Thank you for your contact.I saw your e-mail.If you cannot send it to Japan,I'm quite sorry but I want to cancel the order.To paypal account to which paying was made,please pay back all the amount.Best regards.
ukHi , i am not happy with this order , the post office said you had not paid enough postage , so they made a handling charge of 8 pounds plus extra postage , in total i had to pay 19 pounds , then when i opened it , it didn't even have a bayberry inside , this is very bad , regards , Andy Locke※追跡番号をつけて配送しますのでご安心下さい。
UKこんにちは、この注文に関しては、よろしくなく思っています。郵便局から、あなたが十分に郵送料を支払っていないと聞きました。そのため、余分な郵送料に手数料8ドルが加わり、合計19ドルも支払わねばならなくなりました。あと開封してみたら、中に月桂実さえなかったです。これはひどいです。よろしくお願いします。 Andy Locke※追跡番号をつけて配送しますのでご安心下さい。
ukI ordered and paid for a 12 pack, as listed in the item description above. However, I have received just one jar. Please rectify this error immediately by sending the remaining 11 jars. Please confirm with me that you have received this message and that you are responding. I am sending through an image of the item still in its packaging that I picked up today from the post office, so that you can see for yourself. Thank you for confirming receipt of this message and your action plan to resolve. Kind regards.
ukWe have checked this tracking number and it does not bring up any tracking information. Please check this again and write back with the correct tracking number and the web address of the service provider, within the next three business days.The information provided will be used to determine the responsibility of the claim funding. Note that failure to respond in a timely manner will result in a debit to your seller account for the full amount of the claim.
That was the best price I could get maybe I can do better on shipping. I will find out
“Accommodating 'Democracy' in a One-Party State: Introducing Village Elections in China,” The article concludes that elections were designed to rejuvenate grassroots leadership by cleaning out incompetent, corrupt, and high-handed cadres, all for the purpose of consolidating one-Party rule. But it also highlights a potential alliance between frustrated villagers and reformist elites that may yet produce a village leadership in which every cadre is held accountable in free and fair elections.
“Villagers, Elections, and Citizenship in Contemporary China,”Abstract: Citizenship often has a rural and local origin. Although villagers' committee elections in China have heightened cadre responsiveness and drawn rural residents into the local polity, sizable obstacles to inclusion remain because electoral rules do not enfranchise villagers reliably. That villagers only enjoy a partial citizenship needs to be qualified, however, because some rural people challenge improper elections using the language of rights.
“Villagers, Elections, and Citizenship in Contemporary China,”Building on a rules consciousness and a sensitivity to government rhetoric that has been evident for centuries, and exploiting the spread of participatory ideologies rooted in notions of equality, rights, and rule of law, these villagers are advancing their interests within prevailing limits, forcing open blocked channels of participation, and struggling to make still-disputed rights real. Thus certain citizenship practices may be emerging before citizenship has appeared as a fully recognized status.
Rightful resistance in rural ChinaBook DescriptionIntroduces the concept of rightful resistance and explains how it operates in rural China. Focusing on ways in which the powerless 'work' a political system, this book highlights how evidence from China and social movement theory can speak to each other.How can the poor and weak 'work' a political system to their advantage? Drawing mainly on interviews and surveys in rural China, Kevin O'Brien and Lianjiang Li show that popular action often hinges on locating and exploiting divisions within the state.
中国の地方における正当な抵抗書評正当な抵抗の概念や、中国の地方でどのように行なわれているかの説明に始まり、力なき者が政治体制に「働きかける」方法に着目している。この本は中国からわかる根拠と社会運動の理論がいかに相互に関係しているかを明らかにしている。貧しく弱き者がいかにして自分たちが有利になるよう、政治体制を「動かす」ことができるのか?中国の地方におけるインタビューや調査に重きをおき、Kevin O'Brien氏とLianjiang Li氏によって、民衆の活動がしばしば州内の位置づけや分割を決定づけることが示されている。
Otherwise powerless people use the rhetoric and commitments of the central government to try to fight misconduct by local officials, open up clogged channels of participation, and push back the frontiers of the permissible. This 'rightful resistance' has far-reaching implications for our understanding of contentious politics. As O'Brien and Li explore the origins, dynamics, and consequences of rightful resistance, they highlight similarities between collective action in places as varied as China, the former East Germany, and the United States, while suggesting how Chinese experiences speak to issues such as opportunities to protest, claims radicalization, tactical innovation, and the outcomes of contention.
<strong>Arai:</strong><br></br>An employment agency which dispatches clerical workers has a system that it collects staff beforehand and chooses a person from its own database and dispatches him/her according to demand from companies which are its customers, such as "we hope for a person which has this skill". But we are quite different from it.
お問い合わせありがとうございます。Air mailで送る事はできます。トラッキングナンバーは付けられますが保険をかけることができません。紛失や配送事故による破損などの場合、保険がききません。それでもよろしいですか?あと、こちらで調べたところあなたの国では中古品の輸入が認められていないと書いてありましたがそれは大丈夫でしょうか?
Thank you for your inquiry.You can receive by air mail. Tracking numbers can be added but can't be insured. In case of loss or damage caused by accident in shipping, you will not be available for insurance. Is it O.K.?And I found that in your country, importing secondhand goods is not permitted, is it O.K.?
