endy (endy) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
endy 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

These days companies selling shoes and clothing to the worldwide youth market send scouts to some of the poorest neighborhoods around the world and photograph how people wear their clothes. The underclass and mainstream have been trading looks for a long time, but never more so than in the last two decades. Even those who don't consider themselves fashionable cannot help but notice and be influenced by fashion, if only in subtle and nearly invisible ways. When the models in fashion shows wear dresses that brush the floor, even the most classic styles will become a little longer. When the latest neckties become as big as aprons or thin as strings the most conservative ones grow or shrink by an eighth of an inch



endy 英語 → 日本語

Fashion is artificial created by clothing designers in Paris and Milan, ad by committees made up of clothing and textile companies that regularly gather in New York to coordinate their colors. They hope that everyone will want to buy new clothes, bags and shoes. Yet fashion is also deeply mysterious. It is difficult to see where it is going, ad even harder to understand what and who forms its tastes and trends.
Most sociologists and historians believe that fashion is f¥driven by elite groups as well as by people who have recently become rich that want to be accepted as members of the taste-making class.



endy 英語 → 日本語

Bones of a cat were found bury beside human bones i a grave discovered in Cyprus. The grave was probably 9500 years old. Since the undamaged bones were carefully placed beside the person, it is believed that the cat was a pet. This discovery provides evidence that people have kept cats as pets for longer than previously thought. Ancient evidence of cats comes from Egypt. Included in Egyptian art and worshipped as the cat goddess Bastet, cats were bred there more than 4000 years ago. While cats may have had a religious importance, it seems that humans understood that cats could be used for the practical purpose of catching mice, thus protecting food stocks.



endy 英語 → 日本語

However , cooking is not as time-consuming as you might think , and if done correctly can provide a healthier alternative that can also give a great amount of personal satisfaction to the person cooking. Cooking in large quantities is the key to saving valuable time. Thus, the most essential items would be a big pot to cook the food, a fridge to store it , and a microwave oven to quickly reheat your cooked food. As you will be eating the same food regularly over a period of time, buying quality ingredients will make your food not only taste better but also be better for you than eating out. Also, try cooking something that is easy to make, like Japanese-style curry, to help save even more time.



endy 英語 → 日本語

We added in some gamification elements, such as having to come in a certain period of hours or days to collect the points because for example if you buy something and I buy something a year later, it is unfair for the store. If you a power Twitter user and you tweet out that you’ve had an awesome soup at a local restaurant, resulting in many more people buying soup, the restaurant can make a lot more sales quicker. This gives value to the merchant by getting repeat customers and getting their friends to go to the store.”



endy 英語 → 日本語

Koreans are a coffee fanatic country. Seoul itself is saturated with great cafes. Richard sees Spoqa as a great way for coffee shops to differentiate themselves and attract repeat and new customers by offering this social recommendation engine that gives everyone benefits.

Spoqa plans to turn this into an open platform where merchants can self-upload deals and select how much discount they want to give out. Initially the business model will be freemium but with the aim of monetizing valuable user purchase data that is connected to their social networks.




endy 英語 → 日本語

Financial Accounting Standard No. 115, Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities.

A rule promulgated by the AICPA that requires different accounting treatment for unrealized gains and losses incurred for securities held in portfolios. Unrealized gains and losses from trading account securities must be reflected in reported earnings.

Unrealized gains and losses from securities deemed available for sale must be netted to a single number that is shown as a component of shareholders'equity until realized. Gains and losses for securities deemed to be held to maturity are not reflected in either the income statements or balance sheets of the holders.





endy 英語 → 日本語

Facebook Lets Expectant Parents Add Unborn Children to Friends & Family

Expectant parents can announce the good news to their Facebook friends via a brand new Facebook family member status option.

Facebook’s 750 million users can reveal their soon-to-be bundles of joy by updating the “Friends and Family” section of their profiles to include an “Expected: Child.” Parents can also choose to add a photo, the name of the unborn child and a due date.

Once added, the unborn child is listed alongside family members on the user’s profile, and a notification is posted on the user’s Facebook wall.




