[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 5/23(土) 大阪「music」リリースイベント詳細発表! ■5/23(土) 大阪「music」リリースイベント詳細発表! 【日時】2015年5...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は ty72 さん el_monee さん sliamatem さん commanderwhite さん awp_p さん sujiko さん kalim611 さん ayanova_99 さん greene さん [削除済みユーザ] さんの 10人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 20件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 2098文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 2時間 27分 です。

nakagawasyotaによる依頼 2015/05/21 10:36:22 閲覧 3247回
残り時間: 終了

5/23(土) 大阪「music」リリースイベント詳細発表!

■5/23(土) 大阪「music」リリースイベント詳細発表!

【日時】2015年5月23日(土) 14:00~
【会場】大阪・千里セルシー 1Fセルシー広場


【「優先観覧エリア整理券」抽選会 開始時間】12:00~

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/05/21 10:50:57に投稿されました
Osaka "music" release event is announced in detail on Saturday, May 23rd!

■Osaka "music" release event is announced in detail on Saturday, May 23rd!
【Time and date 】Saturday, May 23rd,2015 from 2pm
【Venue】 Osaka ・Senri cerci 1F Cerci place
【Content of event】 Mini live and Shake- hand event

【Starting time for CD sales of the day】 from 10:00am
※CD will be sold at CD special spot sale booth near the stage.

【Starting time for drawing " Numbered thicket of priority viewing area"】 from 12:00pm
評価 51
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/05/21 11:07:27に投稿されました
The details of Osaka "music" release event on May 23 are now available!

The details of Osaka "music" release event are now available!

Date/Time: (Sat) May 23, from 14:00
Place: Selcy Square of Senri Selcy 1F at Osaka

Agenda of the event: Mini Live and hands-shake session

The opening time of CD sales at this event: from 10:00
* You can buy it at the spot sales booth for CD near from the stage

The starting time of the drawing for the priority viewing area ticket: from 12:00


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/05/21 11:18:39に投稿されました
[About the setting of "Kids Area"]
* We will set one part of space in front of the stage as "Kids Area", and will guide the visitor in ascending order of age for the kids from preschool age until elementary school age to enter the venue started from 30 minutes before the event start. The admission of the parents is up to 1 person for 1 preschool children. Since this is the area for little children, your kind understanding will be appreciated.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/05/21 11:25:37に投稿されました
【About the installation of "Kids Area"】
※Part of the space in front of the stage is reserved as "Kids Area" for preschool children and elementary school children, who are to be led to the Area 30 minutes ahead of the opening of the event in ascending order of age. Each preschool child may be accompanied by one parent or guardian. Please kindly understand that this Area is for younger visitors only.



評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/05/21 12:23:34に投稿されました
*There is a limited to the number of people who can enter the Kids Area. We will start by showing the younger children in, which will end once the area is filled up. Please note that we are unable to to guide even the preschoolers in when that happens and we would appreciate your kind understanding.

*There is no distribution of numbered tickets for the Kids Area.
Please gather around the stage 30 mins before event starts.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/05/21 14:06:28に投稿されました
* The capacity for the Kid's Area is limited. We will be guiding the younger children first and will close the door once the area is filled. We ask for your understanding that we will not be able to guarantee the space for all preschoolers.

* We do not have advanced ticketing for the Kid's Area. Please come gather around the stage 30 minutes before the event.


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/05/21 12:34:07に投稿されました
[How to Watch the Mini Live]
Watching the mini live is free, but some areas behind kids' area are set to be the priority area. We will guide you through the priority area in the order of the "numbered ticket for entering the priority area."
We will hold a lottery event from 12 o'clock, 2 hours before the event's opening, to give out the "numbered ticket for entering the priority area" to the customers having the "ticket for entering the release event."
The customers having the "numbered ticket for entering the priority area" should gather around the stage 30 minutes before the event starts.
We will guide them after finishing kids' area admission.
評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/05/21 12:45:45に投稿されました
How to view the Mini Live:
Viewing of Mini live is free, and we have set up a priority viewing area behind the Kids Area. We will lead ticket-holders to the priority viewing area in order of the number stated on their "Numbered Ticket for Priority Viewing Area".
The Priority Viewing Area Numbered Ticket is available to visitors holding on to the Ticket for the Release Event by a draw, which starts 2 hours before the event, at 12 noon.
Visitors with the Priority Viewing Area Numbered Ticket are to gather around the stage 30 mins before event starts.
We will lead you to the area after admission to Kids Area have ended.
awp_p- 9年以上前
"draw" を "lottery" に変更します。"Priority Viewing Area Numbered Ticket" も "Numbered Ticket for Priority Viewing Area" に変更します。すみません。
How to view the Mini Live:
Viewing of Mini live is free, and we have set up a priority viewing area behind the Kids Area. We will lead ticket-holders to the priority viewing area in order of the number stated on their Numbered Ticket for Priority Viewing Area.
Numbered Ticket for Priority Viewing Area is available to visitors holding on to the Ticket for the Release Event by a lottery, which starts 2 hours before the event, at 12 noon.
Visitors with Numbered Ticket for Priority Viewing Area are to gather around the stage 30 mins before event starts.
We will lead you to the area after admission to Kids Area have ended.

- 整理番号抽選会について -


評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/05/21 13:03:30に投稿されました
- Regarding the lottery for numbered ticket:
Visitors who participated in the lottery will draw a number from the lottery box. Visitors are allowed to join the lottery once for every Ticket for the Release Event.

*There are "losing tickets" included in the lottery box.
*Queue for the lottery starts right before lottery. We will notify you of the location at that time.
*Please note that you might not get a chance to draw depending on the number of participants as lottery ends once we reached maximum number.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/05/21 15:28:43に投稿されました
- About lottery for numbering ticket -
For those guests participate in lottery are suppose to draw a numbering ticket from lottery box. For those guests who have "Release event admission ticket" is eligible to participate in lottery, once a person.

