Sorry for my slow response.I returned the item 4 days ago. I understood about the restocking fee.Please confirm the tracking number below.The item could not be exported not because the battery but because the weapon shown in the photo.I am sorry I caused trouble anyway.If possible, I think there would be a 〇 standard of this manufacturer, which you were selling before via ebay.I think that one can be exported. How much are they if I buy 20 pieces?
本日、商品をJAPAN POSTより発送致しました。商品は7から14日程度で到着すると思います。到着までしばらくお待ちください。下記のサイトで追跡番号を入力すると配達状況を確認することができます。※送料差額返金のお知らせ!あなたから頂いた送料より、少しですが安くすみました。あなたのペイパルアカウントに差額分の5ドルを返金いたしましたので、ペイパルアカウントをご確認ください。再びご来店頂ける事を心よりお待ち致しております。この度は、お買上げ頂き誠に有難うご座いました。
Today we sent the item via JAPAN POST.It is expected to reach you in about 14 days.Thank you for your patience. Please enter the tracking number to know the delivery status.Refund for the difference of the shipping cost!Just a little bit but the shipping cost was less than what you paid.I paid you back $5 of the difference to your Paypal account. Please confirm it at your paypal account.We look forward to serving you again.Thank you for your shopping.
I just want to make sure of the condition of the records. Could you take some pictures of the records and send them to me?Are those records in a good condition without jumpiness?
いつもお世話になります。今回、あなたのアイテムを3本購入させて頂きます。1点お願いなのですが、弓を入れる筒には、出来る限り何も貼らないで(綺麗な状態で)発送してもらえますか?今後も、追加で複数本購入を検討しています。宜しくお願いします。_________________申し訳ありません。 追加料金の支払い方法がどうしてもわからないので今回は、キャンセルさせて頂きます。返金対応の程、宜しくお願いします。改めて、あなたの他の商品の購入を検討します。
Hello,I want to order three items.One request I have. When you send it, will you not affix anything on the cylinder case for bows if possible ( I like it as clean as possible.) ?I am going to order some more later.Thank you for your help.Sorry, I would like to cancel my order because I don't know how to pay the additional fee.So, could you give me a refund? I may buy something else from you again if I need.
[URGENT]As I sent an email to you the other day, I have not received any reply from you. I am very worried now.I was in a great hurry, that's why I asked to send it via EMS. According to the status of delivery, my order has not been delivered yet. When do you send my order? It is supposed to arrive on Mary 7. If you have not sent it yet, please send it immediately. Please reply to this message.
Hello, I wanted you to send the item which I bought from you to Japan. But I have found that it is not allowed to import to Japan. So, I am going to return it to you.
昨日購入しましたkohinokuma2012です。配送先の住所を間違えておりました。変更していただけますか?配送先は、Kouta Hinokuma4283 Express LaneSuite 157-599Sarasota, FL 34238(941) 538-6941です。お手数をおかけ致しますがご変更お願い致します。
I am kohinokuma2012 who bought an item yesterday.I am sorry but I gave you a wrong shipping address. Could you change it to the correct address shown below?Kouta Hinokuma4283 Express LaneSuite 157-599Sarasota, FL 34238(941) 538-6941Thank you for your help.
Thank you for your good advice.It is true that that issue is an annoying problem.Shipping fee is expensive but could you send it via DHL?Is it possible for you declare not the actual value but one tenth of the actual value?Can you do that?I don't need the box nor the instruction manual.You don't have to print a mark, either.Only what you do is pack the item carefully to avoid damage to the item.
Please confirm this document which I filled out and let me know if you find any error or mistake in the contents.Thank you.
