When people cannot follow instructions of the staff, the tour may be stopped or canceled, and sometimes audiences might be asked to leave the venue.Dotombori was once called Japanese Broadway. A festival called "Tombori Festival 2018" will be held here. It is based on the idea of "Osaka Night Culture Exploring and Creating Plan" and performers include TV personalities, J-POP stars and Japanese traditional instruments musicians. The festival will be full of entertainments with various artists performing many different performances daily so overseas visitors can enjoy night life in Osaka and everybody will feel welcomed.
What is" Osaka Prefecture Night Culture Exploring and Creating Plan"..?In Osaka Prefecture, they are aiming for "The city where people can travel safely without any worries and where you are welcomed all the time - 24 hour a day omotenashi city"where tourists can enjoy the city day and night feeling safe. For this reason the city give financial support to new business which they help create night culture by providing night performances and so on so that in-bound tourists also can enjoy themselves.
Thank you for your message. When I check my paypal account just now, I see $24.50 is paid to you. I wonder why this has happened. Anyway, you are going to return $8.50 to me. Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
Hi again, For some reason it has charged you twice for the postage. I don't know how this has happened. can you confirm your PayPal account and I will credit you back 8.50 The total should of been 16.50 and not 24.50, which it says below in our messaging.
This is urgent, will you be able to ship the item today?As soon as documents are ready I will return the products that I have here with me.
As for A which was ordered from company OO, three delivery dates are set for one PO. Therefore, would you please talk to them so they can have three POs for each delivery date? The reason for asking you is as follows:1, From the first month of delivery of the machinery to the last delivery, there are eight months in between which makes it difficult for receiving funds as PO shows the payment should be proceeded after all the machinery is delivered.2, As there are three separate delivery date for one PO, we are not sure how to issue the Bond. When there are three POs, we can issue Bond each time.
What is the paypal email you are sending it to i may have it wrong on here
Thank you for your support.I received your message, thank you very much.Thank you for your offer of sending me color samples.Please send them to the following address:I really appreciate your quick response every time.I have already informed Mr. Oda but I am hoping to have a meeting with you regarding the materials of chairs etc. when I visit the factory early November.I hope this is acceptable for you.I am looking forward to seeing you again soon.
I have a editing right on Amazon pages. I carefully update pages and maintain Amazon ranking. When Mr. Sakashita sells goods to many Amazon sellers, editing right becomes weak.Recently I started working with other wholesaler partners and started selling in some physical retail shops- some of Don Quijote, and also started catalogue retailing. Mr. Sakashita is a specialist of hardwares. He cannot do a similar business.However, if you still continue to work with Mr. Sakashita, I will produce a similar products in Japan. razorpit betrayed me. I do believe your company will never betrays me.
If it is OK to write in simple English, I can write every captions in English when I have to put words with picutres on internet. However, after posting, often I was asked more details about the situations or characters. After all it requires more than simple English so I am not so keen to do it.
It won't allow me to resend the invoice. I uploaded it for sale at $8.00. Purchase and ill make it no shipping and ship it with the rest
You anticipate my email . Your model is now available so You can proceed with the balance. If You will open Your account You will find the pending order . The system will aloud You to finalize it . Please let me know if Your need further assistance Kind regards Atelier Team
私からのメールを待っていたことでしょう。ご注文のモデルが入手できるようになりました。お支払い手続きをして頂けます。あなたのアカウントを開くと、こちらのご注文情報が出ます。システムに従って手続きを終了して下さい。何か他にこちらのお手伝いが必要なことがあればお知らせ下さい。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。Atelier Team (アトリエ 担当より)
Thank you so much! I truly appreciate it.I had a good night sleep and I feel much better now.When I read your e-mail again and saw the pin you sent to me, I was so delighted.I put it carefully in my collection box!!I will continue to look for a pin that you are hoping to find so you can be happy, too.Thanks again!
Thank you for sending me a list. They are useful for me. I will decide the rest of the three next time. I may contact you again to ask if you have them some time in the future. I will visit your site from time to time. Thank you very much.
I have added the remainder post to what I already charged you for the last record. So that is combined postage. I will send express post with tracking and delivery signature. Many thanks for your orders, surprised they sold so quickly. Also, I have 3 other releases that were released through Restless Records which is Penny Davies & Roger Llott label. They also performed, co wrote, arranged and recorded on these albums. I can do you a good deal on these if you are interested, but no problem if not. Or if you wanted to order at another time. Just thought I would let you know. Thanks again...
