
eggplant (eggplant) 翻訳実績

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eggplant 英語 → 日本語

contain many social and economic problems, many conflicts, injustices, and harmful inequalities, these are more properly addressed by voluntary co-operation in settings of private enterprise and civil society than by means of state regulation. It is wrong to use state institutions to try to produce substantive social outcomes in the way of resources use, income distribution, or the allocation of social positions. Aiming to do so, moreover, is likely to produce irrational or inefficient consequences. Minimizing the reach of state institutions is thus the social ideal. The communitarian argument differs from the libertarian in its positive concern for substantive values of caring, solidarity, and civic virtue.



eggplant 英語 → 日本語

While communitarians endorse the value of liberty, protection of liberty is but one among several principles that ought to guide moral and principle life, and may be overridden for the sake of promoting values of community. Communitarian morality, aim at fostering and nurturing substantive ends of mutual aid and shared cultural symbols and practices. As grounds for preferring institutions of civil society to state institutions to realize the ends of mutual aid, caring, and social justice, some communitarians suggest the following. State bureaucratic institutions that provide social services, redistribute income, regulate economic activity, and so on, break down and distort local communities because they



eggplant 英語 → 日本語

universalize and formalize these activities and curtail local autonomy. Government regulatory, redistributive, welfare, and social service bureaucracies, moreover, transform citizens into passive followers of orders and clients of services. State efforts to promote citizen well-being, furthermore, allow individuals and communities to shirk their personal and particular responsibIlities to contribute to the well-being of community members. State actions break up the civic sources of mutual aid and solidarity. Government programmes to achieve substantive ends of equality or self-development generate an 'entitlement' mentality according to which citizens clam-our for particular benefits to serve their interests



eggplant 英語 → 日本語

According to a 2012 health ministry report, more than 45% of college graduates employed in the service, entertainment and education industries left their jobs within three years.

But critics note that attrition rates alone can’t be the sole criteria for determining whether a company is exploiting workers.

If Japan is notorious for its long working hours, why is this becoming a social issue now?

When karoshi emerged during the bubble years in the 1980s, both young and old employees were victims.

Despite the nominal reduction in working times that the karoshi phenomenon instigated, Japan still has the second-largest ratio of people working more than 49 hours a week, according to the International Labor Organization.







eggplant 英語 → 日本語

Experts say such companies resort to exploiting staff in their 20s and 30s, rather than part-timers, by forcing them to work excessively long hours without overtime pay in the name of global competition.

The young workers are often told their base salaries already include overtime pay and that they can increase it if they perform well. These claims are used to lure hungry recruits.

In many cases, workers are verbally abused and subjected to power harassment because disobedience is not an option. Some fall into depression or develop other psychiatric disorders that eventually leave them no choice but to quit the very jobs they were dying to keep.

When did the problem become prominent?




