endy (endy) 翻訳実績

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The real issue, of course, is investment. When the markets are good, investors aren’t as worried about their return, and they’re more likely to throw cash around — after all, everything is going up. But now, with the international markets in a state of rather extreme flux, some investors have less cash to play with, and many others are hesitant to take risks before things have evened out a bit. This isn’t a major concern for bigger tech companies, but investors willing to take big risks are the lifeblood of the startup community, and without them, many companies are facing a difficult future. As Chen Haozhi, CEO of a Chinese tech startup in the mobile touchscreen tech field, told Global Entrepreneur:


当然一番の問題は投資である。市場環境が良好であれば、投資家は収益について心配することはなく、活発に投資活動を行う。そうすれば株価は全体的に上昇する。しかし国際的な市場が流動的状態にある現状では、資金力が低下してしまった投資家もいるうえ、そうでない投資家も状況が少し安定するまでリスクを取ることを嫌がっている。大手のテクノロジー関連会社にとってこういった状況は問題とならないが、新興企業にとっては大きくリスクをとる投資家の存在は必要不可欠だ。そういった投資家が存在しなくなってしまったために多くの企業が困難に直面している。 Chen Haozhiはモバイル・タッチスクリーン分野で活躍する中国の新興企業でCEOを努めているが、彼は国際的な企業家に次のように語った。

endy 英語 → 日本語

Returns are hard to find in this climate, even at the highest levels. Many investors may reasonably choose to wait for the market to warm up before backing any startups, since they generally pose a pretty significant risk as compared with more conservative investments. But how many Chinese startups have the cash to be able to weather a long winter without additional investment? Not too many. Things could get grim:

OK, they’re probably not going to get that grim. But many Chinese startups were born during China’s big tech boom, and they’ve never dealt with an investment market like this before. Winter is indeed coming. But how long it will last is anyone’s guess.




endy 英語 → 日本語

"Groupon’s approach to international expansion is to aggressively create a large presence upfront and refine our strategy as we gain deeper insight into the local market. We view any adjustments to the business as very typical in order to build a long-term foundation for success. Our JV in China is just one example of many new markets where we have fine tuned our strategy as we go."

Interestingly, this came just as we learned about a leaked internal communique from Groupon’s CEO that addresses, among many other things, concerns about the Gaopeng.com. Here’s what Mr. Mason had to say:




endy 英語 → 日本語

"What about our joint-venture with Tencent in China? Did you read the article that Gaopeng’s CEO has kidnapped the first born children of all our employees and is putting them to work building a laser beam he’ll use to slice the moon in half? It turns out that that one isn’t true either. China is definitely a different market, but every month we inch closer to profitability. As has been our strategy in launching other countries — Germany, France, and the UK, included — our China growth strategy was to hire quickly and manage out the bottom performers. So far, that strategy has improved our competitive position in China from #3,000 to #8.



endy 英語 → 日本語

After all, why work for Gaopeng.com and risk layoffs when you can work for one of China’s other, more successful group buy sites? CEO Mason’s email makes it sound like Gaopeng is a rising star in the region, but from the independent research we’ve seen, that’s not the case. In fact, we’re not sure where he got that #8 figure, because in the stats we’ve seen, Gaopeng.com doesn’t even break the top ten.

For example, there’s this iResearch data from a few months ago (remember that groupon.cn is not Groupon China; that domain was registered by a rival company before Groupon could snatch it up):


そうすると他のもっと成功している中国のグループ・バイ・サイトで働くという選択肢があるというのに解雇される危険を冒してGaopeng.com で働く理由はあるのだろうかということになってしまう。CEOであるMason氏はメールで Gaopeng がこの地域における成長株であるかのように書いているが、私たちが知る独立した調査によると、それは事実ではない。実際、彼がどこから8位という数字を持って来たのか定かでない。というのも、私たちが知っている調査ではGaopengはトップ10にも入っていないからだ。

例えばここに数ヶ月前に発表されたiResearchのデータがある( なおgroupon.cn はGroupon Chinaのことではない。このドメインはGrouponが登録する前にライバル企業が登録してしまった。)。

endy 英語 → 日本語

Or check out these June 2011 statistics from group-buy deal aggregator DaTaoTuan. Gaopeng.com appears only once; in the column indicating the number of deals offered, which is not a reflection of market share or sales numbers.

But if you want the most recent data, it comes from this Hitwise report for the first week of August, 2011 (7/31-8/6). Once again, note that Gaopeng.com does not appear in the top ten.

Now, it’s possible that Mr. Mason has seen more recent numbers than those from a couple weeks ago. But it’s pretty hard to imagine that Groupon could have jumped several steps up in market share while simultaneously firing hundreds of employees and closing 13 branches.


あるいはグループ・バイ取引について集計作業をしている DaTaoTuanによる2011年6月期の統計を見てみてもいい。このなかでGaopeng.com は一度だけしか出てこない。オファーの数を表示する項でしか出てこないのである。これは市場占有率や売上げを反映したものでない。

最新のデータがほしいのであれば、ここに Hitwise が作成した2011年8月第1週についてレポート(7月31日から8月6日までのもの)がある。ここでも Gaopeng.com はトップ10に入ってこない。


endy 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

So yeah, I’m worried about Groupon in China. At the very least, it seems its PR strategy needs a little work, but it’s hard to believe there’s not more trouble under the hood that we’re not being told about. Frankly, I’m also a little concerned about Mason’s lengthy memo, which reads much like a letter to potential investors to quiet fears pre-IPO. If the SEC discovers it was Groupon who leaked this memo intentionally, that would be very bad, given that the company is supposed to be in the quiet period before its IPO.

Anyway, we’ll keep you up to date with the latest on Groupon in China. I hope I’m wrong about these problems, but I don’t think I’m the only one who’s feeling pretty skeptical right now.