最後にご注文頂いたレコード料金は、最初のものと合わせておきました。そちらが両方合わせての送料となります。追跡番号付きで到着時にサインの必要となる速達でお送りします。ご注文ありがとうございます。こんなに早く売れて驚きました。また、Penny Davies & Roger Llott レーベルで、レストレスレコードから出ているアルバムがまだ3つあります。彼ら自身が作詞作曲、編曲、パーフォーム、そして録音もしたレコードです。もしご興味がおありでしたら、お買い得な値段にできますが、ご興味がなければお気になさらないで下さい。または、いつか別の時にご注文をなさりたければ、それでももちろん大丈夫です。ちょっとお知らせしておきたかったのです。今回は有難うございました。
レコードの情報を知らせてくれてありがとうございました。今出ているPenny Davies & Roger Ilottの2枚のレコードを購入することに決めました。先に買ったレコードと合わせてのシッピングになると送料が少し変わってきますね。その上で今回の請求書を送っていただけたらと思います。ずっと探していたレコードなので、今日は嬉しい一日になりました。ありがとうございます。
Thank you for letting me know the conditions of records.I have decided to purchase two records - Penny Davies & Roger Ilot which are listed.I think the shipping charge will be different now as I have already ordered a record before these two.I hope you can send me a new invoice for today's purchase.Today was a great day for me as I finally found a record which I have been looking for a long time.Thank you very much.
(1) Promo copy sent out to old Brisbane Radio 4MBS FM. Also comes with a cover letter SIGNED by PENNY DAVIES and a folk concert flyer they played at. Jacket has some light shelf wear. Overall in very good condition. Record is in near mint condition. This is the second one pictured in the listing on main images. Postage: $10 AUD AUSTRALIA, $28 AUD WORLDWIDE - Both with Tracking!!(2) Comes with lyric sheet insert. Jacket has some light ringwear. Overall in very good condition. Record is in near mint condition. This is the second one pictured in the listing on main images.
1、プロモーションコピーは、オールドブリスベンラジオ 4MBS FMに送られました。またPENNY DAVIESのサイン付きのカバーで、この曲が披露されたフォークコンサートのチラシ付きです。ジャケットは少し陳列されていた時の傷みがありますが、全体的に非常に良い状態です。レコードはほぼミントのグレードです。これはメインページの2番目の写真のレコードとなります。送料はオーストラリア国内$10(豪ドル)、その他外国は$28(豪ドル)、共に追跡番号が付きます。2、歌詞シートが中に入っています。ジャケットはレコードの型跡が少しありますが、全体としてはとても良い状態です。レコードはほぼミントのグレード。これはメインページの2番目にリストされた写真です。
連絡ありがとうございます。まず、Tom Ghentのアルバム、サービスしていだいてありがとうございます。そして、本日、お知らせしていただいたStan Rogersですが、From Fresh Waterだけ追加で購入したいのですが。他のアルバムは持っていますので結構です。それではまた、請求書を送っていただけますか?重ねてよろしくお願いします。
Thank you very much for your message. First of all, thank you for sending me an album of Tom Ghent for free. As for Stan Rogers that you mentioned today, I would like to add only "From Fresh Water" as an additonal order as I already have his other albums.Will you please send an invoice, please?Thanks again for your offer.
Before I ship I just wanted to let you know I also have a few more Stan Rogers albums I was about to upload for sale. All these look great and they will be uploaded later today. I also found that Tom Ghent album from your previous order and will be sending it with this order free of charge. Thanks,
発送する前にお聞きしたいのですが、 Stan Rogers のアルバムもまだ幾つかあり、販売リストにちょうど載せようと思っていたところです。これらのレコードは全部良い状態で、今日遅くにアップロードの予定です。また、以前ご注文頂いたTom Ghentのアルバムもあり、今回の発送品と共にお送りします。これについては無料で結構です。よろしくお願いします。
連絡をありがとうございます。はい、ロシアや東欧の音楽に興味を持っています。私は日本では北海道に住んでいて、豪雪地帯ゆえに冬、窓から見える雪景色とウオッカが似合うような音楽を探しています。シンプルですごく哀愁のあるジプシーフォークやVladimir VisotskiのようなSSW、男女やグループは問いませんので、あなたのショップで売っているオススメのLPアルバムを5枚ほど選んで教えてください。よろしくお願いいたします。
Thank you very much for your message. Yes, I am interested in Russian and East European music. In Japan, I live in Hokkaido where it snows so heavily in winter and I am looking for some music which is suitable for when I am enjoying snow scenery looking outside with a glass of vodka. Any music, like simple and sorrow gypsy folk or SSW like Vladimir Visotski, male or female, group or solo..., please choose five LP albums that you would like to recommend for me. I look forward to your reply. Thank you.