yoppo (yoppo1026) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yoppo1026 English → Japanese
Original Text

1. The button to choose.2.Shift button, to reverse the original status. 3.The socket of Strong ultrasonic head 4.The socket of Strong RF head 5. Left and right button, Upper and lower buttons : to adjust languages, different modes and intensities etc. 6. ENTER, to make sure and enter the next menu.■1.Put throught the power, switch on the machine.2 Apply proper slimming products on the treated part. Suggestion with the cream products.3.LCD shows choices of languages, click the left or right button to get chinese or english, then make sure by Enter clicking.4. Enter the main menu, clice the upper or the lower button to choose the treating course, then make sure by Enter clicking.


1.選択ボタン 2.元の状態を入れ替える為のシフトボタン 3.強い超音波ヘッドのソケット 4.強いRFヘッドのソケット 5.左右ボタン、上下ボタン:言語、モード、強弱の切り替え。 6.『ENTER』で確認して次のメニューに移る。 
■1.電源を通し、機械のスイッチを入れる。 2.処理した部分に適当なダイエット製品を適用。クリーム製品の提案。 3.液晶画面に言語選択が表示され、中国語や英語に切り替えるには左右ボタンをクリックし、『ENTER』クリックで確認。 4.メインメニューに入り、上下ボタンでコースを選択し、『ENTER』クリックで確認。

yoppo1026 English → Japanese
Original Text

Currently, the extensions include two additional integer types that could hold a "far" pointer (i.e. a code pointer that can address more than 64 KB), as well as standard names for all printf and scanf formatting options that are supported by the <stdio.h>: Standard IO facilities. As the library does not support the full range of conversion specifiers from ISO 9899:1999, only those conversions that are actually implemented will be listed here.
The idea behind these conversion macros is that, for each of the types defined by <stdint.h>, a macro will be supplied that portably allows formatting an object of that type in printf() or scanf() operations.


現在、エクステンションには<stdio.h>(スタンダードIO設備)によってサポートされる全printfとscanfフォーマットオプションの標準名と同様に『ファー』ポインタ(つまり64KB以上のアドレスを指定できるコードポインタ)を保持できる2つの整数タイプが付加されている。ライブラリはISO 9899:1999からの全範囲の転換仕様をサポートしておらず、実際に使われる転換だけがここに記載されている。
これらの転換マクロの背後にあるアイディアは、<stdint.h>によって定義されるそれぞれのタイプで、マクロが実行され、printf() かscanf() の操作内のタイプのオブジェクトをポータブルにフォーマットできる。

yoppo1026 English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

I have contacted Hazet several times and they say that the 856-1 set will not be packaged as before with a sealed plastic foil. It is either without any packaging or in a very large display blister box.

I have insisted that they deliver to me the old style sealed version or at least tell me who could do the sealing for me but I have not received any reply yet.

So at this point I can only offer you the option of the blister box. The only problem of the blister box is that due to it's size the shipping costs double for each 856-1.

I will also try to find out if I can find a company who can seal this set for me afterwards, but as far I have not found one.

I am very sorry that I have no better news today.







yoppo1026 English → Japanese
Original Text

Take a look at sales organizations. They have regular sales meetings. Multilevel marketing organizations have regular meetings to talk about how well things are going. They herald the accomplishments of others, celebrate, and charge each other with great enthusiasm for the job that they have chosen to do.
Enthusiasm is contagious. It is not, however, a giddy, childish attitude. It is directed and focused energy. When you are unable to generate enthusiasm, it is probably time to take a break or a vacation, or maybe it is time to look for a new position, either within or outside your present organization.



yoppo1026 English → Japanese
Original Text

Then pick a person in the group to repeat back to the speaker what she thought she heard him say. As you practice this exercise, you will find that listening is not being still and quiet. It is an energy-consuming activity. If you begin to get fatigued, you know that you are really listening.
We hear constantly that we are living in an information society. Although that is true, it doesn't apply just to computers. Because we have come to lean on these automated information processors, we have begun to lose our ability to gather information on our own. So, when you’re confronted with a problem or new idea, get to work and listen up.



yoppo1026 English → Japanese
Original Text

Don't make the mistake of believing that listening is easy. It is not. It takes strength of character, discipline, and time. Becoming a good listener will take practice, practice, and more practice.
There are some exercises that you can do to work on your listening skills. The more you practice, the better you will become. One thing you can do by yourself is to consciously tell yourself at the beginning of a situation that you will not say anything. Concentrate on not opening your mouth except to ask questions and clarify what you are hearing.
Another thing you can do in a small group is to pick a subject. Let someone talk about his feelings on the subject.

