時々、私たちは明日のためをすることに忙しくて、今日を見失ってしまうのね。- Demi Moore
Sometimes we become crazy at thinking how to do tomorrow, so we miss how to do today. Demi Moore
「私は過去を捨てたことは一度もありません。今の自分は過去の延長線上にあるのですから。」- Penélope Cruz
I’ve never wanted to throw away my past, and actually didn’t. I am proud of my being the extension of what I have been until now. Penélope Cruz
Tomorrow, January 7, is a day when we Japanese taste “Nanakusa gayu – a rice soup with seven kings of vegetables.It is good for our bodies and stomachs; we are tired eating the new-year’s dishes and saking alcohol. We also pray for our happiness during the year. Do you have such kind of ritual habit? The other day I went to see my mother in hospital, and treated her with hand-treatment care with her hands in my own hands. We are allowed for only short time care because we were in the hospital. She was very glad to be touched by me. Mother always took and touched my hands when I was a child, but the situation has completely reversed. I cherished touching my mother’s hands.
You said that the horn was damage free.But the upper one third of the tube is distorted, and the lyre screw (screw to fix a chart) is not attached (missing).A large ding is on the bottom part.The octave key is broken and does not work, binding firmly to the body. Though you said it was fixed with a complete overhaul, tube itself is distorted (fatal damage as an instrument). The octave key is broken, naturally producing no proper sound.
The tax attorney is a friend of mine since my high school days.I asked her not to state my personal information in the declaration card.She said that I didn’t have to do so.The dead line for the declaration is March 15.I haven’t finished it yet, but I will do it from now on.
This mail is about the binocular I purchased from you. Its condition is the worst. It is completely out of focus, which state I think is impossible to fix. I cannot utilize it, so I want to send it back to you.
I like it very much: good item but not so expensive in Japan. I can readily get six pieces of it including the shipping charge totalling $ xxxx, if you are OK. Please let me know.Please send items without graffiti or some stains marked by pencils. I see only one piece at eBay, but do you have two pieces in stock? If possible please send me the invoice for the remaining charge via Paypal.
天才の道を行くべきか、それとも努力の道かって考えてね…結局、努力の道を選んだんだ - Roger Federer
To be pretending a genius or to be a man of effort, that was the question. After all I chose the latter. Roger Federer
This time I again received damaged items from you. Last time I received damaged items from you, so this time I asked you to send the four items with robust packing. I paid extra shipping charge for that. But nothing was improved. Please don’t do that kind of thing again. I myself will take a procedure for recompense in Japan. So please claim your right of transformation for compensation to me to the American DHL rapidly. The number is below.
この商品は、『4x4、3D、The Channel』に対応していますか?
Is this item compatible with "4x4、3D、The Channel"?
To whom this mail concerns at Ebay:I am sorry to trouble you, but could you please help me to solve the “item exchange” problem?The problem is that a certain staff of the delivery center in California had opened the package to check the item, and then he threw the package away. So I can’t know the name and address of the seller. He seems to feel responsible for that, but he has never responded to my request to tell the address. From his attitude up until now, I should think that he do not want to respond to my request of returning the item.
I received (1) a wrong item, and (2) yet he does not tell me the seller’s address. Accordingly I cannot send back the item; I am really a victim in this case.I have asked Conyac (translation Co.) to translate my Japanese sentences in order to communicate with him and get his appropriate reaction. The system does not accept long sentences, and I have to ask three sets of my Japanese sentences every time. And for each sentence, tree translators react; therefore three sets of my Japanese sentences times three translations are quite an amount.
私は彼との微妙な交渉で、こまやかな内容を正しく伝える意味で2種類の文面を彼に送りました。”評価”も彼が本当に交換してくれさえすれば、高い評価をあげても良いと今でも思っています。彼のこれまでの態度は、巧妙かつ とてもしたたかです。末期癌患者のわたしも、病いで体力が半分以下に弱っている状況下にありますが、かれの巧妙な詐欺的な態度に私は疲れ切っています。彼の態度は私の生きる元気を奪って行きます。Ebayご担当者様、どうかわたしの力になって下さい。
In order to convey my correct intention to him, I have sent two different kinds of translation letters (different translators’). If he will react sincerely and appropriately, I think I can leave him high evaluation.His way of doing, however, has not been good; treacherous and tough.I am not in a good condition; last stage of cancer. So I am very tired with the struggle with him. I would appreciate it very much if you, the Ebay staff, help me with this case.
just send the $527.00 and I will pay the extra for the shipping.
$270だと送料を含めてもebayのtop sallerの金額より高いです。全部で15本注文するので、1本あたり日本までの送料を含めて$210になりませんか?今年はあなたと大きい取引ができれば良いと思っています。次はもっと大きいロットで注文するので、良い返事を待ってます。
The price $270 is more expensive than that of the top seller of ebay including the shipping charge.As I will place an order of 15 pieces this time, could you set the price at $210 for each piece including the shipping charge to Japan?I want to have bigger deals this year.I will order much larger amount to you hereafter; so I am looking forward to your favorite reaction this time.
「毎日、喉をいたわってるよ。どんなロールスロイスでも、ケアしないと走らなくなるからね」- Jon Bon Jovi
"I am taking good care of my throat every day. No Rolls-Royce can live long without care." Jon Bon Jovi
Are you talking about the email with a subject line “○○○”?Please let me know its title.
Hello!I am going to ship the item today. Have you raise an objection to Paypal? Haven’t you purchase the item?Please respond to me rapidly.
音楽ってのは知ったかぶりしちゃダメなんだ。- LINKIN PARK
Music? Oh yes. You can't pretend to know all about it.LINKIN PARK
俺は2歳で成長が止まった。アクセル・ローズは泣きわめくガキだって言う奴がいるけど、そいつらは正しいよ。- Axl Rose
I stopped growing up at age two. Some say Axl Rose is a baby only crying and screaming, and they’re right.