yoppo (yoppo1026) Translations

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yoppo1026 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Unfortunately, we had to remove your listing because the following information violates our policy:

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あなたは正しいカテゴリーにアイテムを掲載したかもしれませんが、フォーマットが間違っています。Classified Add format(分類追加形式)にする必要があります。


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yoppo1026 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

People are crazy about social media statistics. It seems like research, PR, and publishing firms are coming out with new studies virtually every week. These stats often surprise us, and we use them for blog posts, Facebook updates, and tweets.
We also use them for our presentations.
Whether it’s a presentation for a local trade or professional organization, or an internal presentation within your company or agency, social media stats are useful “objects” we share, note, and remember.
Here are some statistics I’ve stumbled on lately. I thought these data points were interesting for various reasons. You may find them worth noting for use in future presentations.






yoppo1026 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

33 percent of all Facebook users update on the platform using a mobile device, but just 4 percent of those use an iPhone and 5 percent use an Android phone.

Among consumers, 55 percent said they would consider using Facebook Places; only 6 percent said they would consider using Foursquare.

Among early adopters, 90 percent said they would consider using Facebook Places; only 22 percent said they would consider using Foursquare.

Location-based sites and services (such as Foursquare and Facebook Places) are familiar to 30 percent of Americans age 12 and older and used by 4 percent of Americans age 12 and older.



消費者のうち55%は、Facebook Placeの使用を考えていると言いました。Foursquareの使用を考えていると言ったのはわずか6%でした。

新製品を好んで使う人のうち90%は、Facebook Placeの使用を考えていると言いました。Foursquareの使用を考えていると言ったのはわずか22%でした。

位置情報のサイトやサービス(FoursquareやFacebook Placeなど)は、アメリカ人の年齢12歳以上のうち30%になじみがあり、アメリカ人12歳以上の4%に使用されています。

yoppo1026 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Nearly a quarter of social network users indicated that Facebook is the social site or service that most influences their buying decisions. No other site or service was named by more than 1 percent of the sample, and 72 percent indicated that no one social site or service influenced their buying decisions the most.

Twitter is as familiar to Americans as Facebook (with 92 percent and 93 percent familiarity, respectively); however, Twitter use stands at 8 percent of Americans age 12 and older.

Fifty-seven million people read and follow blogs.

More than 12 million adults maintain a blog.

Approximately 20,000 users contribute more than half of all Twitter content, which is .01 percent of total users.







yoppo1026 English → Japanese
Original Text

How social networking site use breaks down: 92 percent use Facebook, 29 percent use MySpace, 18 percent LinkedIn, 13 percent Twitter.

On Facebook on an average day, 22 percent of users comment on another’s post or status, 20 percent on photos, 26 percent “like” another’s content.

Nearly twice as many men use LinkedIn (63 percent compared with 37 percent of women). All other social networking sites have significantly more female users than male users.

From 2008 to 2010 the percentage of people using social networking sites fell among 18- to 22-year-olds by 12 percent (from 28 percent in 2008 to 16 percent in 2010) and among 23- to 35-year-olds by 8 percent (from 40 percent in 2008 to 32 percent in 2010).




