I misinformed billing method as check. I’d like to change the billing method from check to Paypal. Could you please inform us how to change it from check to Paypal?
HOW TERRIBLE!!Just found this mail from you, but when you send this email, the parcel was already packed and ready for posting. !! Sent parcel to following adress writtten by paypal:
-You can also switch the display language of the main unit.Setting procedure: [MENU] -- SETTING tab -- LanguageFor your reference, attachment is a PDF manual of the main unit, but English manual is unavailable.There may be possibility to solve the problem if you contact the manufacturer. URL for support is as follows.http://URLI am sorry for the trouble.Thank you for your inquiry.
Thank you for inquiry.This is a special price for you only, I can reduce the price to $299.Would you please let me know what brown origami and white paper mean?
Would you please let me know how much it costs to merely attach a WordPress like the sample?I'll prepare the theme.According to your price, I'm going to decide whether I go with you or not.
anyway, can you declare under value in an invoice.thanks,
If I buy 50 As, could I get $245 per piece?
I received a call from the dealer. The LTD is still three weeks from being shipped. There is only one.
It was a misunderstanding . It is in the past . I would like to continue business but DHL simply made this transaction much too complicated . I hope the total value I claimed on the order is OK for you . DHL was not able to pick the packages up yesterday but they are supposed to be here this morning for them . The Waybill number is 29 7114 0594 . I also attached a copy of the commercial invoice for you . For future orders , you do not have to pay taxes anymore as I can use your billing address in Japan . It is just so much easier for me to ship the items there . I do not know about DHL in your country but here , they are not a strong provider . You very rarely even see one of their trucks .
それは誤解でした。それは過去の事です。私はビズネスを続行したいのですが、DHLが単にこの取引を複雑にし過ぎました。あなたの注文に私が求めた総価格が、あなたにとって満足できるものと思います。DHLは昨日そのパッケージを集荷できませんでしたが、今日午前中には来ると思います。貨物送り状番号は29 7114 0594です。コマーシャルインボイスのコピーも添付しました。今後の注文については、あなたの日本の請求先住所を使用できる為、税金を払う必要はもはやありません。そこから商品を出荷するのは、いとも簡単です。あなたの国でDHLがどうなのかは分かりませんが、ここでは主要なプロバイダーではありません。彼らのトラックは稀にしか見ることがありません。
Thank you for your card details, I have taken payment & have now deleted the details from my screen to ensure they are secure.Your goods will be collected via our international courier on Monday and will take around 5-6 days to reach you.
Thank you for your interest in O! We are not quite ready to sell to dealers or retailers, the O is only available online for presale. We hope to be shipping to retailers in 2014. Please follow us on facebook and at www.orukayak.com for updates!Thank you and have a great day!Cheers,
Dear oo,The goods I sent to you today came back to me.When I confirmed with the post office, they told me that this goods is regarded as a dangerous substance and not allowed to ship abroad.I am very sorry, but may I ask you to cancel this deal?I am very sorry for the inconvenience this may cause you due to my ignorance.I'll refund right away.Again, I am very sorry.
ひょっとしたら アイファイカード本体に問題があるのかもしれません。メーカーの方には アイファイカードとmacによる不具合の報告は上がってきていないそうです。(先ほど確認とりました。)修理につきましては 当店からメーカーに送ってから10日前後かかるそうです。4日でついて10日かかって4日で送れたとして18日後ですから ギリギリ6月中旬です。ご不安であれば、明日にでも発送いただいた方が良いと思います。ただ スケジュール的にはギリギリなので 様子を見ていただくのも一つの方法です。
Possibly, there may be some problems on the eye-fi card.According to the manufacturer, they have not received any problems related to Mac.(I confirmed just before.)The repair will take 10 days after we shipped it to the manufacturer.It'll take 4 days for arrival from you and 10 days for repair, another 4 days for your address, so it'll take 18 days at least. After all you'll receive it just before middle of June. If you are concerned, it would be better to send it tomorrow. But, the schedule is very tight. Therefore, it may be one of the ways to see how it works.
