Jack vs Jeff: The two biggest ecommerce billionaires in the world are total opposites
In 1990, Jack Ma was teaching English to a group of university students at Hangzhou Dianzi University. Who would have thought that, 24 years later, he would be China’s richest man?
In that same year, Jeff Bezos was working at D.E. Shaw & Co., an investment management firm based out of New York City. After graduating summa cum laude from Princeton university with a Bachelor’s degree in computer science and electrical engineering, there was no doubt Bezos would end up in tech, it was just a matter of time.
1990年に、Jack Ma氏は抗州電子科技大学で、
その同じ年に、Jeff Bezos氏はニューヨーク市外に基盤を置く投資管理会社であるD. E. Shaw & Co.で働いていた。プリンストン大学においてコンピューターサイエンスと電子エンジニアリングの学位を取得し、首席で卒業したBezos氏が、最終的にはテクノロジーの世界に行き着くであろうということは、誰も疑う余地がなかった。
1990年、ジャック・マー氏はHangzhou Dianzi大学で学生たちに英語を教えていた。その彼が、24年後には中国一の富豪になっているとは誰が考え付いたであろうか。
同年、ニューヨークに拠点を置く投資会社のD.E. Shaw & Co.,にジェフ・ベゾス氏は勤めていた。計算機科学と電子工学の学位を得て、プリンストン大学を首席で卒業した彼が技術者になるのは疑いようもなく、それはただの時間の問題と言うだけであった。
Years later, both of them would come up with similar names for their companies. Bezos wanted Cadabra, a name that signified magic. Ma wanted Alibaba, hoping that the name would open doors with an “open sesame”. But that might be as similar as they can get: ecommerce and magic.
These origin stories are tell-tale signs of two diverging philosophies and the companies they gave birth to. And yet they meet in some inroads. Just one month after Alibaba’s IPO, let’s take a deeper look at the two founders and the companies that are destined to shape the future of online retail.
これらの起源の話は、二つの発散していく哲学、そしてそれにより生まれてくる会社についての、前兆であると言えるだろう。しかし、その後彼らは道のりの途中で、しばしば互いに出くわすことになる。AlibabaのIPOから1ヶ月後の今、この二人の創始者と、 インターネット小売業の未来を形作る運命にある彼らの会社について、詳しく見ていくことにしよう。
Putting customers first?
Amazon is notorious for its obsession with customers. In fact, it’s Bezos’ go-to mantra and arguably his number one rule when it comes to how the culture of Amazon should be set. Bezos is a customer-centric founder:
We have so many customers who treat us so well, and we have the right kind of culture that obsesses over the customer. If there’s one reason we have done better than of our peers in the Internet space over the last six years, it is because we have focused like a laser on customer experience, and that really does matter, I think, in any business. It certainly matters online, where word of mouth is so very, very powerful.
Amazonは顧客のことを気にかけることで有名だ。実際、Amazon の企業文化のあり方を決める際Bezos氏はそれを主力スローガンに掲げ、また間違いなくそれが最も大事な規範になっている。Bezos氏は、顧客を中心に考える創設者だ。
私たちが過去6年間にインターネット上でライバル企業よりも優位にいる理由をあげるならば、それは、顧客の満足度に注力しているからです。 それは事実、ビジネスにおいて、大切なことだとおもいます。
But Jack Ma has a slightly different angle. Ma told CNBC newscasters, minutes after Alibaba listed on the New York Stock Exchange on September 22, “Customers first, employees second, and shareholders third.” What the newscasters didn’t realize was that when Ma thinks of customers, he’s not talking about everyday consumers in the same way as Bezos. To Ma, his customers are the small businesses that use the firm’s Taobao and Tmall marketplaces. Speaking at Stanford in 2013, Ma outlined this clearly:
Alibaba is not a company for consumers [...] I knew that we didn’t have the right DNA to become a consumer company. The world is changing very fast, and it’s hard to gauge consumers’ needs. Small businesses know more about the needs of their customers. We had to empower our power sellers and our SME’s to support their customers.