#williamyes..it is off the Tour Van and I did not list because I was saving for U..this is the last Tour Issue PT7 Gunmetal....there will be no moresending invoice now...let me know if U wanna try limited 2014 ix I can let U have one for $400..to test..market Putters are very beautiful and will not be released to public#International SportsThe best price I can do is $320. It is already a very good price. I also need to add the shipping cost. Will the flags be shipped to Florida or Japan?
#williamはい、あなたのために保管していたので、Tour Vanには入れないで、リストに載せませんでした。これは最後のTour Issue PT7 Gunmetalで、もうこれしかありません。今、送り状を送付しています。限定版の2014 ixをご希望なら、ご連絡下さい。400ドルでお売りできます。テストされていて、Market Puttersは大変すばらしく、公にはされません。#International Sports可能な最高価格は320ドルです。かなり良い値段です。配送料が追加されます。フラグはフロリダと日本、どちらに送りましょうか?
初めまして。今回 10月22日に<LOWRANCE MARK 5X DSI>を購入したgoといいます。値引きしてくれてどうもありがとうございました。また、発送までの時間も短く、大変嬉しく思っています。私は、輸入代理店をしており、この商品を継続的にあなたから購入したいと考えています。ペイパルのアドレスにもメールしましたので、確認して下さい!宜しくお願いします!あなたのビジネスが上手くいく事を願っています。
Hello.I am go, who purchased "LOWRANCE MARK 5X DSI" this time on 22 October.Thank you for discounting.And I was very grad that you had shipped promptly.I am running an import agent and think that I want to continue to purchase the products from you.Please check since I sent an e-mail to your paypal address.I hope for your cooperation!I hope for success in your business.
#willYes they are off the van also. The tour spec is also sold at the retail market. The ones I get are tested and approved for tour use. Very similar to the TOUR SPX UST shafts. They are the cream of the crop. #Williamlast PT 7 Gunmetal....there will be no more new ones..I will let U have for $275 free ship for great customer..I will sen invoice if OK...K....Also getting in 6 Odyssey Limited Question Mark Graphics 2014 PT ix Tour Issue Tour ID Band..$450 eachwill sen more pics...if U like#International SportsI have last 2 available of:Item name:Inbee Park + Paula Creamer +35 signed 2013 Kraft Nabisco Championsip golf flagThe price would be $320 + $8 shipping = $328. You can send paypal toabc@yahoo.com
#willはい、それらも荷車の外です。ツアー仕様は小売市場でも販売されています。私が入手しているのは、テストを経てツアー用に承認されたものです。TOUR SPX USTシャフトに大変類似しています。最高級品です。#William最後のPT 7 Gunmetalです。もう新しいものはありません。あなたになら、大事な顧客ですから275ドルの配送料を無料にします。それでよろしければ、送り状を送ります。K、6 Odyssey Limited Question Mark Graphics 2014 PT ix Tour Issue Tour ID Bandも入手しました。それぞれ450ドルです。ご希望でしたら、写真を送ります。最後の2つがまだご利用になれます。商品名:Inbee Park + Paula Creamer +35、2013 Kraft Nabisco Championsipゴルフ・フラグが印されています。価格は320ドルに配送料が8ドルで、328ドルです。paypalからabc@yahoo.comに送金できます。
Greetings, I have read your mail and understand that you are facing a problem with your account closure. We apologize for the delay in writing to you. I see that you want to close you seller account on Amazon.com. I did a research on my part regarding your seller account creation with Amazon.com and see that you have not completed the account setup process. In accordance to your account closure request, we request you not to make any further changes to your registration process which stands as incomplete and leave the process idle,in the way it is now and hence your account will automatically be closed by us at Amazon in few days time.
As for trouble that this PC software can not be certificated, we can think that there is a possibility that a product key is inferior. In this case, we will check a key and re-issue.Please feel free to ask our shop.
As for the detail about this cancellation of purchasing,the cause is a false application.But I really appreciate your prompt dealing.Thank you.I'm always relieved because of your prompt response.I will make use of it after this.That's all. Best regards.
Hello, Thank you for your email. Unfortunately, you did not attach the receipt/invoice of this package id 7584. Also, the package is no longer in your Inbox, as you requested to discard/abandon the package. Did you make a mistake? Please confirm what you needed us to do with this package. If you have requested to discard the package as error, we can certainly assist with with retrieving your package from the discard process. Please note that there is a $7 fee for this process. Please advise as soon as possible if you accept the fee so we can proceed with locating this package and have it logged back into your suite. Thank you and we look forward to your reply. Kind Regards,
Dysonの商品を購入したあと、何か月以内にユーザー登録をすればよろしいでしょうか?シリアルナンバーを入力することになると思いますが、いつか失効するのですか?保証は何年間でしょうか?私の代わりに1台だけユーザー登録して頂けませんか?米国在住の人でないとユーザー登録できないのです。もしその1台に限ってDyson USAによる修理が必要な場合は、あなたに手数料をお渡しするので、Dyson USAに商品を送って頂けませんか?私からあなたに送って、それをあなたがDysonに送ります。
After I purchased an item of Dyson, within how many months do I have to make user registration? When will the serial number which I enter be expired? How many years will be the guarantee maintained?Could you purchase only one unit instead of me? Only buyers who live in U.S can make user registration. If only it needs to be fixed by Dyson USA, I will give you the charge, so could you send an item to Dyson USA? I will send you and you will send Dyson.