AUSGC (ausgc) 翻訳実績

約15年前 男性
英語 日本語 (ネイティブ) イタリア語 ドイツ語
ausgc 日本語 → 英語 ★★★★★ 5.0



He who reminisce his memories.

ausgc 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0



Okay, I will only believe what you say. You told me and promised me to deliver it to me. You said that you will deliver it to me, and contacted me saying that you will promise it, so please have it delivered to me no matter what. As I had been saying over and over, with regards to the process required for the customs clearing, I have already obtained a certificate through a drug and medication import certification procedure called "Yakkan Shoumei". All the procedures for custom clearing have already been complete, so there are not problems at all. I believe you do understand what you have done to me, correct? Do you understand what kind of raw deal you are performing? If you plan to breach the contract, then I would have to consider taking whatever action necessary. I demand you to have it delivered with all the responsibilities. To avoid misunderstanding, I would like to clarify myself that I am willing to have good business relationship you. Please send me the payment details. I appreciate your understanding.

* 間違っていたら申し訳ありませんが、どうやら「Yakkan Shoumei」は固有名詞になってるみたいですね。一応、「"Yakkan Shoumei"という薬品輸入証明手続きを通して、証明書を取得しております」と訳しておきました。

ausgc 日本語 → 英語 ★★★★★ 5.0






"Talknote" Mobile - communication tool as an alternative for email

On the 20th, Talknote Co., Ltd. (Location: Setagaya, Tokyo, Representative: Haruo Koike) beta released the mobile version of the free communication service "Talknote", which allow users to log and share messages with friends.

Talknote is a communication service designed for PCs, which was beta released on the 12th of this month. It has an interface similar to mini blog, which allow users to communicate effectively with 'friends and other people who you already know their email address' as an alternative for email, and store it's log as a note.

The service is free of charge, but require registration with real name. The messages and conversations would not be opened to public. Under completely closed environment, users can either communicate one-to-one using "Personal Note", or create "Group Note" to share and log a conversation with multiple friends.

* タイトルに「Talknote」が重複していたので訳しにくかったため、1つにまとめました。
* 「mini blog」というのはツイッターのようなマイクロブログのことでしょうか?もしそうであれば、「mini blog」という表現は英語圏ではあまり一般的ではないので、「microblogging」(固有名詞)に置き換えることをおすすめします。
* 「ログをノートとして記録できる」の「ログ」ですが、単に「log」と訳すよりは、「conversation log」(会話記録)という表現の方が一般的かも知れません。また、この文の「ログ」はシングルクオーテーションで囲った方が良いと思います。


"Talknote" Mobile - communication tool as an alternative for email

On the 20th, Talknote Co., Ltd. (Location: Setagaya, Tokyo, Representative: Haruo Koike) beta released the mobile version of the free communication service "Talknote", which allow users to log and share messages with friends.

Talknote is a communication service designed for PCs, which was beta released on the 12th of this month. It has an interface similar to microblogging, allow users to communicate effectively with 'friends and other people who you already know their email address' as an alternative for email, and store it's conversation log as a 'Note'.

The service is free of charge, but require registration with real name. The messages and conversations would not be opened to public. Under completely closed environment, users can either communicate one-to-one using "Personal Note", or create "Group Note" to share and log a conversation with multiple friends.

ausgc 日本語 → 英語

また会話のログが蓄積(記録)されるTalknoteの特徴を活かし、携帯メール代わりの利用も想定。「1日に100通程度、携帯からメールするようなユーザーだと、1週間前のメールが既に消えてしまっていたりということが起こる」(トークノート 代表 小池氏)。




Also, by making use of the Talknote's feature to store conversation logs, usage as a replacement for mobile emails is being envisioned. "For people who send around 100 emails a day, it is common that emails from a week ago get deleted." Talknote's representative, Mr. Koike explains.

An iPhone App for Talknote is currently under development, which is planned to be released on early June. By appealing the highly secure feature that removed online-mach-making like element, Mr. Koike says "It would great if it could be recognized as a communication service that parents can recommend to their kids.", and explained that he aims to obtain 1,000,000 users within the next year.

Talknote(compatible with both PC and mobile device) / Talknote Co., Ltd.

* 一点疑問なんですが、Talknoteというのはウェブサービスですよね?それであれば、「PC」という表現はMacユーザを暗に阻害しているようでどうかと思います。シンプルに「computer」で良いのではないでしょうか?