Henno (henno) Translations

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Almost 13 years ago Male 40s
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Well, besides all the product localization things that needed to be done, perhaps global pressure might be the answer to cracking the market. Instead of marching hastily into China, Facebook could be aiming to connect the rest of the world first. And perhaps, by then, it won’t be about Facebook wanting to go into China. Chinese would feel compelled to be on Facebook and be part of the majority, the world’s social network. The cynics might say that the Chinese don’t give a damn about being part of the world. China is the world, to a very large extent!

It’s all fantasy guesswork, but hey, it’s always fun to think about the problem, isn’t it?


全ての製品の必要なローカリゼーションが完了した上で、さらにグローバルな圧力が加わることが、市場にひびを入れる答えになるのかもしれない。 中国に向かってあわてて行進をする代わりに、Facebookは先に世界の残りの部分を繋げることを目指しているようだ。 そして、たぶん、そのときまでには、Facebookは中国に入り込もうと思わなくなっているかもしれない。中国人は抵抗しがたい影響力でFacebookに参加することになる。そして、世界規模のソーシャルネットワークという大多数の一部となる。皮肉屋はこう言うだろう。中国人は世界の一部になることを少しも気にしないだろうと。中国は非常に大きく、世界そのものだから。


henno English → Japanese
Original Text

The major growth categories, as can be seen in the graph, are location information and location games. Location information is a crowded category filled with major players such as Yahoo and Sony. However, location based games currently see far less competition within its category (competition within mobile games in general is a different issue). Current LBS game companies are typically much younger and smaller. Colopl, a company I previously wrote about, is one example of a LBS game that’s popularity is growing. Other LBS games include Shirotsuku (Castle Builder) and iButterfly Plus.

Seed Planning’s full report can be purchased on through their website although its content is written in Japanese.


グラフで分かるように、成長が見込めるカテゴリーは場所情報サービスと、場所情報連動ゲームだ。場所情報サービスはYahooやSonyなどのメジャープレイヤーがひしめいているカテゴリーだ。しかし場所情報連動ゲームは今のところ、ぜんぜん競争が激しくないカテゴリーだ (モバイルゲーム同士の競争はまた別の問題だ) 。現在のLBSゲーム会社はだいたいまだ若く、小さい。以前にいちど書いたことのあるColoplは、LBSゲームの一例だが、人気は伸びている。他のLBSゲームにはShirotsuku (シロツク) とiButterfly Plusがある。

Seed Planningの完全なレポートは彼らのウェブサイトで購入できるが、内容は日本語である。

henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Favspot: Location-based Bookmarking on Your Mobile

Favspot is a location-based service that helps you check-in and save all the locations you have visited and hope to visit in the future. It describes itself as a social location bookmarking service where users can save their favorite spots and share them with their friends.

The start-up is based in China but it first launched the app in Hong Kong as a test market. Edwyn Chan, a rep from Favspot, told PO that the app is pre-installed on Samsung and LG smartphones, thanks to a partnership with the HK telco, 3. Favspot has so far generated over 24,000 downloads.


Favsopot: モバイル機器で使えるロケーションに基づいたブックーマークサービス


立ち上げは中国ですが、最初のアプリケーションはテスト市場としての香港で開始します。Favspot代表のEdwyn ChanはPOに語ったところでは、アプリケーションは、HK telco社と3社と提携をして、サムソン社とLG社のスマートフォンにプリインストールされ、Favspotこれまでで24,000ダウンロードを達成しているとのことだ。

henno English → Japanese
Original Text

There’s a fundamental difference between Favspot and Foursquare or any other location-based app. Foursquare focuses on giving badges/points while users check-in at venues or events and share locations with their friends. On the other hand, Favspot angles itself as an app that helps users track where you have been and also allows easy saving of interesting locations bookmarked by friends.

Personally, I like the idea of location bookmarking. It just makes more sense and gives more value to users — certainly better than earning badges. Here are two aspects which makes it different from a service like Foursquare:




henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Affle Raises $10 Million From Japan’s D2C

Affle, a Singapore-based mobile media start-up, has raised $10 million from D2C, a Japanese mobile ad agency, it announced today. Affle produces a series of mobile products, ranging from messaging, mobile ads, to mobile content.

According to a statement, D2C actually made a token investment earlier this year. That token sum was then followed up by a $10 million investment which we learned of today. D2C is a subsidiary of Japanese telco, NTT Docomo, which also means that Affle should have access to Docomo’s wide reach in Japan. Or perhaps it is already working with Docomo.




発表によれば、D2Cは今年始めに出資をおこなっており、出資額の合計はこの追加の出資により1000万ドルとなった。D2Cは日本の電話会社NTT Docomoの子会社で、これによりAffleはDocomoの日本での広い勢力範囲へ手をのばすことをも意味する。あるいはすでにDocomoと協力関係にあるのかもしれない。

henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Its likely that some of you have never heard of MapleStory, but the title has over 100 million users worldwide in over 60 countries. 18 million registered players are from South Korea, and another four million are in Japan. That latter fan-base should serve DeNA well in kick-starting MapleStorey: Bokurano Boken in Japan.

While the game is free to play, a DeNA representative tells Penn Olson this evening that there will be in-game virtual items that players can buy using Moba-coins (its virtual currency).

For our readers who would like a better idea of what the MapleStory franchise is all about, check out the demo video below for another mobile MapleStory game, MapleStory Theif Edition for iOS.


MapleStoryについて聞いたことがないかもしれない、しかしこのタイトルは1億人以上のユーザーを世界中の60を超える国々に抱えている。1800万人が韓国のプレイヤーで、400万人が日本のプレイヤーだ。この後者のファン層は、MapleStory: Bokurano Bokenを日本で始動をしたいDeNAを助けるだろう。

ゲームは無料でプレイできるが、DeNAの代表はPenn Olsonに今日の夕方に語ったところによると、プレイヤーがモバコイン(モバゲーの仮想通貨)を使って購入できる、ゲーム内の仮想アイテムが登場する予定だそうだ。

MapleStoryのフランチャイズについて、より良いアイデアを持つ読者は、もう一つのMapleStoryゲーム、MapleStory Theif Edition for iOSのデモ動画をチェックするとよいだろう。