AUSGC (ausgc) 翻訳実績

約15年前 男性
英語 日本語 (ネイティブ) イタリア語 ドイツ語
ausgc 英語 → 日本語

The Squeak programming language is a Smalltalk implementation, derived directly from Smalltalk-80 by a group at Apple Computer that included some of the original Smalltalk-80 developers. Its development was continued by the same group at Walt Disney Imagineering, where it was intended for use in internal Disney projects. Some Squeak users[who?] refer to Squeak as a programming language rather than as a Smalltalk implementation. It is object-oriented, class-based, and reflective. Squeak is available for many platforms, and programs produced on one platform run bit-identical on all other platforms. The Squeak system includes code for generating a new version of the virtual machine (VM) on which it runs. It also includes a VM simulator written in itself (Squeak). For this reason, it is easily ported.


[Squeak/スクイーク]*1 (プログラミング)*2 言語は Smalltalkの [実装/インプリメンテーション]*3 で、かつて Smalltalk-80 の開発に携わった開発者を含む Apple Computer 社の(開発)*4 グループにより、Smalltalk-80 から直接 [派生/デライブ]*5 されたものです。

その開発は同じ(開発)*4 グループにより Walt Disney Imagineering 社にて、Disneyの内部プロジェクトでの利用を目的に続けられていました。

一部の Squeak ユーザーは、Squeak は Smalltalk の [実装/インプリメンテーション]*3 ではなくむしろプログラミング言語だと言います。


Squeak は多数のプラットフォームで使用可能で、一つのプラットフォームで作成されたプログラムは他のプラットフォームでも全く同様に動作します。

Squeak のシステムには、起動に必要な新しいバージョンの仮想マシン(VM)を構築するためのコードが含まれています。

更に、Squeak を使って書かれた VMシミュレータも含まれて居ます。

これらの理由から、Squeak は容易に移植をすることができるのです。

1. "スクイーク" is just a Katakana form of "Squeak"
2. "プログラミング(programming)" for the phrase "programming language" is optional
3. "インプリメンテーション" is a Katakana form of the English word "implementation", while "実装" is Japanese. If the document is to be read by IT people, then the Katakana form may be preferred.
4. Instead of saying "group at Apple Computer", it is preferrable to say "development group at Apple Computer", where "開発" means 'development' in Japanese.
5. Similarly to 3, "デライブ" is a direct Katakana form of the English word "derive", while "派生" is Japanese.
6. "性質を持っています" means 'have following properties". Instead of simply saying it is "OO, class-based, & reflective", I have added this phrase to make it sound better.

ausgc 英語 → 日本語

Tenori-on is an electronic musical instrument, designed and created by Japanese artist, Toshio Iwai and Yu Nishibori of the Music and Human Interface Group, Yamaha Center for Advanced Sound Technology. It consists of a screen, held in the hands, of a sixteen by sixteen grid of LED switches, any of which can be activated in a number of ways to create an evolving musical soundscape. The LED switches are held within a magnesium frame, which has two built-in speakers located on the top of frame, as well as a dial and buttons that control the type of sound and beats per minute produced. There is also an LCD screen on the bottom edge of the frame. Using the connection function, it is possible to play a synchronized session, or to send and receive songs between two of the devices.


Tenori-on は、日本人音楽家岩井俊雄さんとヤマハ株式会社サウンドテクノロジー開発センター Music & Human Interface Group の堀佑ニさんにより設計、開発された電子楽器です。





ausgc 日本語 → 英語



anydooR has released a brand new style user [based/dependent] online translation service "Social Translation Conyac".
It is the business plan rewarded the best award for "Business Challenge 2009", which allow users to request and receive translation orders at (very[1]) low [price/rate]([2]), providing easy access to [practical/practical quality/quality] translation[3].

[1] "very" は好んで使われる形容詞ですが、オプショナルで
[2] "price" の方が生々しいですがこちらの方がニュアンス的にはあってるかと。直訳するのであれば[rate]の方が柔らかいニュアンスになりますが、正しいかもしれません。
[3] "pratical translation" という使いまわしを使うのか、ちょっと自信がありません・・・。"practical quality"は「実用的な品質」の直訳ですが、ニュアンス的には微妙ですね。"qality"だけだとただの「品質」になってしまい「実用的」が省かれニュアンスは変わってしまいますが、無難な訳ではあるかと。

ausgc 日本語 → 英語




三、Love & Peace & Togetherness


In Japan, there is a restaurant very common over some (group of) people called Ramen Jiro.
Starting with the head store in Mita, there are around 30 stores nation wide.

Even though it calls itself a 'Ramen Restaurant', their unique taste and style made people say that "Jiro is not a Ramen, but a food called Jiro."

When you visit Japan, please give it a try.

[Ramen Jiro: Company Policies]

1. Be clean, be righteous, and be attractive. Take a walk, have read, and donate with a smile. Go fish, play golf, and transcribe sutras on the weekends.

2. For the sake of world, of people, and of the society.

3. Love & Peace & Togetherness.

4. I am sorry - the courage to say that one phrase.

5. Disturbance in the taste is a disturbance [in/of] the mind. Disturbance of the mind [is/leads to] a disturbance [in/of] the hearth. Disturbance [in/of] the hearth [is/leads to] a disturbance [in/of] the society. Disturbance [in/of] the society [is/leads to] a disturbance [in/of] the nation. Disturbance [in/of] the nation [is/leads to] a disturbance [in/of] the Universe.

次に「is」は普通に「〜の」ですが、「leads to」は「〜を生む」と言う意味です。例えば、「国の乱れは宇宙の乱れを生む」のか「国の乱れは(そのまま)宇宙の乱れ」なのかで使い分けになります。