AにはBが付属しますよね?上記の数量で購入した場合、各商品は1商品に付き、いくらで購入できますか?各商品を20個ずつ注文した場合は1商品に付き、いくらで購入できますか?PRICE LISTの価格では今までの購入価格より高いです。大幅な値下げを希望します。PRICE LISTの価格は米国内の送料が含まれてますか?Aを注文した場合、来週初めに発送できますか?注文する場合の支払いはPayPalでよいですか?Bを2100個注文した場合、1商品につき$9.3にしていただけませんか?
B pertains to A, doesn’t it?If I bought above quantity for each item, what would be the unit price of each item?If I ordered 20 pieces for each item, by what price could I buy each item?The price in the price list is higher than the previous price I dealt. I would like to have a drastic discount.Does the price include shipping charge in USA?If I ordered A, would you be able to ship it early next week?Would PayPal be acceptable for payment if I ordered?Is it possible for you to offer B with $9.3 for 2100 pieces?
thank you for your request. The helmet is not available at the moment.We haven´t an estimate deliverytime.Can we offer you something else?
New Jersey’s Skate And Surf Festival gets its game on with GameChanger
ニュージャージのSkate And Surf FestivalはGameChangerと一体になる。
“There is a huge problem in our scene,” begins John D'Esposito, founder of the New Jersey-based Skate And Surf Festival.“There's a connection that's almost broken.” D’Esposito (his friends and fans call him John D) is referring to the ever-widening void between bands and their fans.Upon pining for the good old days, when music was solely a tangible entity, MTV ran more music videos than reality shows and kids didn’t have smartphones surgically attached to their limbs, D’Esposito formed a plan for fixing this “broken experience.
「我々の現状には巨大な問題があります」と、ニュージャージに本拠をおくSkate And Surf Festivalの創設者であるJohn D'Esposito氏は始める。「殆ど壊れてしまったある関係があります」D'Esposito氏(彼の友人たちやファンは、彼をJohn Dと呼ぶ。)は、バンドとファンの隙間が広がり続けていることに言及している。古き良き時代には音楽はそれ自体で有形のものだった。MTVは現実直視番組よりも音楽ビデオを多く放映し、子供たちは手足に殆ど外科的に繋がれているスマートフォンを持っていなかった。D’Esposito氏はこの壊れてしまった体験を修復するプランを立てた。
This Century - Biography Of Heartbreak
今世紀 ― Heartbreak氏の伝記
I'm sorry for my late reply.Please let me confirm about the product X.Would you let me know required time for battery charge for this product and how long this lasts with fully charged. I will buy four samples first. My payment will be via PayPal.Please quote the shipping charge forwarding to the address below.Additionally, please let me know lead time.
Record Grading: Excellent と表示されていましたが、このLPレコードは状態が良くありません、大きなノイズや針飛びがあります。それとは別に送っていただいたアンプのプラスチックのつまみが6個こわれてました、しょうがないので、私はそれをすべて取り外して使うことにします。また先月末に送っていただいた商品がまだ私のところには到着していません、調べていただけますか?よろしくお願い致します。
This LP record is not in good condition although its grade was described as “Excellent”; it has large noise and stylus jumping. Regarding the amplifier, forwarded separately, I found six plastic knobs were broken. As I have no choice, I am going to remove them.In addition, the item you sent late last month has not arrived yet. Would you track it for me? Thank you for your cooperation in advance.
Multipolar RF system-body Click the second module “MULTIPOLAR RF SYSTEM-BODY”1. System default working time is 20 minutes, time range is 0:00~60:00 minutes, press one time to change one minute.2. The system default worked time is 0 minutes, this worked time is used to record the total time of the instrument worked. Before working, it will be 0 minute. 3. The system default Intensity is 0. The intensity range is 0~80w /cm2, press one time to change one w /cm2,4. The system default output of band is the third one (Continuous band), you can choose the band by click the band mode.5. Click “START”, it starts working and “STOP” for stop working Press “BACK”, you can get back to the operation interface.
マルチポールRFシステム―ボディ2番目のモジュール“MULTIPOLAR RF SYSTEM-BODY”をクリックします。1.システムデフォルトの稼働時間は20分です。レンジは0:00~60:00分で、一回押す毎に一分変化します。2.システムデフォルトの稼働済み時間は0分です。この稼働済み時間はこの機器が稼働したトータル時間を記録する為に使われます。稼働する前は0分に設定されます。3.システムデフォルトの強さは0です。強さのレンジは0~80w /cm2で、一回押す毎に1w /cm2づつ変わります。4.システムデフォルトのバンド出力は3番目(Continuous band)で、バンドモードをクリックすることで、バンドを選択できます。5.“START”をクリックすると、稼働し始めまめ、”STOP”で止まります。”BACK”を押すと操作インターフェースに戻ることができます。
40K Strong sound waves explosion head effectively promote the organization fat metabolism, repel orange peel fat, firming skin, enhancing skin elasticity, etc. And the effect is long lasting. The 40 K sound waves can make a implosion of liquid as the expansion and compression of the wave make the inside of the liquid formed in many small space and what inside this kind of space are gas and steam. During the compression cycle, the 40K sound waves have positive pressure effect on the liquid molecules, while during the expansion cycle the 40K sound waves have positive pressure effect on the liquid molecules.
