Henno (henno) Translations

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About 13 years ago Male 40s
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
henno English → Japanese
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The report asserts that one reason for this is that Japanese media companies are more protective about free content, with limited streaming media options available. Japanese respondents watch a lot of TV (205 minutes on average) but out of this sample Japan had the highest ratio watched on conventional TV, as opposed to video on demand, or over-the-top TV (more on OTT here).

Japanese respondents also were the least likely to have visited a social networking site among all nations surveyed, at a mere 30 percent. Compare that with 70 percent of respondents in Korea, and 67 percent of respondents in the US. McKinsey concludes by invoking sci-fi writer William Gibson:




henno English → Japanese
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22.14m Android App Downloads Vs. 78.29m iPhone App Downloads in China in August 2011

TechNode’s partner, Xyologic, an app search company with cutting edge technology that helps users find the best mobile apps recently released over 220 reports, covering 4 platforms (Android, iPhone, iPad and WP7) and 29 countries including China.

The report comes with Top 100 Publishers, Top 150 Most Downloaded Apps, Top 150 Most Downloaded Apps in Categories which giving a comprehensive and valuable information about each local mobile app market.


2011年8月中国で、2,214万ダウンロードのアンドロイドアプリ V.S. 7,829万ダウンロードのiPhoneアプリ



henno English → Japanese
Original Text

For users who are always looking for good apps, for investors who are seeking good teams to invest, for ads publishers who are interested in most downloaded apps to embed their ads and for research people like us who want to understand more about local market (what’s the hottest categories, which are the leading development companies etc), this report is definitely a very good reference to check every month. Here we are happy to share with you the reports for Android, iPhone and iPad (the data is gathered from 8th Aug to 8th Sept, 2011).

In general, in August 2011, there are 22.14m Android App downloads, 78.29m iPhone app downloads and 31.7m iPad app downloads.




henno English → Japanese
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1. Android App Downloads

First of all, we should note that Xyologic’s report only counts Google official app market. Giving the fact its official app market is not available in China (it only offers free apps), there are several other popular independent Android market such as AppChina (Innovation Works’ companies), gFan (angel invested by CyberAgent and recently announced its $5m Series A funding), hiApk, eoeMarket etc. And, big guys like Tencent, 360 etc have its own app stores and Android phone manufacturers such as Motorola, Samsung, Lenova etc all runs its own app market too.


1. アンドロイドアプリのダウンロード

まず始めに、XyologicのレポートはGoogleの公式アプリマーケットからのダウンロードのみを集計していることに注意すべきだ。中国では公式なアプリマーケットが利用できない(無料のアプリのみ提供)という事実から、AppChina(Innovation Works系列の会社)、gFan(CyberAgentから融資を受け、最近500万ドルのSeries Aの資金調達を発表した)、hiApk、eoeMarketなどのような、他の有名な独立系アンドロイドマーケットが幾つか存在する。そして、Tencent, 360などの大手は自分たちで独自のアプリストアを持ち、Motorola、Samusung、Lenovaなどのようなアンドロイドフォンの製造業者も独自のアプリ市場を運営している。

henno English → Japanese
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2. iPhone/iPad App Downloads

Compared with Android report, the figures comes with the iPhone/iPad reports should be much accurate. Although we need mention that 91 Assistant, a iOS app store offering cracked apps is still quite popular in China.

Google’s Android app market only offers free apps, but on Apple’s App Store (China), paid apps are also available. Therefore, it’s interesting to check out which are the most popular paid content, who their publishers are and what types of apps Chinese are more willing to pay etc.

iPhone Apps -
Top apps and publishers i phone-aug 2011-china


2. iPhone/iPadのアプリダウンロード

アンドロイドのレポートに比べると、iPhone/iPadのレポートにある数字は大分正確だ。しかし、クラックしたアプリを提供しているiOSSアプリストアである91 Assistantはいまだに中国では非常に人気が高いということに言及しておく必要がある。


iPhoneアプリ - 2011年8月の中国でのトップアプリと提供元企業

henno English → Japanese
Original Text

iPad Apps -
Top apps and publishers i pad-aug 2011-china

3. InApp Purchase

We say that in general Chinese app market is a free market, meaning you can not count on paid apps to generate enough revenue (unless you are a bit of luck). So Advertisement and InApp purchase (for iOS) said to be one of the key approaches for apps publishers.
In app purchase economy iphone-aug 2011-china

View more presentations from Gang Lu

As for the global apps market, Xyologic also predicts that the number of monthly Google Android apps downloaded will exceed the number of monthly Apple iOS (iPod, iPad and iPhone) apps downloaded by June 2012.


iPadアプリ - 2011年8月の中国でのトップアプリと提供元企業

3. アプリ内の購入



Gang Luのプレゼンテーションをもっと見る

グローバルなアプリ市場に関する限りは、XyologicはGoogle Andoroid アプリの月間ダウンロード数は、アップルiOS(iPod, iPad, iPhone)アプリのの月間ダウンロード数を2012年の6月までに超えると予測している。

henno English → Japanese
Original Text

5. Avoid Press Releases & Simple Mistakes

I’ve rarely encountered press releases that were helpful. Generally, they are lengthy, full of empty quotes from company reps and tainted with marketing jargon. Just stay away from them. Period. Instead, stick with custom emails.

Now, I know you’ll be tempted to copy and paste information from one email to another — and you should. After all, your company’s description and the news pitch won’t change much. Be careful, though, of copying incorrect information, such as “I love your work on TechCrunch,” when the writer actually works for VentureBeat.


5. プレスリリースと単純な間違いをさける


いま、あなたが一つのemailから次のメールに中身をコピペしたいという誘惑にかられている気持ちは分かる。そして、そうすべきだ。結局、あなたの会社の会社概要とニュース宣伝は、あまり変化しないだろう。 でも気をつけよう、間違った情報をコピーすることだけは。例えば、VentureBeatで実際には働いている記者に向けて、「あなたのTechCrunchでの仕事はとても良かった」というのは厳禁だ。

henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Another common mistake is to misunderstand a writer’s coverage area. Just because a reporter has written about the top startups in Canada doesn’t mean he wants to know about your Canadian printing company.

6. Have Useful Assets Available

As you get down to pitching time, make sure you have all assets ready that a journalist might request, such as:

・ A company or product description
・Photos relevant to the story
・Screenshots of the product

In some cases it may make sense to include a screenshot or photo in the initial pitch, but most of the time just mention that you can send over photos, screenshots and more details if the writer is interested in learning more.



6. 資産を使いやすく、利用可能にしておく