Yes, I would love another red one.And the strangest thing, the faulty camera I told you just now work again, I found the eye-fi card is having some issue on Mac OS and it may lead to failure of the camera.What I did was connect the camera to my laptop (running Windows 7), and take out the eye-fi card. Wait until the battery is charged and disconnect from the laptop and press power button, the camera went back to factory default status. When I inserted the eye-fi card again, the camera freeze again, then I took it out and format it and put it back, it turned out working.However, my friend is still worried about the camera may fail again, what do you suggest?
はい。他の赤いのがいいです。不思議なことに、今あなたに話したばかりの不調なカメラがまた動いていて、eye-fiカードがMac OSで何か問題があり、それがカメラの不調に繋がったかもしれないことが分かりました。私がしたことは、カメラを私のラップトップ(Windows 7で動いている)に繋げて、eye-fiカードを取り外しました。バッテリーが充電されるまで待ってラップトップから外し、電源ボタンを押てカメラを出荷時のデフォルト状態に戻しました。再びeye-fiカードを挿入した時、カメラは再びフリーズしました。それからそれを外してフォーマットして戻したところ、動きました。しかし、私の友人はこのカメラがまた不調になるのではないかと未だ悩んでいます。あなたから何か提案がありますか。
Thank you for your reply.My card information is as follows.I would ask you to treat the information with utmost attension.Thank you in advace.
I'm going to try to get them out today via USPS Priority International. At the latest tomorrow. I'll send you a list later today of what sizes I have pulled for you and make sure we are on the same page.Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks again,CDOk, here is what I have for you:White/Blue 41 42 43 (0) (1) (1)Black/Purple 41 42 43 (1) (2) (2)White/Brick 41 42 43 (2) (4) (4)White/Green 41 42 43 (3) (5) (5)I'd like to get them out today so let me know if this all looks good to you and I'll send them and email you tracking info.Thanks,CD
USPSプライオリティ・インターナショナルを使って、それらを今日発送するようにします。遅くとも明日には。あなたに用意したサイズのリストを今日、後で送ります。また、同じページを見ていることを確認します。他に何か質問があればお知らせ願います。ありがとうございます。CD以下、あなた向けのものです。白/青 41 42 43(o) (1) (1)黒/紫 41 42 43(1) (2) (2)白/レンガ色 41 42 43(2) (4) (4)白/緑 41 42 43(3) (5) (5) 今日これらを出荷したいので、これでいいかどうか知らせてください。その後で出荷し、追跡情報をメールします。ありがとう。CD
This is my request. Please show your will of requesting successful bidding clearly. After my successful bidding according to your request, you won’t be able to cancel it regardless the reason, such as changing your mind etc. Once succeeded, Yahoo auction never allow the successful bidder to cancel the auction. If you cancelled it, I would have to defray the amount. It would be impossible for me to do so and also I would have difficulty. Therefore, would you please let me know your will of purchasing and desired maximum price by the morning of the auction.
This means one must decide from the start what one wishes to accomplish - where one wants to go. This means that we must conceive of an architecture that is neither temporary nor eternal, and that the places themselves should be considered rather as laboratories - research studios of ideas - than as settings for monumental public buildings. There is a subtle difference between these two approaches, which is extremely important. It would seem better to make an effort to maintain the human scale at all stages: in other words to keep the scale of the Core in direct relation to its use at the one time, and to resist the introduction of elements outside this scale.
I confirmed the shipping method with DHL.I need your support to ship the goods from USA.First, please make a phone call to DHL's customer service.And ask them to take your goods.If you don't have the forwarding form of DHL, ask them to bring it.Phone number is as follows.1-800-225-5345.When they come to take your goods, please fill in the forwarding form.
Check "Receiver" to make the shipping charge "cash on delivery".And then, make an entry of my account.My account is 963630539.Next, fill in other necessary items. The destination of the goods is as follows.If possible, please call DHL today.Please reduce the invoice price to one third.