Hello, Thank you for offering wonderful products every time.I am ○. I have bought goods on your site before.I am writing this to ask you to complete my payment for my previous transaction via paypal. Although my payment has completed, paypal told me that the status is not completed on your side. So, would you please compllete your process?I would highly appreciate your feedback upon completing your process.Set your mind at ease because there would be nothing to bother you. Best regards,
Come on! Stop beating around the bush and get to the point.You did send the goods to a wrong address. I did buy the goods. In Japan, I asked to forward the goods to my address. The tracking .number XXX is ineffective.At this point, the incorrect goods didn’t arrive at another address. Therefore, you must send each item XXXX and YYYY to the following addresses respectively. Please review my buying history. If you don’t understand, I will raise this matter to the claim management.
Thank you for your inquiry.This item is a brand-new, with a clean box.We can dicount from $599 to $499 for both Omegamon and War Greymon. What would you think?
Thank you for your patronage.We are very sorry for the inconvenience you may have had. Your returning goods is acceptable.Please return them to the address below. Upon receiving them, I will refund for you.Would you please let us know if you have something what we can do more for you?The focus ring is loose.Manual operation is available.There is tarnish a little. The grip is sticky.There is small amount of mote and dirt in the finder.Since operation check was impossible, detail causes are unclear.
NTT DoCoMo will introduce a method from the selling season of this summer to differentiate in prices for smartphones (so called smapho in Japan), depending on popularity of each model. NTT DoCoMo intends to lower the prices to around Yen 10,000 as current market prices, allocating thick promotional expenses on new items from Sony and Samsung in Korea.
No rush you don't have to pay me until you sell the model, and have the money.When you the model is sold let me know and i will send you an invoiceThe LS335A and the Base tag will go out today
そのモデルが売れて入金するまで、支払いは急ぐ必要がありません。売れた時に連絡してください。インボイスを送ります。LS335AとBase tagは今日発送します。
You need this interface if you want to do recording work with your unit w/o spending another fortune. It is built using component values which are equal ore close to those recommended by GE.This interface unit attaches to the recorder's terminal with (4) gold-plated pins. A cable assembly with 1/8" audio connectors plugs into the recorders outputs and is wired through the interface box to an output cable which provides a 1/8" female stereo output connector. This cable assembly incorporates the R/C resistor/capacitor) combinations required by GE in order to make a recorded output audible using a power amp.
Hello!I was thinking a lot about your offer € 130,00 for each. I have to agree with this because in January I bought already cutleries for you. Well, if you like you can have 4 cutleries and later if you want 4 again. But then I will end this conection and not bring any new once in my stock. The work is too much for less profit. So it will be € 520,00 to pay for you.Greetings
こんにちは。私は、各€ 130,00 のあなたのオファーをずーと考えていました。私はこの件について同意せざるを得ません。何故なら、既に1月にあなた用に銀食器を購入しました。つまり、若しあなたが4セットの銀食器を必要とし、また後で4セット必要であればの話ですが。しかし、それからはこの取引は終わりにし、在庫は持ちません。この仕事は仕事量のわりには利益が少ないのです。 ということで、あなたへの支払は€ 520,00ですね。 よろしく。
The vault has an excellent visual scale and is pleasant to look at. Say we are dining six or eight persons. I am constantly obliged to call out ‘Quiet!We must start again!' cutting short any conversation in which voices have become raised, because a false accord in the measurements has made the acoustics in this little room quite deplorable. Although I know a good deal about the matter of acoustics, I never even dreamed of this false relationship of dimensions.
no, next time will take less time than the firstas you know carriers and custom will check it carefully when it be shipped outnow you can track it with fedex websitemaybe it will be arrived in 3--5 days
If you are unable to resolve this issue with the rights owner, you will not be permitted to list these items on our site.Before we can consider reinstatement of your selling privileges, you must provide us with your detailed plan to prevent infringement complaints against your items. We will then review your plan and determine whether to reinstate your privileges.For information on creating and submitting your plan, search for “Appeal the Removal of Selling Privileges” in seller Help.