* Lottery can have "void ticket".
* The line will be formed just right before starting the lottery. The location of the lottery will be informed at that time.
* Depending on the number of participants, lottery can run out and ends before your turn. Thank you for your understanding.


対象店舗または当日イベント会場にてNew SINGLE「music」を全額前金にてご予約頂くと先着で「リリースイベント参加券」をお配り致します。参加券をお持ちのお客様はミニライブ終了後に行われる握手会にご参加頂けます。

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/05/21 12:19:58に投稿されました
※ You can watch the mini live without having a "numbered ticket for entering the priority area," but, for some venues, it might be hard to have a look at the backstage, the side stage, etc. According to the venue's circumstances, it might not be possible to have a look at all. Please understand.

[How to Participate in the Handshake Event]
When you reserve the New SINGLE "music" and pay the full amount in advance at select stores or at the venue on the event day, we will give you "the ticket for entering the release event" in order of arrival. The customers having the ticket can participate in the handshake event that will be held after the mini live ends.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/05/21 12:39:54に投稿されました
*You can see the mini live concert even if you do not have the "numbered ticket for observation area by priority". However, you might have to see at the back or side of the stage where it is difficult to see in some halls. You might not be able to see if the halls are crowded. We appreciate your understanding.

(Participation of hands shaking)
If you make a reservation of the new single album "Music" in full in advance in the store or the hall on the day, we distribute you the "participation ticket of the release event" by first- come first- served basis. Those who have the participation ticket are allowed to participate in the hands shaking that is held after the end of the mini live concert.

- 握手会の順番について -

 ※リリースイベント参加券配布対象 予約期間 5/21(木)~5/22(金)
対象商品:6/17発売 『music』


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/05/21 12:44:03に投稿されました
-The order of shake-hand event -
Please line from the customers of priority viewing area for the space of venue.

Target store: Senri cerci store, Koseido
 ※Reservation period for the distribution of participation thicket of release event : Thursday May 21st to Friday May 22nd
Target items: 『music』 that will be released on June 17th
(MV version:AVCD-16529/B、LIVE version :AVCD-16530/B、CD only :AVCD-16531)

Please promise the following "notices" to participate this event.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/05/21 12:47:15に投稿されました
Order of the hands shaking
Due to the convenience of the space in the hall, the first customers who stand in line for the hands shaking are those in the observation area by priority.

Store: Kosedo Senri Selcy
*In this store, the participation ticket of the release event is gong to be distributed.
Reservation period: May 21st Thursday and May 22nd Friday

Item: "Music" that is going to be released on June 17th
(MV version: AVCD-16529/B, Live version: AVCD-16530/B,
Only CD: AVCD-16531)

We ask you to comply with the notes listed below when you participate in this event.


評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/05/21 12:51:56に投稿されました
*We refuse that you hand out a present in person. Would you use the present box that is set when you stand in line for the hands shaking.
*On the day of the event, you can see it at your discretion, but you might not be able to see it if it is too crowded.
*As there will be a great number of participants in the hands shaking, we announce you to proceed without stopping.
*In the hands shaking, the staff might touch your shoulders and arms to make the hall and the event proceed smoothly. We appreciate your cooperation in advance.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/05/21 15:08:42に投稿されました
* Directly giving a gift is declined. Please use a present BOX which will be available for those who in the waiting line of handshake meeting
* Watching is free of charge but may not be able to watch depending on how crowded the venue will be.
* A lot of participants is expected for handshake meeting, so we maybe guide guests in line not to stop and keep moving.
* During handshake meeting, event staff may touch your shoulder or arm in attempt of keep venue organized and smooth proceeding. Thank you for your understanding.


評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/05/21 12:57:44に投稿されました
*As we put the top priority on safety of customers, artists and TV personalities, etc., we check your belongings and keep it temporarily.
*We manage the event in the hall with complete preparation.
However, when you witness an unidentified person and item, please contact the guard.
*When you participate in the hands shaking, we ask you to remove the accessory such as ring, bracelet and others.
*The participation ticket of the release event is used for the hands shaking after the end of the mini live concert. It does not guarantee that you can see the event.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/05/21 15:16:58に投稿されました
* There is belongings inspection and cloakroom, for the safety of guests, artist and performers.
* Event venue is operated taking all possible measures, but please let security know if you find a dubious person or doubtful items.
* Please put off accessories like rings and bracelets when you participate in handshake meeting.
* Release event admission ticket is only for participation in handshaking meeting after mini live show. It does not grantee that you can watch the event. Thank you for your understanding.


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/05/21 12:01:54に投稿されました
※ It's planned that the ticket for entering the release event will also be attached to select products for the customers who purchase them on the event day, but, in the case that the number of purchases exceeds the upper limit before or on the event day, the distribution will end; thank you for your understanding.
※ The time to begin CD sale in the event day is scheduled to be 10 o'clock. However, according to the circumstances, the time to begin CD sale may be changed without any prior notice; please understand.
※ When purchasing the CD on the event day, please pay the full mount in cash. Credit cards can't be used.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/05/21 13:03:23に投稿されました
*We are going to distribute the participation ticket of the release event for those who purchase the item on the day of the event.
However, if we reach the maximum number on or before the day of the event, we will close the distribution. We appreciate your understanding in advance.
*We are going to start selling the CD at 10 o'clock on the day. However, we might change the start time without notification if it is crowded.
*When you purchase the CD on the day of the event, you have to pay in cash in whole amount, and cannot use the credit card.



アーティスト名は「DAICHI MIURA」に統一下さい。


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