Meine Freundin geht zum NY Event, dafür haben Wir Deine Name in Japanische Kanji an das T-Shirt angeschrieben. Obene zwei Schriften heißen "Thore", untere vier "Schölermann".(訳注:Thoreさん本人に宛てた文という前提で訳しています。「友人」は女性一人としていますが、男性一人の場合は最初の2単語をMein Freund、複数名の場合は最初の3単語をMeine Freunde gehen〜としてください。また、「描いた」人の主語は「私たち」としています。)
トーレ シェーレーマン様 遥か彼方の日本でいつも「Verbotene Liebe」を見ています。Chrolli Coupleが大好きですOlliと早く結婚して~!Thoreくん愛してます
Lieber Thore Schölermann,Ich sehe gerne "Verbotene Liebe" im weit entfernte Japan.Mir gefällt Die Chrolli Couple sehr. Heirate Olli schnell!Thore, Ich liebe Dich !
Except moisture or temperature, is there any factor (any possible material) which damages Gratings?How many years can Gratings be kept in good condition if stored without using them? Yet I suppose it would be difficult to answer because it may depend on frequency or environment of usage, how long are Gratings generally kept in good condition in usage? I want to know producing capability of your company.How many is it possible to produce Gratings per year at your company?
The only one character flaw I can find with A is the fact that he decided selling robots in the plastics industry would be more rewarding and/or fun than hanging out with the swimsuit models at his previous employer, Hawaiian Tropics….. CRAZY
I have been letting Japanese side handle so we don't work against each other but it has cost us profit. He stepped in with Japanese contact and discounted against US side. Not sure why. No contact with customer but will be glad to check in with him if you want me to.
heck, im getting soft- had tears in my eyes at the trophy presentation! oh dear lol
やだ、私も丸くなったものね—トロフィー授与でうるっと来ちゃった! ああもう(笑)(訳注:女子バスケ選手/指導者であるNancy Liebermanのtwitterでの発言です http://twitter.com/NancyLieberman/status/8837060503)
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Hello, Twitterers in the English-speaking world!(※翻訳とは離れた部分の話で恐縮ですが、もし本当にTwitterを通して英語圏の人と交流しようとお考えなのであれば、エキサイト翻訳やYahoo!翻訳などのWEB翻訳サービスを利用するか、翻訳機能のついたクライアントを使用なさった方が良いと思います。こちらは「依頼を見つけた人で、なおかつ時間のある人が訳す」システムですので、Twitter上での英語のやりとり全てをこのサービスで対応することはおそらく不可能ですし、Twitterの特性である即時性とも相容れない部分が出てくるかと思います。)
Because I'm so busy making videos that I have no time to update my blog right now. It doesn't mean that I've turned sour on drawing pictures, so I'll draw illustrations again when I feel like it!
This cat is asleep all the time :)
Ich bin dein
タクシーから降りて、冬の寒さに身をさらすまでの一秒にも満たない間。それを紡ぎ取るのが、詩人のおしごと。#poem #poet
Less than a second between cab-ride and winterly cold open-air. It's poet's job to weave up that moment.
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She would respect a slave who did not wish to make the journey to the north, but any slave who joined an escaping group, then changed their mind and wanted to turn back, would be shot dead to prevent that person from endangering the group. After the Civil War, Harriet continued as an activist for African-american and women's rights, but although she helped many people and served in the Civil War, she had no pension and very little money to live on. Happily, her finncial security was assured .
For most people, the idea of traveling on an underground railway produces images of crowded subway journeys. But for many African-American, the expression head, and continues to have, a much greater emotional importance. The underground railway meant freedom. Ironically, the railway was neither an actual railway ( although trains were sometimes used), nor was it literally underground. Rather it was a series of routes, meeting places and safe houses by which escaping slaves could reach freedom.
"Ha! You're not so bright, are you? He used his voice and asked for them." Then, clearly very pleased with himself, he said "I've been trying that on all my customers today." "Did you catch many?" I asked. "Quite a few," he said, " But I knew for sure I'd catch you.""Why is that?" I asked. "Because you're so incredibly educated, Doc, I knew you couldn't be very smart." And I have an uneasy feeling he had something there.
へっ! あんたそんなに賢かないね? そいつは声を出して注文したのさ」そして満足したような様子をみせてこう言った。「今日ずっと客にこれを聞いてたんだ」「たくさん引っかかったかい?」私は尋ねた。「ほんのちょっとだけさ」と彼は答えた。「でもあんたが引っかかるのはわかってたね」「どうして?」私は尋ねた。「あんたはえらく学があるからさ、先生。それじゃ頭が回るはずない」彼がその言葉に含めた意味に私はいたたまれない気持ちになる。
He put two fingers together on the counter and made hammering motions with the other hand.The clerk brought him a hammer. He shook his head and pointed to the two fingers he was hammering. The clerk brought him nails. He picked out the sizes he wanted, and ledft. Well, doc, the next guy who came in was a blind man. He wanted scissors. How do you suppose he asked for them?" I lifted my right hand and made scissoring motions with my first two fingers. Whereupon the mechanic laughed loudly and said