.I also think you are responsible.As you have faithfully replied to me via email, I would not lodge an objection.I will also make a peak evaluation for you.
I am very sorry that you are mad and disappointed. I understand that the photos make the fish look somewhat gold, it just happened to be the lighting that I was taking the pictures in. There was no intent to be fradulent or fool anyone. The fish is made by Christofle of France, who is known world wide for their excellent work in silver and silver plating and I say in my ad three times that the fish is silver or silver plated and I also told you that it was silver plated in an email. When I told you, in the email, that it was silver, you had time then to cancel the transaction, (If that is not what you were looking for) which I would have done without a problem.
I had know idea you were expecting a golden colored fish. I am very sorry that that you feel as though you have been fooled, when I have tried to tell you, to the best of my ability, that this fish is silver. As I said before, if you are unhappy please send it back and I will refund your original purchase price, ($104.08). I am not responsible for any of your other fees, because I do not ship internationally. I shipped this item to California.
As far as the negative feeback, that is up to you. You can say that I intentionally meant to mislead you that this fish was GOLD, but you and I both know, that every email and the ad says that the fish is SILVER. So, if your conscious tells you that it is okay to say that, I guess I will have to live with that.Again, my sincere apologies!!Thank you for your kind response,Loralie Hurt- loralieh3pyb Click "respond" to reply through Messages, or go to your email to reply.
マイナスのフィードバックにつきましてはあなた次第です。私が意図してこの魚を金と間違えるように仕向けたのだとあなたは言うこともできます。しかし我々お互いが知っているようにすべてのメールも広告もその魚は銀であることを言っております。だからあなたが意識的にあなたの主張をされるのでしたらそれでもかまいませんが。今一度お詫びいたします!ご丁寧なご返事に感謝いたします。Loralie Hurt- loralieh3pyb メッセージを通して返事をするなら "respond" をクリックしてください。もしくはあなたのemailからでも結構です。
I understand your will to do the job.But I have not so much time to explain again and again.I want you to do a simpler thing, Do you have an experience to buy or sell something at Amazon com?If you have an interest, I will invite you to talk about the new project tonight.
The item has already arrived; thank you for the contact.I am glad you like the chocolate. If you want anything I can do, please be free to ask me.Enjoy the game with the chocolate.
Next Step for You: Forward us the confirmation email(s) from the store after you confirm delivery.
I will buy them at that price. Please make sure that all thirteen pieces are version 2. Send the invoice to this address through paypal.The shipment address is the same as before. But if you forget it, please ask me by e-mail.
I want to ask if I can send a request to cancel the transaction to recover the expensive fees of ebay.