This divergence is profoundly clear when you dig into stories about Amazon’s dealings with small businesses. In 2006, Amazon throttled the sales of a 200-year-old German business selling knives. In 2007, when Amazon released the Kindle, it didn’t reveal the US$9.99 price to publishers until the day of the release. And just this year, Amazon is making it harder for customers to buy books from publisher, Hachette, all because, as Forbes notes, “Amazon wants a bigger piece of its suppliers’ profit margins to purportedly pass on to its customers in the form of lower prices.” Amazon functions like a monopolistic empire.
You just won’t see this kind of behavior at Alibaba. The philosophy is poles apart from Amazon’s. This is what Jack Ma had to say on this very topic at Stanford in 2011:
I believe in the internet time, there is no empire thinking. I hate the empire. Empire thinking means join me or I’ll kill you. And I don’t like that model. I believe the ecosystem. [...] I believe everybody should be helping each other, connecting each other. It’s an ecosystem. So Taobao become so big, so fast, and I worry about that. Give the industry some opportunity, give the competitors some opportunity.
「インターネット時代においては、大企業的な考えた方は通用しないと私は思っていますし、賛同もできません。大企業的な考えた方とは、賛同しなければ潰してやる、という考え方です。私はその考え方は好きではありません。エコシステムに共感しています。[...] 皆、お互いを助け、繋がり合うべきだと私は信じています。それがエコシステムです。だから、Taobaoはあんなに早くそれもあんなに大きくなりましたが、逆にそれが心配の種です。この業界や競合にもビジネスチャンスを提供すべきだと思っています。」
No money, no technology, and no plans
When you dig deeper into the business philosophies of these two giants, you start to see even deeper discrepancies. When Ma spoke again at Stanford in 2013, he outlined some peculiarities of Alibaba’s founding story.
The ignorant are not afraid. There were three reasons behind our success. They were very valid points. First, we had no money. Second, we didn’t understand technology. Third, we never planned.
Alibaba started with RMB 50,000. That’s about US$8,150. When Amazon started out, Bezos got US$300,000 from his parents.
Ma was an English teacher before starting his entrepreneurial journey. Bezos graduated from an Ivy League school.
In contrast to Ma’s “no plan” (he goes into it much deeper here), Bezos is the meticulous planner. In a short video in 2009, following the acquisition of Zappos, Bezos outlines the “only things he knows.” The list includes: obsessing over customers, inventing, and thinking long-term. Bezos adds:
Ma氏は起業家としての旅を開始する前に、英語の教師でした。 Bezos氏は、アイビーリーグの学校を卒業しました。
Ma氏の「ノープラン(無計画)」とは対照的に、Bezos氏は、きめ細かなプランナーでした(彼はここでそれにはるかに深入りしている)。 2009年の短いビデオには、Zapposの買収に続いて、Bezos氏は「彼が知っている唯一のもの」の概要リストが含まれています。そのリストに含まれているもの:長期間、お客様へのこだわり、発明したり、考えたもの。Bezos氏の追加:
正しい日本語に翻訳されていません。翻訳指示にもしたがっていません。 startupdating declined this translation
正しい日本語に翻訳されていません。「です」「である」調が混在し、翻訳ガイドラインにもしたがっていません。 startupdating declined this translation
Any company that wants to invent on behalf of customers has to be willing to think long-term. And it’s actually much rarer than you might think. I find that most of the initiatives that we undertake may take five to seven years before they pay any dividends for the company [...] It requires and allows a willingness to be misunderstood.
But in one or two ways, these tech titans are growing. Today, Ma’s net worth is US$21.8 billion, making him the 37th richest person in the world. Bezos is worth US$30.5 billion, putting him 21st on the list.
日本語が不自然な箇所も多いです。 startupdating declined this translation