[designclue]コンペ開始のご案内いつもお世話になっております。designclueを運営しております、PurpleCow Inc.の浦と言います。designclueのご利用ありがとうございます。今後の流れとフィードバック方法の簡単なご説明です。<今後の流れ>1.コンペ開始 [5〜14日間]2.提案される案件に対して修正依頼3.コンペ終了4.提案されたデザインへの修正依頼およびデザインの決定 [7日間]5.最終決定
[designclue]announcement for opening a competitionI am Ura of PurpleCow Inc. operating designclue.Thank you for your using designclue.Let me explain briefly about our plan and how to feedback.<PLAN> 1. Competition starts[5 to 14 days]2. Request of correcting suggested plans.3. Competition ends4. Request of correcting suggested designs and deciding designs.[7 days]5. Final decision
私が落札をして支払いをした瞬間、あなたの出品ページが消されました。ebay規約に反しているとのことで。DEWALT DC970K-2 18Vを3つ注文しましたがちゃんと送ってくれますか?あなたを信用していますが「NEW」で間違いないですね?発送したならトラッキングナンバーを教えてください。もし、2日以内に返信がなかったらキャンセルします。早めに回答してください。
Just after I won a bid and paid, your auction page has gone because of violating ebay policy.I ordered three units of DEWALT DC970K-2 18V. Of course can you send them for sure?I am not doubting but let me confirm on this. Is "New" for sure?Once you send the items, please let me know the tracking number.I will cancel my order if I don't hear from you within two days from now. Thank you for your prompt reply.
We received an order of 5 pieces but most of them sold out and currently we have only two.If you like, we can send two pieces immediately. In that case will you cancel your order once? Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
了解しました。調べたところ、PSEマークが表示されたACアダプターで販売している業者はいないようですね。PSEマークが表示されていない製品を販売すると大きな罰則が科せられます。日本で認知度を上げていくには、法律の順守は必須です。御社の製品をどのようなスタンスで販売していくかを決めるにあたり、いくつか情報が必要です。・御社の日本向け月間販売総額を教えて下さい。・big distributorsになるにはどれくらい購入する必要がありますか?
I understood.I checked and found that there was no supplier selling an AC adaptor with PSE mark affixed.Anyone who sells an AC adaptor without PSE mark affixed will be subject to serious penalties. To become popular in Japan, compliance is required most.We need some information from you for us to decide how we should sell your products from now on. What s the total sales volume per month?How many pieces do we need to buy to be a big distributors?
I want to buy other items if the price is reasonable to me.Will you let me know the price for the following items?*********I am hoping to be offered best price!I wish we can do business for long periods.Thank you.
Our sales reached 25 million yen last year.Our online store's URL is ○○.I will pay the shipping fee for the lithium battery in INBOX now, so please process the transaction.
Thank you for your reply.For this time, I have already received Micro250 and Micro300 but I don't know which model they are.Could you let me know which model they are?Is there any place where I look at to know the model number?Many such questions from customers are annoying me. I am sorry for my frequent questions.Thank you for understanding and your reply in advance.
Order Nr. (for feedback): 5222249 Customer Nr.: 5184584 Suomy SPEC Extreme Capirossi (XS (53/54))こんにちわ。私は注文しました。本日到着しました。しかし、商品が違います。驚きました。楽しみにしていたのに残念です。送られてきたのはSuomy Excel Capirossi Replicaです。これではお客さんに届けることができません。
Hello, I placed an order.I received items.But it was wrong items.I was surprised and disappointed at receiving them.What I received is Suomy Excel Capirossi Replica.I can not sell them to my customers.
以前あなたから「OMEGA」「IWC」などを仕入れた●●です。あなたの出品方法はすべてオークション形式ですがbuy it nowで販売することはないですか?私はあなたから購入した腕時計を日本で販売しています。オークションん形式だと仕入れが安定しないのが欠点です。私としては仕入れを安定させるのが最重要課題ですので相談させていただきました。1ヶ月に$5,000以上の仕入れを検討しています。決済はPayPalでお願いします。ebayで出品する前の腕時計を買いたいです。
My name is ●●. I bought items such as OMEGA or IWC.You seems to be selling items only at auction. Aren't you going to sell at Buy It Now?I import watches from you and sell them in Japan.If I buy watches at auction like I do now, I can not expect a stable supply from you.A stable supply is very important to me.That's why I am writing to you now.I am considering to buy items worth of $5,000 or more per month. I like to make a payment via Paypal.I want to buy a watch before you get it up on eBay.
Hello, the forwarding company has received the item. However they told us that they could not send it to Japan because there was a problem. So, I want to return the item. Could you cancel my order and give me a refund?I am expecting to hear from you.Thank you.
Thank you for your message.I would like to do the call tag transaction.Will you let me know how to do it?I understood what the store credit was. Will you let me know when you will send the item I originally ordered.Thank you for your help and responding to this message.