Henno (henno) Translations

ID Verified
Almost 13 years ago Male 40s
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Your eBay account privileges have been limited for 3 days because of a violation of our unwelcome and malicious buying policy.

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henno English → Japanese
Original Text

MiShang works nicely, and is a lot more full-featured than Chaopin, the app that was made in just two weeks that we featured recently. But then, in fairness, MiShang has had time for a few months of traction. In some aspects, it’s also a bit like the cutesy Gezbox, to the extent that it encourages users to show off their stuff.

In another recent trend in small Chinese start-ups, there’s only an Android app – likely due to both the larger user-base and lower development costs on Google’s mobile OS. An iPhone iteration is in the works, though. Take a look at MiShang’s site, or its app on the Android Market.



中国の他の最近の新規事業のトレンドは、アンドロイドアプリしかありません。これは、大きなユーザー層があることと、Google mobile OSでの低い開発コストのせいじゃないかと思います。しかし、iPhoneで繰り返すのもまだうまくいくでしょう。MiShangのサイト、あるいはアンドロイドマーケットで彼らのアプリを見てみてください。